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Great page! Was this inspired by https://twitter.com/GlacialMeg/status/1362557149147058178 ?

Try drawing the infinity symbol under water - mine jumped out of the water! It even jumped off screen, and ended up like an 8, half submerged, half above water.

My other attempt hit the water/air boundary from below, and bounced back towards the bottom, off screen again, and reappeared in a bit.

There seems to be a bug with figures with boundaries that cross each other. Perhaps there is an issue with determining inside vs outside for the figure.

An infinity symbol drawn so the line crosses itself has issues. If you trace the outside of the symbol, without crossing, it works as expected.

Clearly yes. The page links to that exact tweet, and says it was the inspiration.

My bad, I didn't notice the scroll bar.

The only text I saw "above the fold" was the one above the drawing surface.

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