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Mmmm, no. Nix is not a SaaS that builds your snapshots that you have to pay for (or that "they need to monotize", what's wrong with people?), it's a whole ecosystem ranging from a full OS (NixOS) down to a package manager (Nix Package Manager) and programming language (just "Nix).

Not sure what needs clarification here, it's pretty up-front about it's mission and features already.

> Your snapshots and abilities to rollback etc are likely to be dependent on their storage servers

Not sure where you get this from. Snapshots are stored locally unless you specify otherwise, and then you'll get to chose whatever storage servers you want to use. Absolutely no "hidden" costs with Nix as it's a MIT licensed project and I don't think they even offer any "value-added" services nor paid customer support.

Edit: reading the issue you just created (https://github.com/nix-community/wiki/issues/34), I'm even more confused. "Given the need to monetise" is coming from where? Nowhere do they say that they have to monotize but don't know how/where, so where do you get this from? Not everything is about money.

I'm really impressed with it and am ONLY seeking clarity. I'll be extremely happy if I can use it standalone. Copyright, licensing are all I'm looking at.

e.g. Something like AGPL is considered copyleft and not compatible with 'open source' ethos. Still 'free' but the additional non-compete cloud service clause is both a sensible move, but something I'd just like to understand.

Your statement of 'what's wrong with people' is what is getting me. Borderline defensive. I'm definitely not knocking the product, quite the reverse. Its so good I want to embrace it wholeheartedly.

I have no problem paying for things, contributing voluntarily to a great product.

Its good to see that various organisations are committed to funding the infrastructure costs etc. (which negates my comment about storage servers).

As to monetisation,kind of irrelevant but was referring to paid services at the bottom of https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nix_Ecosystem

> e.g. Something like AGPL is considered copyleft and not compatible with 'open source' ethos. Still 'free'

I’ve had to read this several times and still don’t understand what you’re talking about. AGPL is a Free Software license. All Free Software licenses (to my knowledge) provide source access. AGPL is also OSI-approved, so it is also an open source license.

It’s unclear what point you’re trying to make?

Issue 34 is now closed. My thanks to the patience of people there who have clarified and improved the visibility of licensing.

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