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People want to use JSON as on disk configuration files, and that's where they want the comments and trailing commas. You can either generate the configuration file from another file, which is frankly stupid annoying and leads to repositories with two copies of the same information, or modify the software that reads the configuration file to strip it before handing it to the JSON parser... which clearly "solves the problem" but also begs the question "ok, so what is the format of the actual confirmation file, then?". The answer to that latter question is more important, as the goal would then be to get everyone to standardize around that format, at which point (I guess) "JSON" would be obsolete as no one would use it and everyone would be using the new JSON wrapper format and all implementations would be designed to have a way to read that format... but like, at that point, you are just making a weird semantics argument. I think the core problem is we just have too many of these... like, what happened to JSON5? We need some reason to all rally around a single specific format of "JSON, but with comments and trailing commas (and I will personally request multi-line strings)".

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