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Not much of a smoking gun... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Le7Fqbsrrm8

Being fair, I said 'the closest thing to' a smoking gun. Plus you can't take these videos in isolation without considering that they were taken by trained observers using military grade sensor equipment. Not some random yokel in 1975 with an instamatic camera.

>Plus you can't take these videos in isolation without considering that they were taken by trained observers using military grade sensor equipment. Not some random yokel in 1975 with an instamatic camera.

In one of the events 4 trained observers, at the same time, backed up by a one of the most advanced radar systems in the US Navy (at the time), and later on the same day by another 2 trained observers that captured one of the videos.

It's worth listening to The Fighter Pilot podcast interview with him and a radar guy. It wasn't just a quick flash in the pan incident. Reports had been coming in for weeks. It had been seen on the East coast aswelll and the Mexican military also picked up on the objects.

Also David Fravor comments directly on Mick West Debunking video on Lex Fridman podcast (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBt4CNHyAck) .

Basically this would need to be a collaboration from several Navy people all for a big joke/hoax, risking their reputation for the joke/hoax itself (since as far as it's public none of them gained any money from this).

Even if it was for social capital... they're US Navy pilots. It's not like they need this event to be perceived as exceptional humans in that field.

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