Oh shit, you're the author... Alright, I've read the links and I'm willing to change my mind and accept that this is a more complicated topic that I thought and that being a furry isn't inherently sexual. I'm sorry.
No, this is not good think, this leads to discrimination and hate. I am not a furry but I know some IRL and they are nice, good people with private activities that are different that yours. Let it go and don’t worry yourself what persona anonymous folks wanna project. Have fun.
Feel what you will, but if they aren’t affecting you, there is no need to interact and discriminate. Just let them get on with it. Back peddling claiming it is just a joke is no excuse. Adjust your attitude. Someone looking through your comments and seeing anime watcher might make the same comment about you.
Well, I'm being facetious. I read the post and the author seems to be a good person and intelligent. I just think furries are gross. I would still be friends with one.