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This is a SJW's worst nightmare... being told they aren't needed/helping by a PoC.

There are PoC on my team and they were asked about the master/main thing. None had an issue with 'master'.

They were also sent on the same Diversity 'education' course as everyone else. Again, they found it dumb and patronising. One even got into an argument with the WASP presenter. It was quite funny to witness.

> This is a SJW's worst nightmare.

"SJW" here. This kind of stuff gets posted all the time. It's usually full of logical fallacies (and anecdotal evidence, like your comment) and slurped up by people who are looking to confirm their biases. Sometimes it's not even written truly by a PoC.

What's the difference between 'anecdotal evidence' and a 'lived experience'?

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