I commend the author on their entrepreneurialism. Not sure why this needs to be a native app. You can code up a web app to generate color palettes in about 20 minutes, which is a fun excercise. Or you can just google color palette generator:
Honestly, half of the point was to have a native app. It changes the perception of the product, gives it a proper presence on your app dock, works offline, and has the system related features you would expect :)
It also helps piggyback on the App Store for discovery.
Color management is done on the OS level. If you're not happy with the quality of app.. would love to know what's not working for you - and am happy to provide a refund.
Designer here, actually a big fan of the desktop software approach. I tend to keep all my ressources as local as possible and don't really like working off webapps and being account & online bound in my process. I guess that's a matter of taste, but I'm really happy seeing this project pop up.
Alright, maybe a bit more than 20 mins. It's ugly, it's rudimentary, but it works. Feel free to fork it. The color/palette generation functions can use some work and I am not a designer.
Obviously it was a bit of a facetious comment, and props to the author for building a full iOS app. This is definitely not that.
*I have a bunch of color related function code snippets I use for dataviz, so I did not write the utils file "from scratch" just now. Also chakra-ui is a great component library that helps with quick prototyping.
Also, maybe consider hosting on Netlify or Vercel or Github Pages, or anything that doesn't require a server to spin up for a static site.