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> Over time the role will change to reflect the changing organisation and role. > perhaps this assumption is a reflection of US work culture (you tell me, I don't know)?

I do not know anything about US work culture from first hand experience. I'm a software engineer from Sri Lanka working in Germany as a software engineer. It was my personal opinion and as I've said everyone has their own preference.

> Over time the role will change to reflect the changing organisation and role.

If the role has evolved, then it will not be the same job you did 'x' number of years ago. But according to original post, OP says "I have worked 20 years in the same job". Maybe I understood it incorrectly, but it seems like the role hasn't evolved or changed at all.

Yes, sorry, I meant same company. My role of course has changed although I'm still a developer/architect type, it's obviously changing all the time. I have been offered management type roles but consistently rejected them though so it's almost the same "job" too (developer). That my business card might say "Senior developer" or "Architect" doesn't really change what the job is I think.

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