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> What bothers me is that I’ve experienced an increasing number of maintainers of supposed cross platform projects simply not care about macOS anymore to the extent that they’re openly hostile towards macOS users.

So blame Apple for it - why do you blame the developers?

Apple wants you to forget that it is the developers that add value to a platform, and yet it charges them for the "privilege" of creating apps for their platform. And then they are openly and increasingly hostile to developers who do not conform to their business model and do not want to pay them or distribute the app through their app store - and thus they keep crippling API after API to make sure that the developers toe their line.

It is because of Apple's hostile attitude to developers that they no longer want to invest (or rather waste) their time on Apple platform.

Here's a real life example of an app that is now no longer viable on macOS because it doesn't suit Apple's goals - https://medium.com/tripmode/apple-started-hiding-the-traffic... ...

My condensed point is that it would be both a lot more clear to users and a more powerful middle finger to Apple if projects just dropped support for macOS.

Apple isn’t feeling the heat for the dumb decisions they make with their platform, users are because they get berated as idiots for ever owning an Apple device by frustrated maintainers.

I mean I’ve seen things like “the problem is not the $99 developer fee, it’s paying it to Apple”. If that’s how you feel then my offer to cover the fee so your project can publish notarized releases isn't going to go anywhere and your project wont ever properly support macOS. Sorry.

While Apple isn't right on everything, they are a business, and they have the responsibility to decide what they will provide and what they won't.

If they can't change X because it will screw over critical application group Y, then developers can complain as much as they want until they have some practical way to deal with that. If they were constantly screwing over Y, where Y was different depending on the problem, they could eventually screw up all of the apps, users, and developers.

Yes, developers on Apple platform need to be more vocal with their criticism and, if necessary, even boycott their platforms to be heard.

These are people that are not Apple developers however, they're cross platform developers, and support Mac OS so long as the burden is not too great (or simply allow others to do the work of supporting Mac OS in some cases).

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