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> An ORM is an insanely convenient way for newbies to use various data stores while avoid learning umpteen different query languages

Let's count these umpteen different query languages: (1) SQL, (2) ... ?

> If you seek efficiency and performance, don't use an ORM.

If you don't need efficiency and performance, why use a DBMS at all? Isn't the whole point of a DBMS to make data access not only secure but also efficient (B-tree indexes, etc.)?

The variants of SQL are different between different databases.

Even the data-types supported are different.

It's not uncommon for consumer and enterprise products to have to work with different databases. In the case of a consumer product, it'd be a client having only one database type installed and requiring that your software use it. You benefit by writing in an ORM because you can have the same codebase for multiple db installs.

With enterprise customers it'll be having multiple databases installed at once, and having your code interface between all of them. You benefit with the ORM by not having to remember and handcode all of the query differences.

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