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Samsung Pro Audio used to be the only low-latency audio API on Android devices. AFAIK it was a very thin wrapper over JACK. Of course, using it often crashed the app, and then Samsung first declared it deprecated and then didn't port it to 64-bit runtime.

Because eventually AAudio was created, by the time 64 bit Android started to matter.

Is AAudio really low latency, or "low latency" in the same sense as low latency modes in Android Audio and OpenSL ES? It's surprisingly difficult to find actual numbers that would compare between these three.

In the sense that OpenSL is out of the game, and AAudio is good enough for Samsung to drop their Audio SDK.

Now if you compare it with iOS, it still isn't going to win the race, neither in ms nor in tooling.


"Good enough for Samsung" is very, very low bar.

It could have been removed too because app developers didn't use it, because they couldn't make it stable or because they couldn't make it work together with mic permissions.

Anyway, I'm interested in numbers, and specifically whether switching from Android Audio or OpenSL to AAudio brings any significant improvement.

What the hell is Android Audio?

I suggest you to educate yourself in Android audio subsytems.

It's a name that's sometimes used for AudioTrack, AudioRecord and related classes under android.media. Does that collection have an official name? I would also suggest that you learn some manners.

Well, as someone with Android development experience I never saw it mentioned like that anywhere.

I guess this means you don't have any idea about the actual latency difference. It's okay to not know things, you don't have to be a jerk about it.

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