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The NLRB are appointed by the president and can behave with incredible political bias: https://republicans-oversight.house.gov/release/oversight-re...

The reach of the executive branch has extended far beyond what is healthy for the nation of the United States.

Sure, but they're still constrained by the Courts of Appeal and the Supreme Court. And that bias would show up in the final decision: merely having a letter saying the NLRB will take up the case is multiple steps removed from the political appointment concerns.

Tell that to Boeing: https://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/10/business/labor-board-drop...

I'm pretty sure no one wants to start a dispute almost guaranteed 0-1 before an appeals court that may or may not be sympathetic to your plight.

Even in Boeing's case, which was incredibly high-profile, they decided on an a very expensive settlement rather than fight the case.

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