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Yodo1 Games | REMOTE (Work from Anywhere) | Engineers, Product Managers, Data Scientist | Full-Time & Part-Time | https://yodo1.com/

Yodo1 is a global games company on a mission: helping developers turn their games into scalable businesses. Today, our Managed Ad Services (MAS) platform is helping nearly one thousand developers around the world improve their mobile game monetization. In 2021, we will expand to ten thousand.

We are re-imaging not only the future of the mobile gaming industry but the future of work. At Yodo1, we embrace a work-from-anywhere, excel-from-anywhere culture. If you thrive on frequent feedback in an entrepreneurial and flexible work environment, you’ll love being on our team.

Open roles:

1. Product Manager with experience in Advertising/Monetization: https://home.yodo1.com/careers/pm-mo

2. SDK Product Manager: https://home.yodo1.com/careers/sdk-product-manager

3. Android, iOS, and Plugin Developers: https://home.yodo1.com/careers

4. Data Scientist: https://home.yodo1.com/careers/data-scientist

More roles: https://home.yodo1.com/careers

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