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I only have data points for two different testing orgs, but in my area, GoHealth charges $250 for a rapid test, and Color charges $110 for a PCR test[0]. So it seems like that's flipped from what you're suggesting?

The Color tests can even come back in 8 hours or so, if you're not too far from a lab and the lab isn't overloaded. Not as fast as 15 minutes, and certainly higher variance, but much more useful than 72 hours people normally assume.

Regarding false negative rate, Hawaii is accepting some of the rapid tests (like the aforementioned GoHealth test) for pre-travel screening, which is concerning.

[0] These are both without involving insurance at all. It's possible, though, that the Color tests are partially subsidised by Google?

Simply, $250 is a scam given the limitations of that type of test. Its simply a money grab from those unaware.

Its been known for months that PCR is the gold standard, and rapid tests are not. Rapid tests are good for surveillance but not diagnosis.

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