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> Look inward, people.

that's just not going to spontaneously happen across all the individuals concerned.

where as paul has actually identified a situation that can be addressed.

Not practically. If your canonical nerd does not choose--choose--to act like a relatively normal[1] human being, then there's no helping them (unless they have parents who'll push them to actually do something, and maybe not even then). At some point, they've got to choose to leave the metaphorical and/or literal basement on their own.

Paul's point is not without merit, but it is not one that leads to a solution. "Get girls to date guys who aren't desirable" seems like a non-starter.

[1] - and "relatively normal" is pretty broad, especially in high school and college; there's a social group, and a social group that is not uniformly male, for everybody who actually wants to socialize.

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