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> That's not an issue I've experienced. Screenshot works instantly for me (both CmdShift-3 and CmdShift-4).

I have seen it take a few seconds to appear on the Desktop, but I thought that was the new Mac OS thing: the little thumbnail of your screenshot appearing during that delay in the lower right of the screen, not a hardware-specific thing.

Oh is that what they meant? Yeah, it takes a few seconds to appear on the desktop. You can click the thumbnail to edit it first.

No, In my case I meant, pressing Cmd-Shift-4 takes ±1-2 secs for cross-cursor to appear before you actually take the screenshot. Now I've checked taking with screenshot of Cmd-Shift-3 and it 'Takes' it after some delay. Not instantly like before. It saves it with additional delay like you describe, but it's something else. Still dumb and annoying in my opinion but I believe you can turn it off somewhere in GUI or with the command in terminal.

The next screenshot you take can be faster. But not always. There is some loading happening I believe before the first one. Than it works fast but Then it unloads something sometimes and sometimes not. I do not think it's a hardware problem like some say.

For anybody wondering about the terminal command, you can disable the thumbnail and make it instantaneously save with: defaults write com.apple.screencapture show-thumbnail -bool false

I can't speak to the rest of the slowness. But that thumbnail sure is annoying.

you can swipe the thumbnail to save without waiting

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