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Enzyme (YC S17) | REMOTE in USA or Canada | Full-time | https://www.enzyme.com

Join the team that accelerated the development of multiple COVID-19 tests, including the very first test released, and the very first OTC test released.

At Enzyme, we're building software that accelerates the time to market for medical products by automating FDA compliance.

We've been a remote-first team for over a year. Tech stack is Rails, Ember, Elixir and Java. We are migrating portions of the app to Phoenix LiveView and would love to bring on developers interested in learning that tech.

Enzyme is hiring for

* Sr. DevOps Engineer

* Backend Engineers

* Full Stack Engineers

* QA Engineers

Learn more & apply here: https://angel.co/company/enzymecorp/jobs or email me with questions jared[at]enzyme[dot]com

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