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  > Some startups have no technical founders even.
And most technical founders aren't hackers, though some definitely are.

How would you describe a hacker vs your average dev?

Lots of people have tried to capture this distinction, I'm sure I'll do a worse job here briefly than you can find around, but for me the tell is how people spend their time, and an attitude.

Hackers in the sense that I mean it have an innate need to understand things deeply, and a tendency to value achieving this directly (e.g. do something, don't just read up about it). As a result most hackers with any real talent will have achieved an unusually high level of expertise/mastery in at least one, often a few, technical areas. This is a result of having really spent a lot of time with it, in ways that may look "obsessive" to others.

This is by no means restricted to software. Another common characteristic is a tendency to take things apart (physically or virtually) to see how they tick.

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