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Asteroid To Buzz Earth Monday, June 27th (skyandtelescope.com)
18 points by wglb on June 26, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

More like a tiny little asteroid, or mega-meteoroid.

How come you never see cool things in North America? I guess we'll just have to make do and carry on with our software-infested careers.

Part of the reason for this is that the center of the galaxy is in the South, at about 30 degrees. So many astronomically interesting things are in that direction. Obviously not the case for a solar system object like an asteroid however.

more eyes and dollars need to be on near earth objects, such short notice is kind of scary

Given it's size it's probably not something easy to spot from to far away. Also if I remember correctly there is an issue with near earth asteroids hiding in the glare of the sun which makes them hard to spot.

Earth to asteroid: Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.

Cool, a birthday gift from Space. :)

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