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As for C, sure, AT&T is so much better than FAANG. C++ was also heavyly corporate. Python won over Ruby because of FAANG support (I personally like Ruby more, but as it's not supported by big companies, it remained behind in deep learning for example). Also NVIDIA has great Python support, which is really important for high performance software development.

As for Perl, I just look at it as a stepping stone for more modern scripting languages.

A lot of companies also contributed to Linux, but that's not the issue.

The concern comes from having a *small* number of companies with a notoriously aggressive behavior controlling a project.

Google is especially known for using products as weapons against competitors and drop them suddenly after a while.

Sure tying Rust development cycle to Azure+VS code, AWS or GCP would be quite bad (run rust-analyzer on Azure for example). At least Facebook doesn't have this kind of infrastructure yet.

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