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Today I had to use autotools for the first time, where I previously only used CMake.

I thought I should be scared, and m4 looks daunting, but what they at least get right is that it's trivial to generate both shared and static libraries, cross-compilation is a breeze, and in the end all you need is a shell to configure and make to install.

CMake defaults to either shared or static libs, and sometimes you have to read the docs for a project to figure out what custom variables influence this; and cross-compilation is almost always guaranteed not to work because some find_x cmake script tries to compile and run a C source to figure out certain properties about the target (but it confuses that with the host system).

I think autotool's biggest limitation is its UX: it's very difficult to learn what are the good practices, what's deprecated, what new resources are available to make your build scripts more robust. Discoverability is poor. Every autotools project that I come across is a mess of copy/paste from another autotools project, with unneeded (and sometimes wrong) checks and complexity.

Last time I looked at autoconf et al. from a developer's view -- which is, admittedly, probably 20 years ago -- the documentation was quite good. The discoverability of, for example, the C standard library is also quite poor if you do not read the manual.

My take on discoverability is exactly being able to figure things out without the need for extensive documentation. The documentation should exist, of course, but you shouldn't need it for every corner.

This is exactly my biggest problem with some other tools: That they try to automate everything with lots of "magic". And this does not lead to clearly understandable, well-defined systems which are maintainable in the long run. If one is debugging hard problems, for example in multi-threaded code with deadlocks, what happens is that one needs to get a very clear understanding of what a certain piece of code does. The same is the case for debugging build systems. In the end, the build system needs to deliver an efficient, clearly understandable, unambiguous definition of how the software is constructed from the different pieces.

Some systems seem to try to absolutely minimize the amount of configuration code which is required for simple things, using "automatic configuration". If this is for clearly defined things like configuring a library to be static, this is fine. But when it becomes unclear and ambiguous what actually happens, or, worse, when you can't say what versions of dependencies are actually used, this is too much magic. And also when one needs twenty minutes or more to figure out how to switch on address sanitizer, or use a specific language standard. And this becomes worse when the configuration becomes more automagical with each iteration of the build software and the constructs and semantics start to depend on which version of the tool one is using.

autotools has the advantage that these things are quite explicit, and the configuration interface is very stable, and this helps to understand and maintain a system.

I just learned it three days ago, based on the tutorials I linked, and I found it quite easy to learn. In particular, it has very good introductory as well as reference documentation.

Here is a reddit link which shows a minimal setup:


This is all one needs to start a project. I actually think it is a good idea to use it quite regularly for hobby projects as well, just like "git init ." .

Sounds just like cmake

In my experience, it is much better than cmake: Apart from having good and comprehensive introductory documentation, it has a nicely ordered reference and also, it is stable, while cmake is changing, sometimes in backward-incompatible ways, and you find a lot of information which is disconnected and fragmentary and one does not know to which versions it applies. The latter will also, by all experience I have, make it much much harder to maintain and fix cmake projects in the long run. Think in a "modern"C++ code base which is 15 years old and in which every developer tried to include its favorite language constructs.

That is my experience as well. I have been using autotools-generated packages well over 20 years but thought it would be difficult to learn.

Recently, I got the job of supporting dozens of packages in an organizational environment. The first choice was cmake with Conan, but I found both to be quite ambiguous defined and it was really hard to figure out what was going on and how to get things to build. Then I found the autotools tutorials I linked before, and I needed less than one day to get going with autotools - and I find the build scripts easy to debug.

I think this is a larger issue with CMake - it has a lot of magic going on, but always leaving the user with fuzzy definitions and a really unclear concept of what is going on. And while I like the kind of magic which happens inside Emacs, for example, when it does just the right thing when I move the cursor around, I had this kind if magic which leaves me wondering what is going on and unable to fix issues based on systematic knowledge. I find it really, really time-consuming to work with such systems.

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