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I was going to simply upvote this comment, but I'm chiming in to agree with you because I want to complement Jason for being the kind of developer that I really respect. He provides a tool that so valuable to so many and does so while dealing with a difficult set of requirements imposed by Apple. His response to a frustrated user isn't defensive but helpful and informative. Jason sets an example that the rest of us developers should strive for.

Precisely. Too often I see bad behaviour in open source communities justified with the lazy reply of "being nice does not produce good software" (multiple examples of this in yesterday's thread about suckless) and Jason's handling of this situation is a great refutation of that theory.

Going to chime in here as well. Jason's attitude here is commendable. I am going to add this to my collection of "things to read when I am unreasonably mad at something". Here is one from Greg K-H in case anyone is interested [1].

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25515566

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