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What benefits are you noticing at a few months in?

Stimulation, increased energy, elevated mood and self-confidence, a nice toasty feeling afterwards, quicker cooling after exercise, optimum alertness achieved faster in the day if done early.

Definitely lots of psychological benefits.

I do combine it with meditation and exercise. All three seem to have mutually-reinforcing effects.

I've found the best habits reinforce each other. Diet, exercise, better sleep.. they all interact and make each other stronger.

I have also found that a brisk morning walk in the cold (deliberately wear just a hoodie and shorts in near freezing temps) has helped as well. Maybe it's the sunlight, maybe it's the exercise, maybe it's the cold but I feel like it gets my hormones into better shape and I have more energy (specifically referring to T, and for example I have had very mild acne, which I hadn't seen in about 15 years).

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