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Today, to get a game to work on an older system.

Several times last week when I needed to use an old proprietary program that used several outdated libraries.

Every single time I want to run a program (usually a game) that has a runtime dependency on pulseaudio[1]. (apulse[2] usually works to translate the libpulse ABI back to ALSA).

One time I had to write my own version of a library that specifically emulated the ABI used by an important program from an outside vendor. Obviously this didn't "just work"; it required a couple weeks of work to write the new version. The point isn't that future versions of a library will magically "just work". With a dynamically linked dependency replacement is at least possible. If the program in question was statically linked, nothing could be changed.

The question isn't about which method is less work or easier to maintain. The question that matters in the long run is if you want the basic ability to modify program's dependencies in the future to fix an important problem?

[1] As of a few years ago, the stupid design decisions in pulseaudio make it make it highly incompatible with my needs. Just having it installed makes runtime linking issues even worse. It also add insane amounts of latency (>5ms is bad. >50ms is insane) by design.

[2] https://github.com/i-rinat/apulse

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