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For a number of years I've kept project logs (or "lab notebooks") for the various projects I have in progress. I've found project logs really great for reducing the time getting up to speed when switching between projects.

I've frequently recommended the habit to other developers.

Project logs are a form of documentation that really helps "future me". Because I write entries as I go, the overheard for any entry is really low so that encourages me to write more.

An added bonus, the notes I take along the way are accessible to others and they can find the way I worked around a bug or solved an error message. Also, there's always many more "in progress" projects that never make it to a site like Instructables but a project log can help others reproduce the work.

When I was unable to write project logs for a while I really missed it so I started a project to make writing them easier. And then I thought, hey, why not make it available to other people too.

So, thanks to HN's inspiration I recently launched Labradoc.com to provide "project logs to help you...and everyone else".

It fits the definition of an EMVP (embarrassingly minimal viable product) but I hear that's the done thing. :)

While I'm interested in feedback about Labradoc in its current state I'm also keen just to get people trying it out.

Keeping a project log is really beneficial, so whether you use a text file, blog, personal wiki or Labradoc I highly recommend you give it a try.

Thanks for your time!

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