> This commmand allows you to convert your shell output into an image as this makes it much easier than taking a screenshot of your shell if you want to share your output with someone.
Why is this becoming a more common practice? There is nothing more annoying than a picture of a block of text that I can't copy, quote, or modify and send back to someone.
> There is nothing more annoying than a picture of a block of text
Oh, but there is: Videos of bug reports where a person first has to explain that they have found a bug, and they will try to reproduce it now, and if you're still watching after 3 minutes you might see the important 5 seconds of the video, that could have been expressed in a few well-written sentences!
“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an adage many would agree with.
People intuitively can ‘show’ you what’s wrong but most non-developers will have a hard time phrasing it.
“I press the button and nothing happens” is representative of written bug reports I’ve seen. What button? What’s supposed to happen? What page are you on? How can I reproduce this?
Almost all issues I’ve seen with a video I can reproduce. But I agree that they should be succinct.
> Almost all issues I’ve seen with a video I can reproduce.
Oh yeah, totally, my experience has been that video bug reports are literally a thousand times better than text bug reports. I've worked in console game dev where we even required reproducer videos because they're so much better at showing the context of what happened. Often the text description was wrong and/or wildly incomplete and/or full of assumptions the user made about how things work or what's going on, and the video would demonstrate the issue and allow me to not have to engage in a lengthy back-and-forth conversation trying to understand the situation.
> “A picture is worth a thousand words” is an adage many would agree with.
I do too, but until now, I had never read that the other way around, that a picture might cost a thousand words. ;)
If you do a minimum of testing, bugs often depend on context. For example, in case of a UI bug, maybe the user zoomed in, maybe he is using a non-default font, maybe he is using a different locale, maybe he did some action without realizing it (ex: scrolling, resizing the window), maybe the time is incorrect, etc...
"I click that button and it crashed" isn't going to help you there, you know it doesn't crash, you use that button all the time...
If it is as straightforward as it looks, watching that 3 minute video is your punishment for not testing. Yes, I know, I don't test either, but don't blame the reporter for it.
I agree that a video can provide more context than text does. However, most videos I have received as bug reports in the past failed to do that. I just saw the user doing random stuff leading to random events. I'd say that often the most important thing to have is actually not a well-written bug report or a well-made video, but rather having access to the user's settings file and logs (if that exists for the application), as they often contain the explanation of why you don't see what the user sees.
There was a vendor we had, they used the free version of a popular screen recorder for ALL their support tasks.
Put in a ticket asking how to do something? They sent you a link to a very slow-moving screencast of going in and turning an option on/off or configuring a setting. No audio!
Their knowledge base articles were just a collection of links to screen recordings! It was so annoying.
Guess what happened when that company shut the free version of their app down...
My favorite version of this trope is a video of a computer screen taken from a poorly held phone. Bonus points if the video is in portrait, cropping off important bits of text.
Sure, not everyone's comfortable with a computer, and they think they're clever with a solution. I still get annoyed when I get one of these videos.
I love video reports, even bad videos since you can just ask for clarification and usually they point out what they were trying to show and you get the context from the video.
I like it so much that I've considered implementing always-on screen recording in our QA debug builds.
My personal theory is that fewer and fewer people spend time on actual general computing devices. When confined to straitjackets like phones and tablets, people resort to the one functionality that is easy to reach for, namely screenshots. I'm guessing the habit spreads?
Just look at the amount of garbage "here's my code as a screenshot, what's wrong?" questions Stack Overflow has to remove each and every single day.
I remember reading a few years ago from a teacher that was teaching a class that involved using the school computers, and a good amount of the kids seemingly didn't comprehend how to use a desktop OS with a windowing system. I can't remember the specifics but they seemed to only use it within the constraints of what they were used to from using smartphones and iPads. Like only using 1 app at a time in fullscreen, and didn't really understand dragging and dropping between different windows.
It's faster to do "screenshot area to paste buffer" then paste it than to select the text you want (text selection requires more precision than just snagging a zone of the screen) and fiddle with text formatting on the receiving program (Slack, email, whatever). I do it all the time when I just want to show someone something short, and don't expect them to need to copy it. Bonus: precisely the same workflow works for non-text.
Did you zoom in enough? On my system, it produces an image with pixel width of 11000 and file size of 3 MB, so the text appears too small when the default image viewer shows it at 12% zoom in order to make it fit within the available display size. Zooming in to show it at 100% zoom makes the text readable.
While this command works fine and is readable too at 100% zoom, I wonder why one would do this. Isn't copy-pasting the text output of 'ps aux' more convenient than creating a large image out of it that is not easy to read, filter, etc.?
pretty sure it just puts the image of all the lines from the screen on top of each other, so it's pretty useless for me too. I've been trying to get this to work so I can automate screen grabs that are required for some audits we do.
100% agree but I think the motivation is not to purposefully be inaccessible but rather to get aesthetically pleasing stylings like code highlighting, font choice, editor theme, etc. People will always choose the pretty solution over the accessible one, unless forced to do otherwise. So, we need to make it easier (easier than screenshotting actually) to share code over text and yet keep all those sick styles you want. Just look at Medium for what NOT to do. Never have I seen a more hostile forum for code sharing. Look at GitHub for a decent example. There really isn’t a good example I’m aware of. Even highlight.js I have trouble getting my code to “scroll overflow” rather than wrap (which for code can be more problematic than it is for regular writing).
TextSniper[0] is great on macOS, and is part of Setapp now. I also wrote my own script that hooks into Google cloud vision API for the really tough stuff. I use this many, many times a day. It's changed my life - never realized what a problem this was and how much time could be saved by grabbing bits of previously un-copyable text from stubborn places.
The only reason to post an image instead of a pastebin is for engagement. I understand the engagement practices we are subject to on attention marketplaces like twitter, but is it that hard to provide a supplemental pastebin link?
It's not engagement. It's usability. Way better having the image in context than having an external link to a text written with fixed width font. Obviously you should ALSO provide the link to the text in the tweet so one can easily copypaste (if interested in the code/text after seeing the image preview)
Some locations and people have sites like pastebin blocked, but image hosting allowed. Also in case of say technical blog posts, a combination of certain text characters might trigger a false positive for malware on your site. You don't get that problem with images.
It’s convenient to share in a Slack (and similar) channel. At least I do it all the time. Also, convenient to attach in an RCA doc that’s shared with higher ups who don’t have time to play around with metrics dashboard.
It's pretty handy for gifs where you actually see the problem getting reproduced. But for the rest I agree it is getting rather annoying. And I honestly don't know why tech-savvy people who work on software themselves would do it. It is slower and less convenient.
For others it's pretty clear though: taking a smartphone picture and emailing it around is probably always faster than other means. Plus I'm pretty sure less tech-savy people simply have no idea Ctrl-C works nearly everywhere, including shells and dialog boxes.
You cannot tweet a piece of formatted text. You can sort quote it in Facebook, but any formatting like color will be lost, and color is often important in terminal output.
So, sadly, the picture is made exactly with the purpose of proper quoting, unfortunately losing the textual content :(
I dunno, but google photos does an amazing job of taking a picture and then just allowing you to select text right out of it. Even text with a weird font (possible handwriting?). Kinda blows my mind.
"python3 -m http.server" is really useful when building simple JavaScript pages, or when you need a simple static file server for testing.
"ss -p" is great, but if you just want to see what's hogging your bandwidth, iftop and nethogs are much better.
My favourite one-liner is "open .", to open the current directory in Finder. The open command can also open URLs and other files.
I also have an alias for "osascript -e 'display notification "'"$1"'"'", which will display the text you choose in a MacOS notification. It's useful when you need to be notified at the end of a long-running task. "printf '\a'" is also useful if you need the terminal to "ding".
For those that don't know "start ." is the Windows version of "open .", opening Explorer in the current folder.
Speaking of Windows, "pushd \\servername\sharename" is a simple way to mount a share in Windows, if you have the login creds cached, and set the new drive letter as your active drive. Useful if you need to bounce around a bunch of shares.
It's not "start" is an alias to "explorer", it's that "start" runs the args through "ShellExecute".
I mention this only because it has some other uses. For instance, Windows apps can install run handlers so that something like Start->Run->Excel will launch Excel. Just running "excel" on a command prompt won't work, but "start excel" will work, since that kicks off the right path.
You can also use something like "start /w filename.txt" to start an instance of your editor, and wait for it to close (well, mostly, some apps do weird things and break this)
Also «open somefile.txt» can open, well, any file or directory, just as if you double clicked it. It works on multiple files, too. And possibly URLs, but I don’t have a mac anymore to check.
A slightly upgraded bash/zsh function for displaying a notification:
noti() {
osascript -e \
'on run argv
display notification (item 1 of argv) with title "Notification"
end run' \
# Example:
noti 'Hello world!'
This fixes any escaping issues by passing the notification string to osascript as an argument instead of embedding it in the text of the program (which makes things like quotation marks not work correctly).
Sticking it in your .bashrc or .zshrc will make it available at any time in your shell.
Most Linux based OSes will probably have busybox installed which includes its own web server. This can be nice if you don't have python (or if you think its overkill.)
Not a one-liner by itself, but sticking pbcopy/pbpaste into a pipeline is great for quick text processing. Wish you had regency support in a text field? `pbpaste | sed s/needle/NEEDLE/g | pbcopy`
$ rin +30 Check the turkey
$ rin '14:30 tomorrow' Watch baseball
I currently have it setup so it pops up a modal dialog using Zenity. As well, it uses my cheap-and-cheerful bespoke notification doohickey that I have running in waybar, another script called notify: https://github.com/jvinet/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/notify
This way, I have a nagging badge/icon in my waybar system tray until I finally do check that turkey and watch that baseball.
Nice list, but the descriptions are written like they describe the next command, not the previous one. I would not recommend doing this to cat a bunch of files ;):
> If you want to cat bunch of files at once you can this command.
As an audio-free alternative to `say 'success'`, you could use `tput bel`. Konsole, and many other terminals, can flash the screen or show a normal OS notification when a terminal bell is triggered in a non-active terminal window. This doesn't do the success/fail thing though.
I do something similar for long job on the remote server: an alias to send me an email + a rule in Outlook which opens a popup when an email with this subject is received (I haven't managed to get sound from VNC)
Here's a few functions / aliases I have set up that I use on a pretty regular basis:
# Generate a random password and copy it to the clipboard.
pw () {
pwgen -sync "${1:-48}" -1 | xclip
# Get the current weather.
weather () {
curl https://wttr.in/"${1}"
# Get the numeric value of a file / directory's permissions.
alias octal="stat -c '%a %n'"
The TL;DR for not using openssl is that you're not going to get the same amount of characters every time. For example if you run yours with 48 characters instead of 12 it won't generate 48 characters every time you run it. With pwgen (something you can apt or brew install) you know what you're getting every time.
Did you test your solution on macOS btw? I know macOS uses an ancient version of Bash and has different binaries that act differently vs Linux (such as sed). I don't have a Mac here but I do try to make my dotfiles compatible with it. If your solution works on macOS it would be nice to drop the pwgen dependency.
HASH Commit_date Branch_Name
A white branch_name means it is local.
Red means it is remote.
Yellow branch_name is the current branch.
It will also tell you if your checked out branch is ahead or behind the remote branch.
$ cargo build --release
error: failed to get `bitflags` as a dependency of package `alacritty v0.9.0-dev (/home/myuser/sources/alacritty/alacritty)`
Caused by:
failed to initialize index git repository
Caused by:
failed to parse config file: invalid configuration key (in /home/myuser/.config/git/config:57); class=Config (7)
On macOS you can read and write to the clipboard with pbcopy and pbpaste:
$ ls | pbcopy
$ pbpaste > out.txt
You can also put this in a function in order to get the path of the frontmost Finder window:
osascript 2>/dev/null -e '
tell application "Finder"
return POSIX path of (target of window 1 as alias)
end tell'
Get the current Finder selection:
osascript 2>/dev/null -e '
set output to ""
tell application "Finder" to set the_selection to selection
set item_count to count the_selection
repeat with item_index from 1 to count the_selection
if item_index is less than item_count then set the_delimiter to "\n"
if item_index is item_count then set the_delimiter to ""
set output to output & ((item item_index of the_selection as alias)\'s POSIX path) & the_delimiter
end repeat'
You can also select one or more files and use the hotkey Command + Option + C to "Copy N items as Pathname", which copies the full pathname of each item to your clipboard.
I use autohotkey to script some of my favorite things, which is another great way to get good use out of the command line on various systems where I don't necessarily need/want to set up a .bashrc.
hotkey: "du-m"
Use: Sort directories by usage:
du -m --max-depth=1 | sort -n
hotkey: "wpinfo"
Use: gets basic WordPress site info:
code for AHK
echo Home URL $(wp option get home) ; echo Site URL $(wp option get siteurl);echo "###
Plugins ###"; wp plugin list;echo "### Themes ###"; wp theme list;echo "### Users ###";
wp user list; echo "### Roles ###"; wp role list; wp core verify-checksums
hotkey: awk(1-5)
use: saves me typing something I fat finger every. single. time.
awk '{ print $1 }'
awk '{ print $2 }'
awk '{ print $3 }' etc
::awk1::awk '{{} print $1 {}}'
There are others but these are the ones that come to mind. The main thing isn't the scripts but the automation. And AHK can save a ton of error-prone typing or copy/pasting in these scenarios.
Of all the things awk can do, I will never understand the popularity of echoing an argument.
The same thing in bash would be:
$ arg1 () { echo $1; }
$ arg1 one two three
Splitting fields is easy with cut:
$ echo one two three | cut -f 1 -d " "
Normally you just want to stuff it into a variable in which case read is much easier:
$ read arg1 arg2 arg3 < <(echo one two three)
$ echo arg1
Symbolic names are normally much easier to read than numeric positions.
That last example looks a bit weird with <() instead of a pipe, but that's just because the right hand side of a pipe is a separate shell so setting variables in it is a bit useless. It's nothing specific to read.
As far as I'm aware, rm -f !(text.txt) isn't enabled by default, at least in bash. You have to enable extended globbing by running 'shopt -s extglob' first (or add it to your profile).
Great feature though, it adds a ton of extra pattern matching. Not (!) is definitely my most used though.
The use of grep the author proposes will have each line of output prefixed with the name of the file it came from followed by a colon. That is if the glob expands to more than one file though, if it only expands to a single file then it is equivalent to cat. Use of the -h option should be passed to grep if the difference in format is something the author wishes to guarantee.
That meme "useless use of cat" is a major pet peeve of mine...
It makes no sense. Starting your pipe with cat is alright. I make a point of always starting all my pipes with cat, even in the cases where it is a bit unnatural.
Yep. Writing "<file " is just as good as "cat file |". Still I'm more used to writing cat. The only (marginal) advantage of cat over explicit redirection at the beginning is maybe that you can split the lines more cleanly with cat:
cat file |\
program1 |\
program2 |\
If you use a redirection, since the command does not start with a pipe the symmetry is broken.
Redirections at the start of the line are fun. I have an alias
alias null='>/dev/null 2>/dev/null'
this allows to run GUI programs without cluttering the terminal with useless GTK/QT warnings:
this is incredible, I had already given up on this, and the solution was in front of my eyes the whole time! You have just greatly enhanced the elegance of several scripts in my lab.
Wow. Thank you for explaining this! I'd never understood why `cat` was called useless when (so far as I then knew) there was no other way to "start a left-to-right pipe by reading from a file" (other than the aforementioned `grep <filename> *`). This helps!
There's a natural workflow that tends to get ignored in these discussions: when you're not sure of all the details of the pipeline yet and your file is big enough to slow you down.
I typically start with (say) `head file | grep '2020'`. Once it does what I want I move to the next step, and so on until it's done. At that point, and having chained 5-6 commands, replacing `head` with `cat` is faster and less likely to break due to me putting the '<' in the wrong place. The simplicity and extra peace of mind is well worth an extra process IMHO.
Why always start with cat? Not using cat when you don’t need to means less typing, more efficient and mor robust code. Why use it if you don’t need to?
It's easier to change the start of a chain that starts with cat than if you're passing a filename into your first program. Even though it's _technically_ misuse, cat can improve composability.
I don’t think efficiency matters much in this case, but more robust and concise code is better. Most commands either take a file as a unnamed argument or you can just do something like <filename. But I agree, there may be commands where passing the file name is awkward (eg. jq)
I believe this command is present to prefix each line of output with the filename. But this ignores all the blank lines. That can of course be fixed easily with:
grep ^ *
Here is what I normally use myself if I want to show the content of files with their filenames:
tail -n +1 *
This shows the name of the file once at the beginning of each file and no more. Here is an example:
> This command will allow you to share your terminal session in real time.
Using `script` for this seems nice for when you don't want them to be able to control the same computer. Like person foo on their computer would
nc -l 9000
then you could
script -f >(nc foo 9000)
to show them your session. One could also add some encryption to the pipe.
If both controlling the same computer is not a problem or is even desired, then it's probably simplest to just share a tmux session. One runs `tmux` and the other `tmux a`.
Neat trick with the named pipe and the script command. Note that visual editors (and anything else like ls that are aware of the terminal size) will not work well unless all terminal windows are the exact same size. And type, obviously.
Yes, but it gets confusing if you already have previous screens running (-x opens the right one if you only have one) so I provided a more "foolproof" version.
I always use named screens since it's quicker and more organized than typing `screen -ls` before every time and then making a decision on whether or not to name the new one (I still think it's better to name the first one in any case in the vast majority of (my) cases).
I use cut instead of awk, at least for logs like apache or ones with fixed amount of spaces between fields, because it means less parsing/work, specially for summarizing long log files. Also use cat of the log as input, because is the same pattern for zcat/grep/zgrep if the input is compressed or I did some selection of records before.
Some of the records you may have to search could have the port attached (i.e. output of netstat, haproxy logs or others) so for stripping them I add
rev | cut -d ":" -f 2- | rev
on the list of IPs to not get messed up with IPv6 records.
1) Import package.json, call it 'pack'. 2) Put pack in the pipeline. 3) map pack to pack.dependencies. 4) flatMap (-m x) to remove nesting. Because pipeline is an array, and it contains pack.dependencies - another array. 5) Exec command with '-e'
The comment about sharing a terminal using mkfifo reminds me:
Screen has a multi-display mode you can use with "screen -x" that lets multiple clients connect to the same session. Useful if you want to walk someone through a process.
I sometimes wish there was a linux command that when piped into turned anything into json readable format, so `ps | json-pipe` would output something like [{pid: 133, name, etc}, ...] or `ls | json-pipe` would turn into [{name, size, etc}].
It would handle most known commands and maybe had plugin support for the rest.
Just a thought I had. Don't really know if it's possible or feasible. But it would make working with command line much more predictable and easier especially if it also supported jmespath! What do you guys think?
For this to work on the command line, the json-pipe command would need some heuristic for parsing arbitrary input, could be tricky.
Interestingly enough, the Arista CLI actually implements something like this, but it's not a real pipe or a separate command - each command implements it's own `<command> | json` handler.
Not a linux command, but PowerShell (on linux) have a ConvertTo-Json cmdlet, it can parse dotnet object, so 'Get-ChildItem | ConvertTo-Json' will give you the output you want, but it is less successful with text so 'ls -alh | ConvertTo-Json' will give you an array and not distinct objects.
Rails dev. This runs the most recently modified test in your spec/ directory:
bin/rspec $(find spec -type f -exec stat -f '%a %N' {} \; | sort -r | head -1 | awk '{print $NF}')
So if you are working on a spec & save it, running this will execute that spec & only that spec. I have it hooked up to a mapping in neovim, so hitting `<leader>rt` runs the test.
Needs some tweaking, and I'm aware that guard exists. This is simpler. Quick & does the job.
Sending typescript to a FIFO seems odd. Sure you can see live input rather than following a line at a time with tail -f but you also lose persistence. To share something live I'd just use tmux or screen, granted if you want to ensure the observer has read only access there may be a couple more steps than using a FIFO.
That's neat! I can also find my upstream DNS servers recursive resolver IP by leaving the @ns.google.com off. Looks like my upstream resolvers are using IPv6 :)
Also, I can find the resolver IP for popular public resolvers this way too.
This is probably the coolest thing I will learn about today.
import is part of ImageMagick and "saves any visible window on an X server and outputs it as an image file. You can capture a single window, the entire screen, or any rectangular portion of the screen."
Speaking of one liners... is there a way to get w3m or lynx to print a PRETTY formatted output to the console and exit? Seems all the dump commands are for plain text. Hoping someone here knows as this arcane knowledge doesn’t seem to exist elsewhere.
fvi - find vi - recursively grep for a pattern and pass the successful files into the editor. I use this to find examples in a codebase. Sure, it would be nice to set editor's pattern and have it jump to the first occurrence but that has been a bridge too far. Maybe I'll try again with VSC. (Yeah, VSC doesn't seem to have a way of setting the search pattern.)
I knew this one was coming. I've been using it for a very long time and it hasn't let me down. I have considered using git but found no compelling reason to migrate.
Same here, I still use svn on my 20 year old projects and haven't felt the need change. I use git for my newer projects but occasionally run into issues that cause me to have to search for a solution.
In general, for a very large old project that has no major problems with SVN, it's easiest to just leave it. Lots of open source projects are still on SVN (some even on CVS...)
Why is this becoming a more common practice? There is nothing more annoying than a picture of a block of text that I can't copy, quote, or modify and send back to someone.