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Can you list a few? I have been wanting to play with an SSG. (Googling sends me down a rabbit hole.)

Every single one doesn't require a server. 11ty deployed to Netfliy is probably the most simple way get started.

Because everybody is clamoring to label themselves a react dev, Gatsby is also en vogue. Jekyll is the OG.

But while they don't require a database/server/etc, static sites do require a spaghetti mess of fragile dependencies on build, so have fun troubleshooting that.

TBH I don't build static sites anymore. They're cool for one-off pages, but any site that needs new content and regular updating is going to turn into a nightmare if you go the SSG route. And don't get me started on the many downsides of Headless CMS's.

In fact, the "evil Saas solutions" that this landing page bemoans are now exactly what I want. I've gone full Webflow now. Saas is just a better model for everybody involved.

> Every single one doesn't require a server... Netfliy is probably the most simple way get started.

Netlify is... A SERVER (actually many servers).

The only ones that DON'T require a server are distributed. The only ones I'm aware of use IPFS or Hypercore protocols (formerly DAT). Hypercore's probably the easiest as it is built into the Beaker browser and has been around in an easy browser accessible form for a while now, but Brave has just added support for IPFS.

Pipette and Orkl are static blog apps for Hypercore. There are probably others. I don't know the IPFS world well, so I dunno what's there.

Practically speaking though, the limited number of people hosting Hypercore / IPFS nodes means that the content you want is likely not available on the network at the moment _unless_, you guessed it, you put some of it on a server that's always on.

I recently dig up some old folders on my musheen and found harpjs back. It's a really nice static sige generator that I found easier to grasp than 11ty, gatsby, etc.


A list of 332: https://jamstack.org/generators/

(maybe a bit rabbit hole-ish but you can rank by popularity and filter by language and template)

Gatsby is the hot one for react. Jekyll is the granddaddy and probably has the most broad support. Gridsome for vue is good too.

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