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I think this is a roughly fair assesment, but I also think it's important to contextualize memory safety. Ultimately, the goal here is to produce /correct/ software. Memory safety is a subset of this, but there are other aspects to correctness as well.

I really like zig's approach of explicitness and fast iteration cycles. Fast compile times and the very flexible build system makes me hopeful for a really slick workflow for embedded development,where zig code can be used to deploy and test as well. For my own use I think it's a clear win.

On the hand, the amount of damage poorly architected zig code can cause is about as large as for poor c code. For typical enterprise code the rust compiler will make sure that many bad decisions will not even compile. There's still a risk of towering abstractions, but at least I could avoid spending as much time debugging hideous race conditions.

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