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> they don't care about my company at all

So why is Google this way? They already have a terrible reputation for their non-existent support. Never thought they'd treat actual companies this way though. It makes no sense...

Inevitable. The entire company is built on a scalable business that required no direct contact with customers. Direct person to person interaction is the antithesis of their successful business model.

Of course, now when they enter a business that needs direct customer interaction, it shouldn't be surprising that they aren't good at it. No supportive processes and probably no internal appreciation for what reps do. Thus the turnover. They will have to build out a sub-org that nurtures and develops this part of the business.

I personally find customer interactions problems to be epidemic with fast-scaling internet businesses. It does however create a space for others to come in and do it better. We can hope...

Even their customer facing engineers who aren’t total a holes act like they are from a superior type of existence and we should be honored to be graced with their specialness without meaning to, but it is ground into them.

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