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I do. I follow HN using a RSS feed ( http://feeds.feedburner.com/newsyc100 , from http://talkfast.org/2010/07/23/a-cure-for-hacker-news-overlo... ), and I often read a submission and its comments a few days after the discussion has died down* .

Seeing comment scores is useful, because it lets me easily see the "best" comments. I don't see the problem with showing comment scores once the discussion has died down.

It's also useful to be able to see comment scores when browsing old threads, looking for specific information (using searchyc, bookmarked threads...).

*: of course, this approach is good for simple HN "consumption", but participating is harder, since few people reads the comment I make on week-old threads...

Seeing comment scores is useful, because it lets me easily see the "best" comments.

This is actually why I think comment scores should remain off indefinitely. People (including myself) have become too reliant on scoring as a measurement for the merit of comments. That may have worked when the site first started and had a small close-knit group of users. However, any site which experiences growth as HN has will inevitably become diluted for both quality of comments, and scoring, I believe. Yet, people will not adjust for that as they continue using scoring to inform them what is "best".

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