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Could you provide a screenshot of a RTL terminal? I wasn't aware people use those. Probably showing my own ignorance here, but when would you need to use it.

Also, I'd assume this has nothing to do with terminal emulator (might be a wrong assumption). I thought the shell/TUI just has to position the cursor on the right hand side and emit the correct Unicode?

Currently I'm aware of two terminal that support RTL languages, Konsole and gnome-terminal.

The terminal itself doesn't need to be RTL, but the text that is entered or printed.

Here's screenshots of Konsole and Alacritty: https://imgur.com/a/x8Zy6ug

I'm not very knowledgeable on this. But, a program that wants to support RTL languages, in this case a terminal, needs to support bidirectional text and text shaping.

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