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What I meant by my last statement is that no news outlet would have wanted to talk about "the innovative power of GPT-2 Enterprise." That just sounds fake, honestly. Every SaaS company wants to talk about the "innovative power" of the extra doodads they tack onto their Enterprise plans of their open-core product; where usually nobody is paying for their SaaS because of those doodads, but rather just because they want the service, want the ops handled for them, and want enterprise support if it goes down.

But, by marketing it as a new version of the tech, "GPT-3", OpenAI gave journalists something they could actually report on without feeling like they're just shoving a PR release down people's throats. "The new generation of the tech can do all these amazing things; it's a leap forward!" is news. Even though, in this case, it's only a "quantity has a quality all its own" kind of "generational leap."

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