The idea is to have a free Splunk alternative which you can set up with just one binary. I use Splunk at work and love it, but it just doesn't seem like a product for solo developers (I can't even find a pricing page on, and the primary free alternative, the ELK stack, seems a bit complicated to set up.
I am sure that I'll never be competitive with Splunk or Elastic in terms of features or scalability but I'm trying to build something that is at least useful for my own projects.
I built it in Go and use SQLite with the FTS ( extension to store the log events in a way where they can be searched quickly.
I've been looking into making something like that myself. My beef with current platforms is that they are good for extracting metrics and routing logs to their correct team (by service/deployment/...) but not so much for analysis.
When there's a problem in my system, I want to bring up multiple views, manually annotate, highlight the new debug log statements I just added, mark events as good/bad from complicated rules, etc.
None of the current systems (except maybe Grafana+Loki) really do this, they focus on ahead-of-time ingestion rules and tags. I would love a desktop or web tool that can do that, working from a log file that I can easily extract from my log platform.
I think I know what you mean! It does feel like there's something missing in Splunk when it comes to analyzing issues.
When there's a problem at work it's usually easy to see that something is wrong on a dashboard, but when I want to drill down into it I usually end up with ten tabs of different searches and Grafana dashboards that I'm trying to correlate between manually.
I haven't fully formed any ideas about how to tackle this since there are still fairly basic features missing in Logsuck that I need to work on first but it's definitely something I'll be thinking more about in the future!
Interesting! I have it in the backlog that I want to support structured logging via JSON at some point. It's pretty far down the list right now though since I personally haven't used structured logging very much.
My main problem making full use of structured logging is the lack of good visualization tool (ie: something that is not a big cluster of stuff :) ). So this look very nice.
Maybe you can combine that is actually a good shipper and transformation of logs and focus in the visualization and integration? Anyway I hope yours get very good. Will be nice if the whole setup is just a simple go exe and that is all!
Glad you like it! Completely agree about the overkill-ness of ELK.
I haven't had a chance to try Datadog yet but it looks great, the one complaint I've had with Splunk (or at least the way we use it at work) is that it's still "Just logs" and sometimes you need more than that to investigate issues while Datadog seems to cover more areas of monitoring in one package.
Yes, the goal is that it should be usable in production as well. The limitation it will probably have compared to ELK/Splunk is that since there's only a single recipient node and it uses SQLite for storage, the upper limit to how quickly it can ingest logs will probably be lower compared to ELK/Splunk. So Logsuck may not ever be suitable for large deployments that are logging huge amounts for sustained periods of time.
I haven't really tested what the limits are yet so unfortunately I can't put a concrete number on it, but my vision is that Logsuck should at the very least work for a small-medium sized company with "normal" logging needs.
The current state is that it's got quite a few bugs and is lacking many features you would expect from an ELK/Splunk alternative but the basic concept is working. If what you need is a GUI for grepping across logs spread out on multiple servers it can be used for that today, but it's not doing much beyond that yet.
Currently it's not used in production anywhere, I mostly use it to view my own log files when I'm working on some hobby project locally, so I'm sure there are a few issues that would show up if it was used more heavily.
I do have a list of known issues on a private Trello board, I should probably move those to GitHub so that they are at least visible to people, I'll take care of that right away.
There is some info in the readme on how to get started, if you want to try it out and need any help beyond that let me know!
I want to record visits to my birdfeeder but not all the visits. 99% of the visitors are sparrows, which, no offense to any sparrows reading this, are dull colored. I want to capture the cardinals, bright red birds. The python script monitors the video stream and starts recording when the image gets suddenly redder. But it's configurable to also react to blue (bluejays) and yellow (goldfinches).
Amcrest IP2M-841B. This works the best of the three I've tried.
The other two:
The cheap Wyze cameras which special software that gives access to the RTSP stream, but the stream is so jerky it creates too many false alarms to be useful. If you just want to have a cheap security camear, though, these Wyze cameras are fun.
I've also tried using a Reolink camera with Neolink to get at the RTSP stream, but it wasn't super stable. Missing frames. I wonder if that's because my laptops are old and slow. I don't know.
See my comment above. The cameras are on my WIFI network. They provide a URL you connect to and that gives you a stream. My python stream connects to that stream so I can watch my birdfeeder by looking at my laptop stream. FYI, VLC also knows how to be a RTSP client.
It was hacked together in an afternoon and def not ready for prime time, but it got quite a bit more interaction than originally thought. Also, perhaps its greatest form (like many things I've made) might be as half-baked.
Now the question is: do I make more? My instinct says no because of how hard hardware is, especially as a joke...
Either way, at very least, the interaction definitely defends the "don't worry, be crappy" hypothesis.
A "survival wiki." I built it for myself. It's mediawiki on a raspberry pi zero, AC/DC powered, with an e-ink display. It connects automatically to a known wifi network and displays the connection details. When the wifi network goes down however, it automatically switches to access-point mode, allowing you to connect directly to it through your phone or other wifi client device.
There's still some quirks to work out, but it works well. I store personal knowledge on it and I don't have to worry about rebooting my primary computer (and taking down the wiki), or a power outage preventing me from accessing my information.
Thanks, nothing public yet but I am getting inspired to share what I have. It is really nothing more than some systemd units, /etc configurations, and a dockerfile. I will try to put something together though.
I built a service called Rotary Rider [0], which allowed you to order an Uber using just your voice. No need for a smartphone or the Uber app, you could call in using any touch-tone enabled voice line (that you had registered) and speak your current address and the address of your destination and we would present ride options and prices. Choose an option to book and then we would call you back when the driver was minutes away.
The idea was primarily about accessibility - removing the requirements of needing a smartphone and app opens rideshare up to everyone. It was also a great backup option for those times when you need a ride but your phone doesn't have a good data connection.
The system was finished and I was literally double-checking everything and preparing for a test ride (I even bought a Nokia feature phone to prove I wasn't using the Uber app) when Uber cut off access to their API (for everyone, not just me). I had always planned to integrate Lyft as well, but getting shut down on Uber really took the wind out my sails and the project died. I obviously still have all the code and if someone here works for Lyft and wants to see what ordering a ride without an app looks like, I could probably be persuaded to pick it back up.
Cleave is an application that lets users persist OS state as a "context" - saving and loading open applications, their windows (and their positions), tabs, open files/documents and so on.
Started because of frequent multitasking heavy work with limited resources.
Made it because I wanted to switch between studying, working, reading, looking for an apartment, etc. without manually managing all states or consuming all resources.
I will release an Open Beta (macOS) as soon as I finish license verification and delta updates, but I keep getting sidetracked...
Neat idea - I use MacOS virtual desktops to segment my in progress work like this. I might have my IDE with whatever I’m working on in browser on one desktop while I have all my communication stuff (email, chat etc.) on another desktop and then my random browsing on a third. But as you say running multiple tabs of Firefox and Slack and the IDE when you’re really only using about a third of them at any given time is a pretty big waste of resources.
I remember trying to compare these before (but not what I ended up thinking), so maybe it's better if I just explain what it does:
When you change your "context", all of your open apps and their windows (on all spaces, on all screens) are closed. The apps and their windows from the context you are switching to open – their positions and working state recalled from when you were last in this context.
You can only be in one context at a time; Think of it as a workspace or project manager in an IDE, but on the OS-level.
Virtual desktops (which is the same as spaces in macOS), has nothing to do with Cleave in itself; you still have virtual desktops under Cleave.
I don't know what problem activities attempt to solve, but the problem I'm trying to solve with Cleave is grouping what's currently running on my system after a specific task or a project I'm working on – both for human reasons (concentration, information overload, etc.) and computer reasons (resource expenditure, etc.)
I’ve been working on this and using it for almost two years now in tiny little scraps of time I have between my day job and raising 2 kids.
I’ve embraced the “half-baked” aspect of shipping a project like this by drawing silly stick figures for all the illustrations. It’s just been so much fun building and using it.
If you use it, don’t worry about me abandoning it. It’s improved my life so much that I’m going to be constantly improving it and keeping it around. Working in an iOS turbo app for it next, and I’d like to build lending and expirations into it too. It’s going to be awesome.
I'd love to make labels like this for the boxes in my storage unit (and then be able to look up the contents from home). Your site clearly explains the product, it's very compelling for me!
I couldn't find anywhere on the site though: can I export the data and self-host? If I were to invest time cataloging my data this way, I'd want to be sure I had a backup plan just in case the service went down one day
just fyi your thermal laser printers link on the about page is broken. I didn't have a hard time finding the page but still wanted to bring it to your attention.
I just created for finding and posting Gumroad-like jobs [1].
It's just a markdown file converted to html and served from a Fastmail folder.
My process was:
Read this thread [2] yesterday afternoon. Thought this sounded like a "looser" work environment. Searched "synonym loose". 3rd result was "unaffixed". Bought and pointed it at Fastmail. MD to html with pandoc. Added water.css stylesheet last night. Thought up some ideas on making it better.
I like this idea but I must point out that every single open position for “” is “ON SITE.”
So, um, affixed.
For this to be useful you’ll need some screening. Good luck with it!
(And assuming posted this themselves, what a bizarre thing to do: start your recruiting process with an obvious lie? What does that say about your corporate culture?)
Thanks to these, one can go from unzipping the source to automated live deployments in less than 15 mins, including fully functioning payments. I aim to improve it further with more functionality out of the box, as well as additional API endpoints.
I am currently exploring early access options, therefore I have applied up to 75% discount. I would love to get some feedback, so, feel free to hit me up with questions or suggestions!
This looks really cool and what you’ve got so far looks pretty useful to people. I think the next step is offering options on the programming language and frameworks. For example, React front end with node back end.
Thanks! I have been thinking starting with a Vue-powered frontend along with the same backend including the API, so that people can have both of the options, simple server-side templating or an API with an SPA.
The friendly data format for human and machine. Think JSON, but with 1:1 compatible twin binary and text formats and rich type support.
* Edit text, transmit binary. Humans love text. Machines love binary. With Concise Encoding, conversion is 1:1 and seamless.
* Rich type support. Boolean, integer, float, string, bytes, time, URI, UUID, list, map, markup, metadata, comments, etc.
* Plug and play. No schema needed. No special syntax files. No code generation. Just import and go.
The specifications are pretty much ready for version 1.0 release now, but I'm holding off until I have the reference implementation done (about 90% complete at After that I'll start on the schema specification. Once that's done, I have a low-level communication protocol that will use this format under the hood.
I could use help in the following areas:
* Looking over the specifications and pointing out anything that looks weird or off or might cause problems.
You might post on the IETF JSON and CBOR lists for feedback, help, and additional use-cases and considerations. They're a focal point for likeminded people, including implementors and users who have experience with common usage issues, upgradability, implementation simplicity, and other concerns related to human and machine-readable data interchange formats.
My game plans to build an encoding for JSON that has schema that shows structure, name, and type. So, we would transmit a schema ID that maps to an in-memory schema. Do you have any plans for something like this? If so, we could work together.
Somewhat OT, but one of my pet crazy ideas is a Forth-like data file format based on a stack. I've never thought about it enough to say if it's completely stupid or not.
I was thinking some some subset of a stack-based language, enough to define different data types, eg.
arr_name 1 2 3 4 5 array;
float_name 5.75 float
Sort of like how Clojure or KiCad uses S-expressions to store data. The idea was that like Forth, the parser for such a data structure would be minimal and suitable for even a crappy programmer to implement. I'd thought this would be useful for minimal systems like microcontrollers or locked-down corporate systems with no chance of installing third-party libraries.
Interesting - if you had a parsing language defined, you could combine raw data with transformations, e.g.
float_name 5.75 DUP MUL float
so the transformed data gets loaded in. Could be cool for arrays or more complex data where you want to save the raw data and a record of how it gets transformed.
And I understand you are targeting a minimal implementation, but the concept could also apply to bigger datasets and higher level languages, e.g.
> An 8-bit CPU, and 8-bit address space. This means there are only 256 bytes of memory available.
> There are no register operands, no immediate mode operands, and no indirect addressing. All operands are direct addresses. In particular this means that to use pointers you need self-modifying code (i.e. rewrite the address of the instruction to match the address that your pointer points to).
It works right now, but only if I run the CPU at 1/8th of the clock speed of the memory (see slowclock.v). I understand that it takes an extra cycle for reads from memory to get the signals back to the CPU, but don't yet understand why it takes 8 cycles.
Eventually I would like to expand it to support 16 bit addresses, put it in a fancy box with some actual IO devices, and possibly even implement it with logic gates instead of an FPGA.
I pretty much figured out (after quite a few years) how to distribute DNA for 100x-200x cheaper. Right now, I’m building DNA toolkits for engineering every different organism (it’s expensive, but I’m doing it in collaboration with other companies). All open source, too.
Imagine if you could get a toolkit to engineer literally any life form for less than $100. It’d be super cool!
The “money maker” here is that my DNA foundry can build DNA together from my toolkits quicker and cheaper than anyone else, which is attractive for new companies who want to engineer stuff using my toolkits.
It’s a work in progress, but I’m actively working on it, and I’m ramen profitable from my B2B part. Good times ahead!
I am a bigger fan of the hero stories where everyone is able to fight an epidemic themselves, instead of being subject to the whims of pharma / ineffective government policy.
The moderna vaccine basically took a weekend to design, but many months to test, since they were going to give millions of doses out. What if one day, every small town had the ability to manufacture independently designed vaccines for local usage (once we have a better grasp of the background biology). It is quite likely that, while some of the vaccines may be toxic, they'll certainly be less toxic than the disease itself, and the distribution means that variation controls against new variants of the virus.
The idea of this project is to make a small, cozy kind of “book club for code” that enables club members to study and discuss the architecture/structure of open source code. I wanted it to be both a way to study others’ work as a means of developing more intuition about how to structure software, as well as a creative exploration and discussion of code as art.
I know the UI is quite poor right now, and the information about the time of the first session needs to be updated. I’ve pivoted to working on another project (a CLI reader for HN that lets you navigate with a UI like that generated by pager utilities such as “more”) while I flesh out the idea for this one more, as I’m not sure if I can reconcile the two aims for the club I cited above. I have to think more carefully about what I want it to be, and who I want to reach/how I want to reach them.
I really like the idea of doing this, but I just don’t have the mental/emotional bandwidth for it at the moment, which is why I’m working on other, more solitary projects instead. I think it’s important to have discipline and “grind” through things at times, but when I’m doing something in my free time for my own enjoyment and already feel a bit burned out from my other existing roles/responsibilities, I prefer not to add to it by actively building something that might create even more expectations from others. Instead, I try to get back to my first passion, which is just the joy of building programs bit by bit and understanding every piece of what I do in a gradual, methodical fashion.
A related idea I’ve had is making a YouTube channel where I do a similar thing to Code Reading Club, but just break down different applications on my own, bit by bit. I’d include architecture diagrams, doodles, and source code snippets. I imagine it being something like MaiZure’s Decoded: GNU coreutils project[0].
I've been thinking about something similar: An explanation/notes "wiki" for exemplary open source repository snapshots. With the goal to document everything you can see in a repo so beginners can understand and catch up with structure, conventions and understand algorithms and common problems IRL. Imperfections and errors are part of the game and need to be explained as well, and because of that infrequent snapshots are sufficient.
Something to overcome tutorial hell and lower the threshold for participation in FOSS projects.
Wow, that sounds extremely useful! I haven't contributed to any FOSS projects in a meaningful way (yet), but I imagine that lots of potential contributors spend an inordinate amount of time trying to familiarize themselves with structure, conventions, and how everything fits together. Having all of that information in one, well-documented place could definitely help with getting up to speed/creating a mental model for the project faster.
On a semi-related front, I'm also interested in lowering the threshold for participation in FOSS projects, but I approached things from the lens of helping potential contributors better grok/intuit the social/organizational structure of a project. To that end, I made small badges that projects can add to their READMEs to indicate, to a rough approximation, what "type" of project they are[0]. The project types are described in a really interesting book called Working in Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software[1] by Nadia Eghbal.
I like this idea. As a still learning developer I have occasionally stumbled across code reviews on youtube, and they've been enlightening. I rarely find them on purpose (If anyone knows or runs a channel that does this i would sub).
Reading source code with some guidance from more experienced developers sounds similarly useful.
A documentation website generator for open source. No need to pollute your Github repo with html+css+etc etc files, just write markdown and point your domain there and it'll render it. Example output for a paid project (my own):
The main fear from multiple people is that the project might "go evil" at some point and add ads or similar to project's documentation. I definitely don't plan on that (that's why I'll charge for premium features!) but totally understand the fears. The project is already "successful" for myself, so how can I dispel these fears from other devs?
Just contemplating doc solutions for the open source repo I maintain (5K+ stars). Would be happy to use Ping me at my email / twitter (details in my profile). analyses reviews to infer possible inspirations behind a film.
There are a bunch of things that could be improved with the text processing applied here. The wrong movie title is resolved occasionally, like failing to distinguish between an original and a remake, or a book. Sometimes the wrong part of an article is parsed, resulting in wrong connections.
But I think it works overall, for the right type of film with a rich discourse.
Thanks, I will. It’s been my side project for a long time, but I only find time to work on it every so often. This past year saw some major updates, though.
I built Running Level recently along the same lines as my other site Strength Level but have only done a soft launch. Gyms are closed here in the UK so a lot of us are out running instead.
Running Level has running standards for your age/gender over many distances like 10k/marathon/mile. The calculator on the homepage helps you rate your running performance against other people your age/gender, predicts race performance and recommends some training times.
I was hoping to do a Show HN or Product Hunt but marketing has never been my strong suit. Hope someone likes it!
Very nice; I like the simplicity of Running Level (with less options than Strength Level). Where do you get the reference level data from (for running)?
Thank you for the encouragement! Did you find any areas to improve?
The seed standards reference data is mainly from publicly available race data in CSV form and common running formulas used in the industry (e.g. Effective VO2 Max / VDOT). There are plenty of online calculators and literature (mostly based on Jack Daniels' Formula). However this is just a baseline and it'll be based on its own data set in the future (e.g. survey input).
Thanks, it doesn't claim to override GitHub ToS and I will adapt the guide if anything in there is against their ToS. So far nothing was reported to me as being against their ToS and I think it's fine as it is. This guide does not endorse/support anything unlawful in Germany. If that guide is used by anyone outside of Germany, they should check their local laws before. As for the code of conduct, the current "no code of conduct" approach is only meant to say that I have nothing to add besides the GitHub ToS which anyone has to agree to before signing up anyway. The guide also specifically states it's not meant for use for any unethical/unlawful activities of any kind and some sections of the guide have been limited.
Unfortunately, a more robustly social-justice-informed code of conduct is a requirement to be supported by (and receive funding from) some big players in the online privacy/security community.
On a completely unrelated note not at all related to the above paragraph, ask me if you need any help with the Whonix sections.
Thanks :) If you spot anything wrong with my Whonix section. Feel free to submit an issue on GitHub. Mostly I'm referring to the Whonix documentation itself with some added personal experiences so it should be up to datte.
As for the code of conduct, this project does not aim to receive any support or receive any funding from any big player.
This project also aims to be remain as neutral as possible politically besides privacy and anonymity. Its only stance is that it's meant for adult people with good intentions and that those people should check the local legal aspects themselves unless they're in Germany where everything should be fine (multiple citations included in the guide in regard to that).
Reddit is awesome and houses some of the best content I've read, but there's a problem.
In some subreddits like Writing prompts, ELI5, etc... we care more about the upvotes/score of comments than the comment's parent post.
This is a problem because the best comments (explanations, stories, jokes, etc...) are not always in the highest-rated post. Sometimes comments are higher rated than the parent post. This extremely challenging when the Top filter in Reddit is sorting by post's upvotes and not the comment's upvotes.
Here top posts from Reddit are ranked by the comment's upvotes/score (5th column), using data before 2019 (Forgotten content and also avoiding up-vote gamification.)
Photo slide show correlated with gps track, for hiking trips. It's been a goal for years, I finally got it half-baked by just smashing together lightgallery and leaflet. Somehow it works ok on mobile.
Umbrella - a free open source app to help people learn about digital and physical security. From how to use Signal for safe communication to how to deal with a kidnapping. Multiple languages and widely used by journalists, activists, aid workers, traveling business people and those any one living in high risk countries.
Well we've built the tech but need a lot more work pushing it out. Also to make it easier for people to build their own custom versions. It mentioned in the piece about looking for help and we always are! :)
I got hooked on building tools to assist in collective decision making. A decade back I built pyvotecore and to help folks run elections with fancier systems (e.g. SchulzeSTV). Years later, I built to help reduce choice paralysis with boardgame selection (consensus). A few after that was to assist in Glicko tournaments.
Most recently, I built to help new parents decide on a name they'd both like. I built it for myself, but figured others might find it useful. So it's a bit rough around the edges, but does the job pretty well, I think.
Part of the fun of implementing it was hunting down name statistics from various regional governments to compile a list of "which names are popular in which regions in which years". I really wish that kind of thing were standardized around the world, but that's life.
Not even at the development stage yet, but I want an app version of the "X days since the last accident" sign to use for accountability. I want my phone to tell me "7 days since you last called your parents", "4 days since you last did the dishes", "3 hours since you just took a moment for yourself". These would be silent yet persistent notifications that I'd see anytime I check my phone. Easy to dismiss/reset to 0. I want to feel accountable before the task turns into something I'm ashamed of like "147 days since you called your grandma".
I imagine you'd set thresholds for each event, and the notifications would have a simple reset button. But other than that, you'd never really open the app. If you do something on your own, it'll feel good to dismiss the item like crossing it off the todo list.
I assume this would be real easy to make, but learning anything app related always feels like a monolithic task. I'd ironically love a "It's been 4 days since you looked up Android documentation" to help keep me on track with this project (:
I strongly suggest you the Loop Habit Tracker [1][2]. Simple yet powerful app. You configure your habits and associate a frequency, and once done they disappear from the list. You can set up reminders/alarms as well.
The only "tip" I would suggest to you is to open the app once a day. For that, I created a daily habit of "checking my habits". A little bit meta, but it holds myself accountable.
Some of my tracked habits: calling mom/grandma, reading, use Anki, gratitude journal, exercice, drink 1.5L or water a day, meditate, breathing exercices, no screen time after 20:00, etc.
Of course, not meant to disencourage you from doing your own app, just to show how I scratch my very same itch. May the code be with you ;)
So far I'm doing 800-1000 words per day on average so I'm pretty happy with it! My fluency has improved drastically.
- I need to change the name because Ulysses is a well known writing app. (I think I'll go for was blind, I did like the stream of consciousness aspect as it describes the UX well...)
- privacy-aware analytics (or a button you can tap if you enjoy the app). I have no idea how many people are using the app at the moment.
- package as a Vercel app/docker image (so you can host your own instance easily)
I'm also working on a small indie game called Mannerbomb. It's the opposite of Bomberman--you're a bomb trying to exit the level before exploding.
I wrote this during the first lockdown mainly because I wanted to write some fresh code in the evenings, but also because I was dissatisfied with Wordpress, Tumblr, Posthaven and static sites, having tried all of them over the years for my blogs.
A blog app is literally every web framework tutorial so it’s a bit embarrassing to show (“is that the best idea you’ve got?!”) but the funny thing is, I actually really love using it and it makes me want to write more, and I am writing more on my blogs! Which is the point of a writing/blogging app after all. It should encourage you to write, not get in the way with themes, CSS, hosting and all that entails.
You can only sign up with an invite code because I haven’t fully decided whether to subject the world to YABA (yet another blog app). I was going to add billing support first as I don’t want to support free customers, but I might see what the reception is here first ;-)
I have a bunch of ideas that will keep the basic writing/publishing concept but make it more of a hub for reading too.
Production ready skeleton projects for bootstrapping new projects. I've used this approach professionally for over 7 years, but never marketed much past my current team.
Included: JS and Python package /microservice / serverless projects; Serverless Benthos; LaTeX paper; zsh and neovim config.
1. Most project generators don't provide a simple way to keep boilerplate updated. These projects leverage git merge and git diff which is designed for the task. So keeping all the generated projects updated as tools evolve is actually possible.
2. Fork friendly: you can fork and customize these repos to create your own personalized skeleton project, and still merge updates from the original.
3. These projects give you a working CI deployment.
4. The projects themselves are REAL working examples which are deployed / published.
5. Isolated boilerplate so any issues with tooling can be verified, tested, and upgraded independently.
Plug in some basic information about your debt accounts. Choose your payoff order and how much extra you can pay towards debt each month. I provide a month by month guide on how your payments will snowball until your debt-free.
I’m the only user currently and I have a lot of work to do on branding/homepage before I share it with others but it fits the bill of unfinished but slightly useful.
I've wanted to build this into a web application for a while, but the idea always ballooned into wanting to do a YNAB or Mint competitor with debt calculator as just one feature. And while possible, building something like that as a solo founds seems daunting!
Anyway - check out this google sheet by Vertex42 which has some different paydown options, instead of just Snowball. Maybe something you can incorporate, if you haven't already.
You should recommend the payoff order based on their interest rates. Also, for completeness as a financial tool, they should be able to plug in savings like retirement savings. A student loan of 8% sounds bad and some people think they should pay it off above all else, but really a 401k where the employer matches 50% of the first 6% you contribute should be the primary focus for the person, since the 50% return is sooo much higher than the 8% interest rate.
I've thought about writing something like this. Right now I use a spreadsheet. The "killer feature" I've been looking for is the ability to compare things. Like, if I paid an extra $100 a month, how much faster would I pay off the loan and how much money would I save in interest. Also maybe different repayment strategies. Like one where your payments get gradually lower every month and one where they get gradually higher every month.
I’ve got these features in the backlog! I’d love for you to play around and provide some feedback on current state! Everything is client side and reactive to your plan changes so it’s easy to quickly see how your changes effect your plan.
You should ask for term length and then calculate the minimum monthly payment, because I don't have to look up the minimum monthly payment. I notice that "mortgage" account type is missing. I always think that credit cards are tough for things like this because it's such a moving target, you'll probably have to integrate with the banks. Also I guess this is mostly around the snowball method (as you said it was) but my interest is more in, what are the most efficient ways to pay off one or two large debts.
a bit OT, but I have a mortgage, and noticed that my mortgage processor did an upgrade last month, and have included a "what if I paid $x/month more?" live calculator, as well as a 'one time payment' calculator. of course, you can find many of these around the internet, but it was useful to see it baked in to my account dashboard with my exact numbers/dates/etc.
I know a lot of the people who are overwhelmed by debt don't have the spare mental or emotional space to deal with something else equally overwhelming, which is visualizing their path out of it.
I'm building a service for developers who want to help out small businesses or non-profits [0]. I'm still at the ideation stage, gauging interest, but would love to hear everyones thoughts!
The backend is a simple Python/Flask/Postgres app [1] but holding off on building it out until there is more demand. Spun off a GCP Flask starter template from this repo useful for folks wanting to deploy python apps to GCP/App Engine [2]. Thanks for looking.
I submitted my email address and got a prompt to confirm, but no confirmation email came through. Is this what you meant by "not built out." I am sure it is clear to others but I'm so non-techie I could be retro. I could definitely use the help though. I have a bunch of file folders on my laptop that represent a fair few side projects...but I can't build my way out of a paper bag. I need an executioner. Someone who can just execute the basics all day so I run traffic through them and test to see if anyone else finds the idea worthy. I would love a simple, one sheet build guide that tells me what APIs to string together in what order...
I've always struggled with finding domain names for new projects (all the good ones are taken!) that I decided to do something about it.
The suggestion engine isn't really fully working yet, but the idea is to input a desired word/name/set of keywords and see a list of available domain names.
Kind of following the "build what you yourself would use" philosophy.
P.S.: Love the idea of having a periodical post like this on HN
Keep working on it. I don't need it right now, but I could definitely see something like this be interesting, the only solution I can think of right now is just searching for different things in a traditional registrar and that's been a frustrating process. Good luck! Biggest challenge is well. One coming up with good recommendations, but two getting it into my head when I need it. I don't know if traditional advertising will help with that you almost just need to be come a household name.
Thanks for the encouragement! Glad you think it could be useful.
Agreed, getting a userbase/people who know about my product is probably the biggest challenge (frankly, I think it almost always is), but I'll give it my best shot. If it fails then, well, at least it will still be useful for myself :)
I think the other really useful thing is eventually adding a 'paid' version that's more robust - I know lots of corporates struggle with specific product names because they not only need the domain but need to make sure that no competitor or someone in the industry has a similarly named product, so if your solution could also make sure that when it recommended a domain/product name it isn't in use in your industry or with a competitive project already
Lyrics are complicated due to copyrights I believe, but I will throw my awful MVP up on GitHub. There's a Dockerfile work-in-progress as well, but it seems I haven't committed it yet.
Nice! I did something similar when the pandemic started, but more focused on displaying slides and not organizing lyrics:
Interesting - have been thinking about something similar: collaborate on lyrics / song sheets with band, make a set list, transpose chords if required, display song (incl. notes) on iPads for band members.
I wanted to learn React Native and decided to build something simple and whimsical that I could see myself using.
The app lets you set a status about what activity you want to do and see what your friends have set; ideally simplifying the first step in making plans with friends.
It's still missing push notifications and some other key features, but I've gotten the basic functionality of adding friends and seeing and setting statuses up and running.
I bought a paid of Wahl Senior hair clippers from the US and I figured all I'd need was a step down transformer (240v to 110v) for it to work and boy was I mistaken!
Apparently you need to also take into account the frequency of the current.
To cut the long story short, all my early search for a solution was leading me to overpriced "kits" on ebay and the likes.
All you have to do is type "frequency 60hz clippers" to understand what I'm talking about.
The solution, which is cheap and simple is to buy a $18 power adapter with a $20 inverter from Amazon.
I figured I'd make that information available online for anyone facing that same problem.
So I just put together a site [0] with some amazon affiliate links.
I haven't done any SEO or marketing yet. Me being a backend dev, this is a nice little learning project.
Add a blog, pay a writer because SEO gobbledygook will rot your brain (I believe they use ahrefs to get keywords), add JSON-LD structured data. Cultivate back links, maybe post in forums where people are already discussing this.
There is not much good technical SEO info out there for developers to find. It is frustrating for someone used to being able to find documentation/best practices easily.
This is stuff that I have picked up working with SEO people. Not guaranteed to be 100% accurate but hopefully it helps.
Thanks. I've set my mind on learning as much as I can beforehand so I don't get bamboozled when I start delegating. But I agree that SEO appears to be a black art, to me at least!
Curious if you know the potential efficiency loss of converting back and forth from AC to DC and back to AC again? I assume a lot of energy is wasted in heat? Do clippers use so much energy that it may be cheaper in a short time to simply buy new clippers? $40 for conversion hardware already, it's only a few more bucks to get a decent set of clippers that match your new country's grid.
I didn’t study power electronics so I’m not in a position to confidently answer your first question however I’m sure if you do an online search you’ll find additional information addressing it. I found an article [0] that goes a bit more into depth, have a gander and see if it’s of any help.
For some odd reason, the popular hair clipper manufacturers, who are based in the USA/Canada, have a smaller selection of professional devices that they produce for the global market. So if you’re a barber in the UK for instance, you either have to wait for them to introduce a global variant of your desired clippers or you buy the cordless version if available. That’s why the conversion kit is a godsend if you find yourself in that situation.
I've been building for a few years now (code is at It's a tool for doing biblical research using the original languages. It provides the usual morphological tagging and parallel versions (with Greek/Hebrew, including the LXX but I'm not interested in just pumping it with rubbish data that a lot of bible sites like doing—I'm doing a PhD, I know what data is valuable).
The real value proposition is the way that searching works. I have the BHS (the standard Hebrew edition) tagged with parsing and syntax and, critically, searches respect syntax. That means you don't have to search for words within n words of each other or within the same verse; you can search for words in the same clause. Finding Hebrew idioms is a lot easier like this.
My research is in the Old Testament so this is only true of Hebrew right now but I'm doing a lot of work rewriting the backend which will make it easier to import new translations and search any of the tagged data.
I am quite proud of the UI. It's React with MS's Fluent UI components, though, and I feel like it's a bit sluggish (but my server is also slow).
But hey, I use it as my primary interface for working with the Hebrew so it serves my purposes. I also made some tutorial videos to onboard intrepid users (there's a button in the toolbar to take you there), which I feel like makes it a "real" project, now :)
I've been working on on and off since summer. I wanted a one stop place to find and be able to use open data from around the web. I even have an open API (no authentication required currently) for each data source. I have basically done no marketing at all for it. Mostly just wanted an excuse to play with some new technologies (Netlify and Eleventy in this case).
Not sure how much I want to continue adding data sources or supporting it, but it doesn't really cost me much keeping it online currently.
Having multiple apps just to customize my home screen was not working for me. So I decided to hand code my home screen. Implementing Flutter widgets is so fast and easy that I have replaced apps like TODO, Quotes, Grocery list with Flutter widgets on home screen. I am planning to add more functions to it like
- Drinking water reminders
- Solar panel output monitor
- Blog visitor counter
The downside of using Flutter for this is existing widgets and App Icons on home screen are not supported.
An AI art installation I built from scratch using a GAN network, Samsung The Frame, a button and a PIR-sensor (including, code, images and tutorial). The main draft is almost done, but quite some polishing to do.
An automatic Zen Garden drawing infinite patterns in sand. Using stepper motors, inverse kinematics and a Raspberry Pi Zero W (including, code, images and tutorial). I'm almost done building the robot, but still have quite some implementation to do. Also, the guide is far from done, I've mostly uploaded images so far.
A full-size Arcade Machine I built from scratch (including, code, images and tutorial). I don't know where you draw the life of "half baked". It's done, but there's a lot of improvements that can be done.
I wanted to play around with websockets last year, so I started out by building out a prototype multiuser whiteboard in a few hours one weekend. From that, I decided it'd be cool to turn it into a game, so I built out a drawing/guessing game from there and got it up on a domain I'd been sitting on for a while (
It's got some mild polish on it now, but there's still a lot of scenarios where disconnects/reconnects or generally unexpected behaviour can break the current game room. One of my goals this year is to address all the remaining bugs, add some more UI polish, then look into working on bots to seed a single game room because right now if you land on the game and no one else playing, you're met with a "please wait for another player to join" screen. This essentially means that it's BYO friends for the most part right now.
Later in the year when the current game has been fully-baked, I'm sure I'll come up with some other random idea to try and it'll end up as another half-baked game to put up there.
Thanks! It's definitely playable, but there's still a lot of room for improvement and a few pesky bugs that you definitely notice the longer you play.
For example, only shortly after I posted here and all the current players had guessed correctly except for one person, then that person left, the game waited the extra 60 seconds for the round to time out instead of immediately because everyone left had answered it.
Then there's things like the scoring system, game-generated hints, and all that little stuff that needs definite improvement... they mostly work at the moment, but they're, well... crap haha
Thanks :)
There's a very heavy focus on gracenotes in piping - that's probably the main difference. There are a lot of different embellishments (probably more than 200) used very frequently with 3 to 10 individual gracenotes in them. Most general music notation apps are not so good with dealing with this - MuseScore, for example, has a massive list of all possible embellishments which you have to scroll through to try and find the one you want.
PipeScore tries to take advantage of the patterns in gracenotes to reduce the number of options by categorising them (e.g. the 'doubling' class has 27 different embellishments in it, but they are all dependent on the notes immediately before and after the embellishment, so instead of manually choosing the correct doubling you just choose 'doubling' and it automatically gives the right one)
There are other dedicated bagpipe apps but none of them are as frictionless as I'd like. is a powerful text editor for life organisation. Currently, there are many tools specialised in 1 area (todo, cal, notes etc) with terrible user interfaces.
We want to create an intelligent all-in-one tool with lightweight design that will tackle the problem of how do we "design" our life holistically.
The landing page is in progress, so we're currently aggregating sign-ups here:
We'd be delighted to share once its fully baked :)
I'm building a privacy-first fitness / health tracker.
I managed to lose a lot of weight during lockdown with the help of fitbit but using a Google service to handover my most personal of data doesn't sit right with me (it served a purpose).
So I've started to build what I need from a tracker.
Where I'm heading generally:
- Platform / API access (so you OWN your data)
- Client-side encryption - No tracking / knowledge
- Weight, Calories, Diet, Run
- Import GPS from Garmin etc.. graph/store/play
_cringe_ but what do I have to lose
(best viewed on mobiles for now - haven't considered a desktop yet)
My take generates pretty darn good assembly for the cases it handles, but it's absurdly incomplete. Still, a huge amount of risk factors have already been addressed, and there's only a few big known unknowns left.
Shouldn't be too hard to add later, since they're mostly just swizzles onto the existing instructions, and LLVM already has good support for registering slightly different versions of a target (subtargeting).
For now, I'm targeting the plain-jane MOS chip, since it's the buggiest and least capable, and thus the most difficult.
I built a small voice communication portal I'm calling Rally Call [0] that will be submitted to the Digital Ocean/Dev hackathon tomorrow [1]. Rally Call is intended to be a backup group communication portal that can be used in emergencies and situations where use of cell phones is lost. It is essentially a group voicemail-box that runs on Twilio. If you and your group had the foresight to sign up for an account, you could use Rally Call to let others in your group know your status ("Hey everyone, I'm OK. I made it out and am staying at a friend's house") or to organize ("Let's all group up and meet at uncle John's house in two days."). You dial in from any touch tone phone and enter your Crew's Account PIN to access the account where you can listen to or record messages for the group. Only one Crew member needs to register for an account and can share the dial-in number and account PIN with anyone they want in their Crew.
While the project's intent is a backup comm system for emergencies, it could obviously be used for any number of purposes. I still have a couple things to button up before submitting, but it's mostly done and should be a solid MVP by this time tomorrow.
I ported Ultima Online to Android and iOS devices. It's a really old MMO at this point but still has a niche following. New community shards are still popping up and some of them (such as UO Outlands) have high populations.
I opened up a Patreon for the project in hopes that the community and the shard owners would support me enough to keep working on it but I never got past 100 euros per month in pledges. The app does have a stable userbase of around 1000 users though.
Even though it wasn't a financial success by any measure, I'm really proud to have brought my childhood favourite game to new platforms.
I wouldn't even call it half baked yet, more like a tenth, but I'm working on a total conversion (with a few engine changes) to the DOS Rise of the Triad. You can see one example here: I am changing all textures, adding some new ones, repurposing enemies and weapons, all new maps and features.
I think the engine really had some clever potential that didn't get fully realized in the end product, and I want to bring that out. Plus working on a DOS project has been very enjoyable for the simplicity and limitations.
I actually prefer the block layout of levels instead of the line segment geometry, just makes more sense in my head. Also I like the underdog, I want to show people the engine was more advanced than "wolfenstein with higher walls". So many things have been done with DOOM, I think it's interesting to explore the other engines of the time. - an app that uses your phone's AR for 3D head tracking for PC games. Kind of a "VR" feel for sim games, without VR.
Has layout issues on some smaller screens, I'm still working on a USB connection feature, and lots of other stuff I need to improve on. But releasing early was the right decision, it's already doing pretty well!
Nice to see your post, I've been using this on a Pixel 3a with MS Flight Simulator and it works well! I wish there was less latency, but it is manageable and definitely adds to the experience. Thanks!
I don't use a HOTAS all that much, except for when I play Elite: Dangerous - and Elite already has a different site with lots of layout combos (though I forget its name).
It works great, actually. The movement of the head is exaggerated in the game so you only need to nudge your head slightly to move the camera - you just keep your eyes on the same spot while you do so.
Your brain gets used to it very quickly and it feels surprisingly intuitive.
It's ready for a quick demo. However, there are stiil some little improvements have to make. And I'll build an web app on top of it for people to use it online.
I've been working on a super simple Goodreads alternative off and on for the past year or two since I frankly can't stand the Goodreads UI. There's not much to it yet other than personal library management, but it's good enough that I already use it myself to track books I've read or want to read.
I have! Although to be honest I haven't given either of them a very fair shot since the UI and complexity are a pretty quick turn-off for me personally. It's hard to compete with the established community of either site though — maybe I'll figure out a way to integrate with one or both of them eventually so people have the option of keeping things in sync between Roosevelt and elsewhere.
Jazda is a simple hackable bicycle computer. You can build it out of components available in your local electronics store (except the display).
I started it some 10 years ago as an experiment in AVR programming, before Arduino existed, and it keeps a honorable place in the back of my head ever since.
After talking to so many engineers in my industry at conferences etc. I heard over and over their frustration with management; Ignoring or understanding the value of software testing.
That reflected my own experience and so I decided to launch a set of management training videos.
It's half-baked because I'm currently trying to understand what will actually sell, and get some feedback from customers.
Mainly focusing on hiring guides and domain jargon currently.
I want to be the person engineers tell their boss about to learn software testing from a high-level.
I'm about to hire a social media manager to try to drive more traffic via blog posts. I have a ton of content developed already, getting geared up to hit it hard in 2021!
The concept is to create 'instruments' in the editor (2nd screenshot) by building a pipeline/graph of basic modules that create and transform audio based on user X/Y touch coordinates. Then, lay several instruments out on screen and use your fingers to loop sequences of notes live on stage. The demo video ( ) shows how that part works (I'm not a musician).
I showed it on some music production forums and to friends who dabble... but I had made a terrible mistake from the beginning. Since my audio engine was custom, I didn't have compatibility with existing VST plugins. No producer would use a synth app that didn't support their favorite plugins, and no plugin developers would switch to a new system that had no users (my engine was also extensible). I looked into adding support, but VST's architecture is too different from my mine... One suggestion was to remove the audio engine entirely and just make the app a MIDI front-end/sequencer for other synths. This is something I might do in the future, though the limitations of the MIDI protocol would mean removing a lot of functionality. I'll probably open-source the project some day, but I need to clean up some things in the code first.
I created a custom UI manager for the app and decided to split that off into a separate open-source Windows UI framework. I still work on it and have used it for other small utility apps:
A massively multiplayer game with a fresh start every time, that's easy to learn and easy to start having fun, doesn't guilt you into playing (healthy long-term relationship with the player), and has lots of replay value:
Currently there are multiple major bugs with damage.
I really like this. Wish it had a little bit of a tutorial. In about 10 lives I haven't figured out what all the shapes/colors do, or how to use them, or why I'm getting almost insta-killed by guys who I seemingly can't hurt (maybe the damage bug).
It's made with a custom-built high-performance immediate-mode Canvas2D rendering engine. It's written in a high-performance dialect of JavaScript, we've benchmarked most lines to know the fastest way to write it. The server is built in Node.js. We may open-source it (under GPLv3) later, but it is a difficult decision, as it makes it easier to make competitors.
I would donate if the homepage communicated how exactly the funds are used.
Is the idea that you’ll directly match donators and people in need?
If so, there’s the obvious chicken and egg problem, one idea to overcome that could be starting out with all donations going to an existing charity that shares a similar mission (and being transparent about that on the landing page), and then eventually start redirecting funds directly to folks seeking help (also while being very transparent as the use changes)
Spent 3 months making this metrics dashboard, where you can send any JSON or data and it'll pick out charts from it. Best part is - no 3rd party service is left out and the learning curve is super shallow (just make a request with any data).
The backend is very stable, but UX at the moment is poor, since I didn't manage to reach my target audience and am still thinking how to continue.
I don't know if you're aware but in the late '90s and early '00s "bash board" was a term that referred to an online forum where kids would make fun of one another. My middle school had multiple bash boards... doesn't mean you can't use the term today for something different, but just something to be aware of.
This is a HTTP mock server for reproducing issues on the front-end using a recorded HTTP archive(*.har file).
The gimmick is that for a given endpoint it stores all the responses and serves them in a round-robin sequence.
This way you can simulate situations where e.g. a request has been retried after the JWT expired, or something special happens when an item is added to a list, and the list is refreshed afterwards - basically every case in which you need backend state.
It works... sometimes. Each new project I'm in uncovers new issues.
That being said with the test team giving me both videos and *.har files of the bug reproduction I was able to solve a few long standing bugs in one legacy system.
Looking at adding a global high score table (nobody is using the quick feature I added to share your score on Twitter), it might need more hints on what the orange tiles do for your scoring (I'm hoping players naturally work this out), I might tweak the rules more to encourage more strategy, the sound effects aren't great, music might help, it should be an offline PWA, and I'll maybe try to monetise it for mobile.
Feedback welcome! :) Was it obvious how to play? Too easy or hard? Does the scoring system encourage you to play words strategically?
The main functionality is now pretty much complete, but is in dire need of a visual redesign. It also lacks parsing of many record types and email configuration in TXT records. Additional landing pages for specific DNS record types are also still to come.
I wrote handbrake runner. It takes a plaintext (glib) keyfile and runs HandBrakeCLI repeatedly to encode video. I use it for my dvd/bd collection. It has a support script ( to build keyfile templates from handbrake's scan of dvd titles.
Less than half baked, Kong (temp name) is the Goodread for movies.
During lockdown, I decided to watch more movies, including classics. I noticed my friends were doing the same and I wanted to know what they were watching, and which film they were interested in...
I've been fiddling around with building UI's that use hand tracking in VR. Given the lack of physical feedback and the low fidelity of today's tracking methods, it turns out to be quite challenging. It feels really good when it works though.
Any chance you could get the vr cameras to recognize a physical keyboard (not necessarily plugged in) and map the virtual keyboard over the top? Obviously it relies on the user sitting at a desk. But it would provide physical feedback.
This is doable. I'm using the Quest, so you don't have access to the camera images, but you can do a calibration phase where you figure out how a user's hands map to keys. I'm not sure the hand tracking is accurate enough for non-touch typers though. There's some work being done for Bluetooth keyboard support when you're sitting at a desk.
I'll start with mine: - Right now trying to solve the content consumption problem.
The intention is to build a second brain for knowledge workers. That will help knowledge workers save their best ideas, organize their learning, and expand their creative output. is a programming language for board games. The language works, and I'm sorting out how I want to do UIs. Documentation and platform are half baked.
- capybara-chrome is a Capybara driver for headless Chrome using the remote debugging protocol. Works pretty well but could use some TLC.
This is a platform-in-progress for mass-collaborative interactive-tutoring-system authoring. Wikipedia for khan academy, duolingo, or anki, with arbitrarily interactive content. The above video shows some rich flash cards in action (ear training & keyboard harmony).
Flash cards + SRS + dynamic difficulty sorting and pathfinding (ie, optimal content surfacing given demonstrated skills), and automated surfacing of achievement bottlenecks in courses so that the community knows where to author intermediating content or prescribe different approaches with existing content. Inside the classroom: peer-to-peer JIT instruction, and distributed competencies.
Most tentatively, but maybe most crucially, I think there is potential in this project for anti-fragile adversarial communities to build mutual understandings around contentious issues, where the propagation of your own views is proportional to your acknowledgement of contrary opinions.
I created it to learn Vue, initially I used Gridsome but then I decide to use Nuxt. I also moved it from Netlify to Firebase to add storing+auth, so people can create custom wheels.
It's getting a decent amount of visits so it will be wise to finish it, but it's not fun anymore and my day job takes a lot of energy.
We have a Android Keyboard, a working application. However, we know it needs more work and some more killer features. In that sense it's half-baked.
Lipee Keyboard ( ) is a keyboard for Indic scripts and languages that uses gestures to speed up typing by 100%. I am also my own prime user, typing various texts (messages, social media, etc.) in Indic scripts, so I can also vouch of its utility myself.
The first novelty is that it solely focuses on people who do NOT read/write English, but know their own mother tongue and script well. So, a native Kannada user (of Kannada script) or Bhojpuri person (of Devnagari script) are our prime targets.
The second novelty is that almost all Indic scripts add an extra line/symbol next to consonants, called "maatras" to create sound out of a consonant. Each sound has a unique maatra, for any consonant. We use gestures to add such a maatra to all consonants, which speeds up the keyboard typing hugely.
We know we can add more features and killer technologies to make typing in Indic scripts very smooth and fast.
We need more tech talent and support to make this happen, and I hope to on-board a CXO or a senior free-lancer for rapid development.
Do up-vote if you like this project, and spread the word!
I'm working in a relational language ( that hopefully will be a great way to massage data and have in-built support for "linq/sql"-like queries across all the data sources (from site):
-- A column, aka: Vectors...
let qty := [10.5, 4.0, 3.0]
-- Like APL/kdb+ operations apply to more than scalars
prices * 16.0
-- The ? (query) operator allow to do SQL-like queries to anything
let doubled := qty ?select #0 * 2.0
let products := open("products.csv")
-- like files!
for p in products ?where #price > 0.0 do
--so, we can do joins between anything:
for p in cross(products, qty) ?limit 10 do
print(p.products.price * p.qty)
I already have a crude working prototype, but need help (hands or funding) to move forward!
My long-term goal is to provide an alternative to Access/Excel/FoxPro with a full suite of decoupled components (language + rdbms components + interactive data repl + form builder) to capture the spirit of what this kind of tools allow but with a more solid foundation.
I've been trying to sell the idea of AI-assisted breast augmentation visualization. I call it breastimate. So far no plastic surgeons will meet with me to validate the idea. It's image to image translation using SPADE from before augmentation to after augmentation.
1. Yeah, I call and get the receptionist. I tell them about the software and get their interest (which is always seemingly high). They give me the email address of their plastic surgeon. I email the surgeon with a link to this page while explaining to them that I'm creating this software but want to validate the idea before putting more time into it. Nobody responds to my emails.
2. The photos are right there in the link, but if you're not able to view them, to me it usually generates pictures that are close to indistinguishable from actual photos. The breasts look like breasts (unless I'm cramming five on them onto one chest and make them shaped oddly... lol)
I just need more pictures. I also need to apply a different image-to-image translation where I put "static" over JUST the segmented breasts, so as to not remove tattoos, freckles, etc. I've seen an awesome paper that does this called OASIS, but they've not released code. I want the synthesized picture to be as close as the original as possible (with the obvious exception of larger breasts).
Still I need to build the actual pipeline instead of running the images through my segmentation network and my SPADE network AND I need to maybe programmatically increase the segmented "breast" category to be larger and maybe place the nipple in a more desirable location.
1. I think the website does your project a disservice instead of amplifying it. This is because it seems to focus on the cool engineering side of the project (really cool!). Instead, I think it should focus on the value it could generate for the clinics and how close you are to make it work.
For example, you change the first paragraph as follows. (English is not my first language, so phrasing and grammar could certainly be improved.)
Current version:
"I'm trying to validate a program I've written to help your clients see what they might look like after a breast augmentation instead of using Photoshop or relying only on vests. Maybe they'd like to see how they could look by using Breastimate? Please take a look at what I've come up with so far and offer any feedback. (These results are from my rudimentary proof-of-concept)"
The idea
Showing clients how they would look like after breast augmentation often requires Photoshop or wearing a vest. This costs time and money, and results are often inaccurate.
My goal is to immediately provide accurate results, reduce the costs to the clinics, and increase client satisfaction by using artificial intelligence and computer vision.
Currently, my software simulates breast augmentation results that are quite close to real-life augmentation outcomes. The below pictures were produced in 30 seconds from uploading pre-augmentation photographs.
To improve the results and validate this approach, I am looking for breast augmentation clinics to partner in using and developing this software.
What I am offering:
- Free lifetime access to this software
What I am looking for:
- feedback on improving it from a clinician's perspective
- access to pre- and post-augmentation photographs to further increase the accuracy of produced results
2. I couldn't find the comparison pictures in the format that I described above.
3. I would move the technical details to the very bottom of the page or a separate page. Instead, to build trust, I would write a sentence or two about who you are, add your picture, and link to your resume or LinkedIn.
4. I would remove the "bizarre experiments" because they distract from the main idea and suggest your software is not working well. Someone who skims the text and doesn't know what labels or masks are may think that your software produces Total Recall-like breasts.
5. You could also address how your software is better / cheaper from other options. I found one example here: BTW, you need to make sure that the vast majority of clinics indeed relies on Photoshop and vests. Otherwise, your main selling point suggests that you don't know this space and may turn off people you are contacting.
Thank YOU for answering! I agree with all of your feedback, and the clarity of your restructured and prioritized text will definitely improve my chances of success. In the event of any sort of success, I'll be sure to return to share in the success.
Erdem ( is a small "media-center" webapp that I've been building. I'm also using this as an opportunity to learn React.
Over the years I've amassed a collection of video files with filenames similar but not exactly like, "Lionel Messi vs Miroslav Klose".
The actual data set is dirtier, can't be regexed, etc. A key property of my data set is that a name features in the filename of different files.
I made this to easily answer the question "Hey, I want to watch a video about Messi. I wonder what I have?"
So, being the computer scientist I am, I thought it'd be interesting to index the filenames. Hence, the indexer whose code I experiment with a lot; dirtier than usual, very "academic" style.
Then I realized all I need is a search function (which I have implemented already!). Life works. Maybe I'll keep with the indexer idea but just for something to play with.
P.S., I have words to say about React but this isn't the thread for it I guess. Been a frustrating experience so far. But well, that's why I used it in such a rough hack in the first place.
Over the past year I've been working on Check Sheet in my spare time which is an add-on for Google Sheets. It lets you define rules or "checks" for your spreadsheet and will then send you a notification when they match via Email, Slack or Teams. Google used to have a similar thing built in directly but decided to remove it, there still seems to be demand for such a thing so I've been working on something that adds that functionality back.
The add-on runs primarily in Google's Apps Script environment which is essentially like Lambda/Cloud Functions although it's been around for way longer. In terms of the tech stack the frontend is a fairly simple Vue app and the backend is written in TypeScript. Apps Script is quite restrictive in terms of some of the quotas and limitations they apply so over time I've moved some of the logic and data out into Firestore and Cloud Functions.
This is a website I am building as a social media for my vernacular language(Malayalam), my main reasoning being
1. Facebook has a lot of Malayalam discussions and literature but they are lost past a few days, and it is very difficult to rediscover this content.
Basically we are losing out on quality content once Facebook has decided it is not viable to show a post algorithmically.
2. For vernacular languages niche content has largely been reduced to Youtube, but still there are no platforms for discussion on these topics.
3. his might sound generic but we often hear about stories of kids chancing on content on the internet and developing a passion for a subject, what are the chances this can happen if you are not English speaking?
We can learn from China on this, even though it is a population that is largely shielded from the rest of the world, their adoption of native langauge on the internet have allowed for proliferation of all kinds content to everyone.
4. Localisation is the future. Being able to use our own language has allowed a lot of people to explode on the scene and make a living - ask tiktokers.
I am not yet done with the features, but a priority for me now is to do translations to Malayalam and get audience coming.
I know there's debezium and Netflix's dblog, but this project aims to be much simpler.
Forget about kafka and any other dependency: just point it at Postgres, and your data will be pushed into BigQuery. And for people with highly-performance-sensitive databases, the read workload has been designed with Postgres efficiency in mind.
I'm hoping pgsink could be a gateway drug to get small companies up and running with a data warehouse. If your datastore of choice is Postgres, it's a huge help to replicate everything into an analytics datastore. A similar tool has helped my company extract expensive work out of our primary database, which is super useful for scaling (nevermind the business-intelligence and data-engineering uses!).
The project is 90% there, about 10hrs and some testing away from being useable. Once there, I'll be hitting up some start-up friends and seeing if they want to give it a whirl.
Thanks so much for your work on this and htmx/intercooler!
I just threw some htmx on a Django website yesterday and was blown away with how easy it was to do fancy app-y stuff with so little code. Awesome! I'll be trying some hyperscript this week.
It helps people start a business by helping them find the right software and acts as a starting point for research. It's half-baked because writing content is very difficult and energy consuming. But hiring writers just gets you crap. Its difficulty to make money if words don't flow.
About a month ago, I began developing Diggy [0]. It started as a simple Python notebook to explore small datasets, visualize results so can share them with my friends. Its initial purpose was to create a Python playground that I can run entirely in my browser without relying on server-side code. Zero setup, just type some Python code in the browser and instantly see results.
I don't feel joy when I work with Jupyter-like environments. They are powerful, but feel complex especially for exploratory programming and for those of us who enjoy playing with ideas. That being said, Diggy is not for large-scale applications where you need Docker containers, cloud providers, integration with enterprise platforms, big data. It’s for those who like learning, coding, sharing and making it for fun.
Diggy is a tactile and visual notebook:
* It’s reactive. You don’t have to remember which blocks to run if you change a variable. A notebook will be automatically updated. There’s no hidden state, a notebook is always up-to-date.
* You don’t need to install anything on your computer. You don’t need to create an account to run Python code. It’s as simple as clicking a link.
* Web-native, runs completely in the browser pushing boundaries of edge computing.
It was hugely inspired by Observable & Repl project. Overall, it’s a small attempt to move towards tools that bring joy to programming.
Under the hood it runs Pyodide [1], and I’m planning to add extra languages at some point.
It's a pipeline engine for Kubernetes[1]. The idea is to build a tool that can be flexible enough for CI/CD, but also used for other things such as for example data processing.
The pipelines are just designed as serial and parallel execution of pods with no fancy features (i.e. loops or conditions) and the idea is to let other tools generate more complex pipelines using code.
Responsibility of triggering the pipelines is decoupled to standalone controllers such as github-screener[2] which enables triggering of pipelines used for CI/CD.
The project currently builds itself, but the docs are a bit outdated and there's quite a lot progress to be made.
My goal is try to make it simpler than other tools such as tekton by having less of its own DSL. For example, steps are mostly pure Job spec, instead of defining its own subset of features.
I think it's also more easily extensible than others if you want to trigger your pipeline in a different way. Sensors such as github-screener have a really simple event producing architecture.
One thing specific to github-screener is that it's focused on pull mechanism instead of relying on public webhooks like most of the other tools do. So you can easily host your private CI/CD without exposing a public endpoint.
(Edit) The reason I focused on having less of its own DSL because I ultimately saw how limiting it can be to have one. and it often end up as essentially a full featured language which is not reusable outside of the tool.
Main reason is playing with macOS frameworks. And second - i've seen that all other apps using online backends. So they can't be used if computer is offline.
I wanted something better than Django. So I built this. IMO it's already there from a technical perspective but the documentation needs some more work. Would greatly appreciate any feedback!
I used padrino for a while, because it advertised itself as half-way between sinatra and rails. I liked it, but I don't think the framework ever had enough support to be able to rely on it, and since it's not well known I wouldn't pick it again in an environment where someone else had to code on it.
Yea, I definitely need to put more effort into promotion and getting more active users.
I'm not familiar with padrino, but at least for Flask Unchained, it's literally Flask under the hood - so my project is less a new framework but more of an improved way to use a highly popular existing framework. I'm hopeful this distinction can help with adoption.
Its not really half baked but was stuck in a loop of adding new features on top , while starting the project , i was pumped up to build it.
it is like google keep, but for storing and sharing code snippets, most of the ui is inspired from google keep and i have added more features on top of that, i named it codekeep (google keep for code snippets)
i can summarize codekeep as ,
Codekeep lets you organize your code snippets by assigning labels or grouping into folders. generate code screenshots, share and discover reusable snippets.
you can check it out on,
i also built several templates for taking codescreenshots as well, by generating codescreenshots you can share it on social media, and link it on codekeep , so that they can click / copy the snippets, without you having to take codescreenshot on one site, put snippet in gist.
For @martinsrna and I, newsletters became the go-to source for learning from domain experts like Packy McCormick who writes Not Boring, Lenny Rachitsky, or Stratechery’s Ben Thompson.
But we think there should be a better reading and learning experience that also helps with the newsletter fatigue so we started working on a newsletter reader as a side project.
We spent the past few weeks validating the idea, spoke with over 20 potential users to better understand the problem and have a clickable prototype in Figma.
Right now, we’re looking for someone who could help us build the first MVP. If you’re looking to get involved with a side project and any of this resonates with you, we'd love to chat!
Think Monopoly for sports nerds, but with a broadcasting angle for the business crowd.
Users start as fans & graduate to being athletes, team owners, coaches, commishes (league owners), referees (owning the rulebook for a sport), landlords (owning venues), etc.
Or, users graduate to being broadcasters, content providers (eg, owning a gamefilm), sponsors/advertisers, and station owners (TV, radio, ...).
Finally, users can become demographers. This means you can predict, for a given audience, their willingness to attend a game, buy merch, or "fan" a team or athlete.
The idea is to offer a rolling, continuous slate of seasons in which users compete for properties.
I've built some simple protos using RubyOnRails. The biggest challenge is settling on a set of rules/interactions between of the personas shown above.
This is a job scheduler / project management software for construction companies. It's almost there... Still have a good amount of polish to put on it. And I need to expand the landing page... - A spaced repetition tool that combines a notion-like input interface to make creating flash cards more organic, using markdown text, tables and lists. Also has a flexible schema so that questions can be generated in different formats like multiple choice, true false, matching, etc. buggy and not all the dynamic question features work but the foundation is there. - An incremental game used to teach the history of the building of the first computer, ENIAC. Buggy and the mid-end game needs to be implemented. I planned on launching this to HN and PH in a few months.
- Currently mired in building out all of the country validation in JS (the thing I know how to do)
- Should really be working on building out more website templates and proving the functionality.
Why? Because I have to validate VAT numbers CPF or other random ID numbers on a regular basis and right now building unit tests just to test an 8 digit number...
I'm making an Andon signalling application that can be used to visualize production line problems in a manufacturing company.
Andon is a powerful tool in the lean manufacturing concept, because it highlights problems, raises employee awareness, and encourages responsible persons to solve them quickly.
There are many commercial packages available but they are often very expensive or inflexible. I feel that many companies would greatly benefit from having such a system but don't have it due to the costs involved.
I'm trying to build an open source version that can be configured to many different situations.
"HDRFS is a lossless filesystem application which stores a complete history of every byte ever written to it. It is backed by a strictly append-only log, but works as a fully read/write POSIX-compatible filesystem. Think of it as a cross between a filesystem and tar, with infinite versioning and tuned to maximise ease of backups.
It is intended to be used by individuals to archive personal files."
Very half-baked. It works, but it turns out there are quite a few applications with highly pessimal write() patterns that bloat the metadata database, making it less general-purpose than I had hoped.
I love the idea of this, how you write to volume files of a fixed configurable size, that become immutable once it's moved onto the next one, so you can pick up those prior volumes and move them to offline storage whenever you want. That just seems really nice and easy to understand.
We're building a collaborative meal planning site for personalized nutrition. If you've ever tried to improve your wellness or fitness through nutrition, you likely found yourself preparing more meals yourself. We think it takes too much time to pull together recipes into a well balanced, tasty meal plan that helps you achieve your goals. We intend to fix this at Fresh Batch.
Two of my buddies and I have been hacking a solution together as our 5 - 8 through the pandemic. We're pushing hard to open up beta soon. You can request private beta access on the home page. Feedback much appreciated!
After spending a month of nights and weekends building this I'm not sure whether to scrap it or continue working on it - possibly monetizing advanced features:
I'm working on a new open public discussion site called Sqwok -
The idea sprouted from using Slack & Reddit and wanting to combine the two and create a new place for live discussion that's accessible to a general audience. It's small so far but has a growing community of awesome people.
In my mind it's still half-baked as there's a lot more work to do to fully bring it to life.
Ran out of time to make more content, but I still add something every now and then when I learn something new. I think the plan was lots of useful copy-pasteable snippets (inspired by the gobyexample site) and then some ads.
For the curious, it is a Jekyll site (ported from Hugo) served from GitHub. Source on github. Workflow is super nice - edit markdown and run locally (if you want to preview - you don't need to if you dont want) and just push to GitHub and the changes are live within a minute or two - GitHub pages is an awesome service for this sort of thing.
It's been/being used by people from many different sectors which is great to see. It's making enough to pay for 2 coffees a month, or at least to cover the server it's hosted on. If I didn't enjoy working on it, I'd factor in my time!
It started as a quick way to generate a d3-chord diagram and has slowly grown since then.
A purely in browser SQL editor and runner for education purposes, and to be able to quickly upload csvs for querying with SQL:
Very rough currently, but press the "Chinook" button to get a demo sqlite database loaded in for usage. Or, upload a .csv and reload the page (bugs!). All data is stored in indexdb, nothing leaves the browser. cmd + enter to run the sql.
Tech note:
Uses WASM sqlite + Monaco (vscode) engine. This may eventually become a electon app instead to allow other DB drivers + better sql auto completion.
We started building at the beginning of December after our frustration with other help center/wiki tools.
Every wiki/help center tool seems bent on forcing users to learn a new authoring/text editor experience in order to publish new articles. Many times, folks are creating drafts in Google Docs first and then copying it over. We figured, why not cut out the subpar text editors and just publish to a wiki straight from Docs?
It's definitely not ready for prime-time but we're at a point where we're actively looking for feedback!
MethodScript[0] is a programming language I’ve been working on for a decade or so. It’s can be run on the command line, but it started as and is mostly useful as a programming language for Minecraft server admins, through a bukkit plugin named CommandHelper.
It has a lot to desire as a general purpose programming language, and it’s clearly a work in progress, with bugs aplenty I’m sure, but I’m proud of what’s there so far, and it’s got a niche but devoted following in the domain it’s currently in.
Do you support the seasonal / annualized quarterly estimated payments tax form? I used that for many years for fluctuating freelance income, but I’ve not seen an app that supports it.
I made an open-source Rails engine to offload marketing campaigns: I haven't tweeted about it yet so I guess I would call it half-baked since nobody else has really touched it and I don't know all that I missed.
We use it at work. We were using a combination of, Salesforce, Iterable, and our own awful in-house solution when I realized how bad it was needed. Then I needed it for one of my side projects, so I hacked something together and it works. But who knows how well.
since you did it for yourself it is sure something useful, but the webpage do not give me enough info about it: I am very curious, and would like to know more: if you have time can you add here some more info, maybe examples? (btw: I love RoR)
It's a tool for dev journaling. I use it for tracking tasks, marking accomplishments, and to back up my decisions. I have a really poor memory so I do little mind dumps multiple times a day. So it's sort of a log of your day.
It's pretty bare bones right now. You can write logs in markdown, tag them for easy lookup, and mark your favorites. This weekend I'll probably release a new feature for adding task lists to logs. I have the backend finished and have started in the front end implementation.
Started a new project this year after taking part in the future founder course of startup school.
I want to build a SaaS product for asynchronous communication for remote companies.
"Twitter for companies" or "Slack for microblogging".
Don't know where the journey will take me, but as a remote worker for 6 years that doesn't like these omnipresent chats, I wanted to build an alternative.
Nothing to show for right now, since I just got started.
I'm still in validation step, wanted to know if people are interested in such service before I jump in to development.
Honestly I just wanted to dive into development and dealing with code, but if I want a proper product I need to validate it first and I need to deal with people and make them top priority rather than my personal interest in coding :)
I have been working on a journalling pwa ( - I need to change the name). The daily template is configurable, but it has been a week and I am already bored of my default template.
A toy for speaking with a synthetic personality and generating synthetic audio:
It's more like 10% baked, but it sort of works. It's much better with GPT-3 but hasn't yet been submitted to OpenAI for approval, so that part is private. My priorities are improving the synthetic voices, adding additional dialog scenarios, and adding multiplayer mode either natively on the site or through bots that can be added to Discord voice channels.
A virtual tabletop for RPGs, because I was just not satisfied with the current offering.
It's very not supposed to be available to a lot of people right now, there are a lot of bugs and it's still light-years away from what I want. But hey, you can register an account and play a few sessions, I see it more like an advanced POC than a MVP, which I'm currently working on. Feel free to join our Discord server to chat about it!
1. I saw in the change log that you support IPv6, make it more prominent in the front page as well. (maybe add IPv6 support to as well)
2. Your pricing is what I was looking for, per request and per location. but the fixed charge thing is what holding me back. maybe a prepaid option would be better. eg: a person adds $10 credit to the account and uses it at pay as you go pricing.
Regarding pricing, this is what I'm struggling with. The reason for fixed pricing is to cover commission + if I got a lot of users with like "$0.01/mo" usage, then it'd be hard to support all of them, it's literally free option.
I thought about prepaid, I don't remember exactly why I declined that option. I think I liked the digital ocean model, though they don't have fixed dollar.
It's just a toy. Dial's are difficult to make work in real UIs but they feature a lot in FUIs. FUIs also assume a lot of knowledge/expertise on the part of the user ... to move the dial with a mouse here you need to hold shift, you can also increment with up and down (or shift up/down).
These dials try to be smarter by calculating the torque value of a mouse/touch movement, so you really have to move around the dial like a real one.
I've always wanted my own gradient boosting machine implementation to compete with Xgboost and LightGBM. There's a huge space of tricks around regularization, randomization, tree structure, etc., that few people are exploring because neural nets are exploding.
So far I've roughly caught up in speed and accuracy with a few original tricks (and 1/20 of the features), but no real breakthroughs.
Working on a private journaling app for iOS that opens ~instantly and feels like a private blog or Twitter page. Content is saved to your iCloud Drive and is totally private.
It’s still a bit buggy and the UI needs a bit of polish, but I’ve been using it for the past year and it’s been helpful for thought and introspection.
Web based hotseat version of machi Koro. Multi-player might work. I don't even remember, haha. You can do local hotseat though.
Both use no frameworks. Yes one is a subdomain and another a subfolder. I haven't got around to fixing it.
I am currently building a (open-source) hiking and mountaineering equipment management web app.
An early prototype is at . It's a bit rough around the edges (does not work on mobiles, not a lot of features, some UX issues probably) but core functionality should work.
I’ve been working on a project called DFlex: that contains multiple packages all written in Pure JavaScript to manipulate DOM elements in a completely new way depends on creating a DOM registry.
The ultimate result is moving every element from destination to target with CSS animation. This means all possible operations should be done in 60fps.
It is also extendable. In most existing solutions the more elements you are trying to manipulate the more lagging you get. Here, no matter how many elements you are dealing with it’s always going to interpret each movement to CSS transform without asking the browser to get the node for each request. It is not restricted to any frameworks I have examples for React and Vue with some explanations inside each package. And maybe add more later. It includes:
• DOM Generator DOM relations generator algorithm.
• DOM Store Traverse through the DOM tree using element id.
• Drag & Drop Lightweight Solution for a Drag & Drop App based on enhanced store algorithm.
• Draggable High-performance draggable elements.
• Unit test & end to end test
• Packages are decoupled and work separately. Each package has it own universe including test and playground
There's a lot to add and improve with new packages. I am looking for contributors who like to get involved in open source. So, if you are interested, open an issue, or pull request. I need your support. Thank you!
I am working on ht[0], a drop-in replacement for HTTPie[1] written in Rust.
Since I am not planning on writing an extensive documentation for ht, I wanted to port 99% of HTTPie's features so its docs applies to ht as well. So far I have been able to port around 60-70% of HTTPie's features.
We're working on, our internal machine learning platform. Not really prime time SOC 2 Type II enterprise ready kung fu yet, but it has:
- No-setup Jupyter environments with the most popular libraries pre-installed
- Real-time collaboration on notebooks
- Multiple versions of your notebooks
- Long-running notebook scheduling with GPU support against Docker images, and output that survives closed tabs and network disruptions displayed into a page so you can watch from multiple devices.
- Automatic experiment tracking: automatically detects your models, parameters, and metrics and saves them without you remembering to do so or polluting your notebook with tracking code
- Easily deploy your model and get a "REST endpoint" so data scientists don't tap on anyone's shoulder to deploy their model, and developers don't need to worry about ML dependencies to use the models
- Build Docker images for your model and push it to a registry to user it wherever you want
- Monitor your models' performance on a live dashboard
- Publish notebooks as AppBooks: automatically parametrize a notebook to enable clients to interact with it without exporting PDFs or having to build an application or mutate the notebook. This is very useful when you want to expose some parameters that are very domain specific to a domain expert.
You might want to put an example of the syntax on the landing page.
I have been to the "comparison" page and I'm still not sure what it looks like, because of the heavy highlighting (are the big dots part of the syntax? Are the tiny square brackets?) and there doesn't seem to be another example on the site.
I continue to redesign the website for the best presentation. This is the second iteration. All feedback is very welcome.
The bullet points and differently sized brackets are purely syntax highlighting. Bullet points highlight list items. Highlighting stripped, all brackets are regular square brackets. "Minimal" is not an exaggeration. It has only 3 tokens.
Over the break I started an ambitious project merging many ideas I've had in the last 3 years.
This is the first note:
Synergize Studio
A place where teams can reach their best potential
Dictionary Synergize: combine or coordinate the activity of (two or more agents) to produce a joint effect greater than the sum of their separate effects
Dictionary Studio: a room where an artist, photographer, sculptor, etc. works.
a gym, to train, to improve
Personal Coach, simple, natural, fluid
As I start with the end in mind, I flip the way I usually do personal projects.
I started with the website, and doing happy paths POCs just to add more content to the site.
As I work on the site, 3 main audience came to mind
For individuals
private, you control who can see your data,
Skill tracker
personal development, short term and long term goals
Career development, current role and next steps
organization agnostic, your info moves with you if you change companies
Career path
For teams
Share and get to know your team members
Conflict resolution tools
Trust building
Norms and processes
Discover the landscape
For leadership,
Anonymous Aggregated information,
The site is somewhat mobile friendly, I'm currently working on the teams page
It's at the point where it gets through booting the BIOS and gets to the IBM Casette BASIC (I haven't made much progress on the floppy disk controller to boot DOS). But then all keys get recognized as apostrophes:
If someone wants to help me finish it, I'd be happy for the help. Right now most of the 8086 (8088 technically but no difference at this point) is done, memory works, CGA has text mode support, and a basic implementation of most of the essential support chips is done (PIC, PIT, etc.). It's an Xcode project but the only dependencies are SDL and SDL_TTF so it can easily be ported to other platforms.
I've run some automated CPU tests and the CPU is reasonably good, but like I said still missing some instructions (DIV for example). I wrote it all by hand, only looking at other emulators when I got really stuck for a particular specific item.
I have my own software projects, mainly written in C, which I have made significant progress writing it, but seem to be missing some important parts. Fossil repositories are available and discussion is available on NNTP.
- Free Hero Mesh - a puzzle game engine, for grid based games such as Sokoban, Hero Hearts, etc. - The behaviour of the game seems to work perfectly as far as I can tell, but the level editor doesn't work, audio doesn't work, destruction animations don't work, there are no examples provided, etc.
- TeXnicard - a program for making card sets for card games using special cards, such as Magic: the Gathering, and making up your own card games. - Many features work, but the package manager and version control system are incomplete, and the typesetting engine could also be improved, and there are no rendering templates provided. Also, the Separations Output Format used for rendering probably isn't implemented anywhere else as far as I can tell.
- sqlnetnews - a simple NNTP server software with SQLite. - Peering with other NNTP servers is not currently implemented, nor is authentication, nor the email/web interface.
If you are interested, please mention it; maybe you are able to help with them, because I would want help with some things, I think.
This is a project I built to help with my job search. It pulls Stack Overflow job listings (using the RSS feeds) and maps them based on the city. It only supports cities in the United States or fully remote companies at the moment. It's functional but definitely half baked.
A very simple web application (aimed at being self-hosted) to collect videos for watching them (repeatedly) later:
It invokes youtube-dl under the hood, but the user can add videos (to be downloaded) via the browser. It is quite usable as is, but pretty slim on features. Maybe someone here wants to take it further.
RiffPod[1]. Hardware and app to enable wireless recording of guitar. 4 years of iterating through hardware versions to finally converge on a design that works[2].
I'm writing this app that is supposed to be a deep learning based calories counter, but so far I've only managed to recognize foods and attempt to classify them by categories.
Here's the link on google play store:
It's an email forwarding service. You point your domain to us, and we will forward email to your domain to your personal email. We also support webhook so you can do creative thing with email workflow.
Still need lot of work on backend to improve spam filtering and add privacy/tos pages, fix typo/grammaer. fix small UI/UX weirdness here and there.
A bit late to the party, but I'm building PlanMixPlay. An audio/video DJ/VJ software that sits somewhere between a performance and a production environment. Thanks for reading!
It has been in its half-baked state since 2012 when I wrote it in a single night so that I could share solutions to mathematics puzzles my friends and I used to challenge each other with.
Somehow the use of this tool spread from my friends to their friends and colleagues, then schools and universities, and then to IRC channels that involve mathematical discussions.
I would encourage you to keep working on this - IMHO it has potential in that scientific collaboration (also in mathematics) is increasingly done by globally distributed teams.
You may need:
- user/ID management
- linking to Overleaf/GitHub for collaborative authoring of jointly produced output (e.g. papers to publish a proof)
- integration (e.g. via HTML snippets) in user's personal blogs.
There's semi-competition from e.g. Mathematica notebooks and the likes, but these are perhaps more targeting single authors, not conversations/teams.
I wrote this tool all throughout a Saturday night 9 years ago and shared it with my friends on the next morning. The first URL (post 13) shows the first puzzle that was shared with the tool. The fourth URL (post 39) was the first post by someone I did not know. That's when I realized that people beyond my immediate friends' circle have begun using it now.
2 years ago I created a guitar chords website to solve a problem I have with finding songs to play on my guitar/ukulele. You can login with your Spotify account and get some suggestions based on your listening history, and also import Spotify playlists.
I wanted to create a website that is lightweight, more accessible and less invasive for the user. Existing chords/tabs websites can be a real pain to use. The design and the UX of my app is a bit clunky, but it's fast and works and without JS. I have not really touched it since but I kept it online because some people use it (including me). I'm getting around 5-10k unique visitors per months, I think mostly from google searches.
I also worked on a feature that generates printable songbooks that people can order but I am concerned about copyright and legal issues, any comment on that would be welcome. I've implemented it already but activated just for me, and I ordered a few books already... (all the pdf generation, payment and shipping workflow works).
I'd love to get some design help or some fresh ideas for the project.
Hey this looks awesome ! I've been getting into guitar this year during confinement (apologies to my equally-confined neighbors), but Ultimate-guitar is so bloated it barely loads on my shitty wifi. This is exactly what I need.
I'm a cloud book reader/organizer, basically a clone of google play books but instead of uploading the books to the page the books are fetch from your own google drive account.
I haven't chosen a name or domain
Not ready yet but very close to completion, maybe in next weeks I will be releasing it.
I'm struggling with which is a minimalist flashcard platform where you can create public and private decks.
I use the tool religiously because I prefer my tool over the others tools available. I think the strategy forward for me is to create some public decks that others people would like to study.. Do you guys have any cool ideas for decks?
Language learning decks are super popular. I've been learning Russian for a couple of years and finding good vocabulary decks has been a challenge. I know there are some spreadsheets out there with the 5,000 or so most commonly used words that might help you automate the process.
Observideo [1]. Initially a web app that links to dropbox to facilitate my wife's student's research on behaviour by tagging video segments. Now it's a half baked electron app. Initially made for her research projects, most students either use excel or some expensive software.
I started out as a software engineer, but have spent the 8 years building and running a custom software development agency, which was acquired last year by a larger company.
I am now looking to help developers who want to start a software agency themselves, so have created Dev to Agency where I am writing about the lessons and insights I learned.
It's an editor and renderer for Fractal Flames[1] written in C++17 with a UI in Qt/QML. Other software that renders Fractal Flames is e.g. Electric Sheep[2] or Apophysis[3].
It's a project that I've been working on and off for 10 years and it's still not ready… Reimplementing it several times certainly didn't help, but I learned a lot in the process! It's grown from a simple for loop to basically a language interpreter.
Sorry for the lack of README or license, but this is still half-baked. I want to release and open-source it one day though.
I've been working on an open-source Identity Access Management solution in the past few months:
Gatekeeper aims to enable small and medium-sized enterprises to have their own on-premise IAM solution that supports all relevant protocols and standards and is secure by default (by offering automated updates and using memory-safe languages etc.).
Features include, for example, LDAP, OpenID Connect, SCIM, and Gatekeeper as an identity-aware reverse proxy. (with fully managed ACME certificate management)
The tech stack is ASP.NET Core + Postgres on the backend. The frontend is written in C# and uses Blazor to run using Web Assembly. If someone is interested in taking a look, we are working on a hopefully helpful Developer Documentation (
I developed this as my own remote coding interview tool to let me do collaborative editing and also run code. I learn the technologies as I am building it, so it also helps me try out new things. First released it to public at this new year, still got a lot of features to implement, it's a fun project to work on weekends.
A platform-agnostic programming language for UI designers. None of the links work; this is quite literally a half baked page lol.
I'm still in the process of designing the language itself, been at it for about a year now and expect to spend about another year nailing down the basic syntax before revealing publicly.
I'm only showing a few pics because I took the backend down. Simple premise is that you can weight chores with points. When someone completes a chore (clean the dishes, mop the floor), they get rewarded those points.
The point is to provide transparency into who's doing what around the house.
I’ve been working on a site/app that displays river flows. This is something that is important for fly fishing (helps determine which flies to use, where to fish, etc.)
My goal is to keep the OPEX as low as possible and not charge for it or run ads. Currently running using a combo of Vercel and GitHub Actions for $0 / month.
It's a simple project to allow call forwarding from apartment buzzers to multiple phone numbers - ideal for roommates, couples or families.
Had something very basic working 2 years ago and should have released it like that. It's still not quite where I want it at, but now I can iterate instead of holding everything back
A niche cloud that only runs public auditable source code, built on top of ObservableHQ so the user has the power to read and fork the serverside implementation if they wish
The idea is if we shine a light on server side implementation, and give more power to the end user to see what is happening, we can build trust. Personally I want an AI to hoover up my data and act based on anticipate my needs. However, in the current climate its just too risky letting my data leave my control.
So the problem is not privacy per se, but trust that my data is used in my best interests. This is my attempt at fixing the internet services trust issue: Make sure the production code that runs on the data is verifiable at all times.
It's very half baked at the moment as the serverside runtime is not open sources, nor is there a billing system. I am acutely aware of the hypocrisy and will fix it in due time :p
No just javascript. Crypto and protocols are one way of solving this issue, but I wanted something any developer could adopt. So there are no "proof" of security, but you can always inspect the source code, so services no longer behave like a market-for-lemons. It adds a buying signal. Which although not watertight, does change the market dynamics I think for the better.
turtleSpaces is a 3D version of the Logo programming language. It runs on macOS, Windows and Linux but _really_ needs to run in a web browser, which we are working on! It also doesn't have good collision detection (yet) and it needs serious optimisation. But you can make some cool stuff with it!
Paint by Pixel: creates a custom paint-by-numbers grid based on an image you upload and colors you already have.
The "download template" button doesn't work right now, but it just replaces the colors from the "preview" image with numbers and a white background that you print and color in. Similar to a paint by numbers craft.
Right now I'm working on the backend before making the frontend minimally-less-ugly.
It resizes the image, then uses k-means quantization (scikit-learn) to map the pixel colors to the color set you choose. Right now the options are a few crayola marker packs. Would love to add something where you can upload your own colors, or provide my own markers.
The idea is that you can create a simple custom paint by numbers craft and get started right away using stuff you already have. I have a few other ideas, but trying to make a product cheaper than some existing custom paint by numbers kits.
Hmm.. do you know the size of the image? Also, there’s no loading wheel so it might take a second depending on the size of the image. Just tried on mobile with a 1.8mb image and the preview popped up.
I used this project as a training ground for a ton of different ideas and technologies. From server rendered react to typescript and design systems to how the hell kubernetes works. I went from dokku, to lando, to trying to figure out Consul and Hashicorp stuff to managed K8s on digital ocean. I decided to try to only write SQL and create my own typesafe patterns with TypeScript. It didn’t work out all that great but it wasn’t all that bad either.
This is half baked because I had so many more plans for a product no one asked for. Definitely one of the best learning experiences I had. I started with a monorepo of modules and realized that was a stupid idea for an app. I developed some strong opinions along the way. Oh I reimplemented email auth for the nth time but this time I used postgres’s built-in crypto functions. Man I like this implementation
A platform for people to build real-time multiplayer games / multi-user apps with ease.
Developers write JS code to only handle the rendering and interaction. Separate game code written in a DSL will be parsed and run on the server. A SDK is provided to help the client side communicate with the game / app server.
It's a stock portfolio manager focused on dividends.
I have been thinking about financial independence and financial literacy for years. How so many of us were never taught about the impact of credit card loans and inflation on our financial situation. So as I've read more about how a brand new car is the worst thing you can do with your money, I dug deeper into how money can make money.
As I started investing right after university, I thought the web would be a better way to track dividends automatically, instead of manual google spreadsheets. So this is my project I work on weekends mostly, trying to visualize dividend stocks and what passive income I can expect. It's always half baked project because there are so many exchanges and stocks that all have their own problems and it's hard to automate from free data sources.
I really like building the project I use myself! Hopefully, it will last!
I created SailNavSim, a real-time sailing navigation simulator using real-world weather/ocean data where you can also set up races and play with/against others online:
Some months ago, I had also shared it as a Show HN post [0], and I am thankful for the feedback received then, but I will be the first to say it's still not really ready for "prime time" despite continuous improvements since. Mostly I've been focusing a lot on the simulation and back-end side of things, but I do think it could benefit from a more modern UI (maybe someday).
Nonetheless, we have a small community of virtual sailors who regularly participate in races, and I could not be more grateful for all their feedback and help with this project so far!
Very half baked, even took that demo site featured in the video down. Intended to run hundreds of "channels" of music, each of which could support thousands of independent sessions (think cloud gaming but for audio/music).
Uses Pion WebRTC, Gstreamer, JACK, SuperCollider and a simple Golang API for converting http requests to OSC toggles to manipulate audio running on a cloud server in realtime over the internet.
Questions – is this crazy? Would game makers ever be interested in adopting a third party SDK for their music needs? What if that music had to be streamed over the wire (not baked into their console/mobile client builds)? Is the prospect of game player input influencing the sounds/music they're listening to compelling, or not really?
I've been working for some time on a capture the flag web game called Rock Paper Scissor Battle!, which is basically a simplified version of Stratego, but the pieces are rock, paper and scissor instead of numbers). Its open source on my Github:, the backend is Scala and Redis and the frontend React + Typescript. I have a live version of it up at, although I have a feeling any real level of traffic will topple over my $5/mo Heroku dyno. Also don't mind the goofy font landing page. :)
I'm overall happy with the backend code, except for the "AI", which can use some real work and research. Right now just some basic semi-random rules that make it pretty easy to beat.
Been trying this out with friends and family for a couple of weeks. Some things we like about it: no setup or signup, fast and snappy, doesn’t demand or abuse attention.
Some things I’m still thinking about: image scaling and optimization, discovery (search? hashtags? web-rings?).
This is really great. Would love to be able to host it as a section on my own site.
Re: images, what have you tried so far? I’ve been using guetzli to get them nice and small.
Thank you for the kind words! I guess it might depend on how your site is put together, but I bet you could whip up something like this for it pretty easy. I had meant for this to be a weekend project, but I had it mostly done before supper on Saturday, so... ;)
I figured I might use ImageMagick to scale the images and maybe jpegoptim afterwards. Thanks for the tip on guetzli, I'll check it out!
I am working on a tool called Playbook ( Playbook is an application that allows anyone who presents product demos to tell a more complete, integrated story.
One of the primary features of many SaaS products is how they integrate smoothly with other platforms customers are already using, like Salesforce or Slack. However, in a demo environment, it can be difficult to show that workflow in a way that doesn't require flipping between persona accounts and taking precious time to generate the activity. Playbook hooks into a demoer's demo accounts and facilitates creating "plays", automated workflows between any number of SaaS apps that show off your product's integrations. It also supports working with multiple personas to create lifelike collaboration instantly.
There are still many kinks to work out but this is the first step in building Demo Engineering-as-a-service.
Code is in C++ using Qt. Uses Porcupine for wake-up-word detection and Google API's for speech-to-text and text-to-speech.
It can play music, move your windows, you can shout google searches at it, tell it open Gmail, take screenshots, etc.
After launching it I found people didn't find it useful, including myself, after some time. Still, I open sourced it in case somebody will find it interesting. I loved developing the NLP engine part using tree structure to load the database and travel on it to find the most suitable command based on the user input.
I have a ton of unfinished open source projects, but here's a recent small one I believe can take off: — a bare-bones, zero-configuration static site generator that deliberately has no features, an experiment in radical simplicity.
Essentially a tiny, elegant glue between EJS templates and Markdown with freeform structure (enabling incremental adoption) and convenient defaults, written in under 120 lines of JavaScript.
I build a tool for residents at care homes to find pen pals around the world.
I didn't try to get care homes on board so the project basically died upon launch. Sometimes I think about trying to go for it or make it just a general pen pal service instead...
Sick of uncurated clickbait and Google News, I wanted a site where people could rewrite their own better headlines. Users would vote on multiple ones for each story. Now it's just a list of links (including clickbait). Feel free to add one.
I’ve been working on It allows for iOS apps to be deployed outside of the App Store by streaming apps through an App Clip. Apple has approved my app, but I’m expecting they’d ban it if I allowed users to host their apps for something more than beta testing
The idea came from the fact that when you zoom into DevTools, the entire thing gets enlarged including Panel tabs, setting icons, etc. It would be great if you could just zoom the source code under Elements or the input under Console. Well now you can!
It's obviously out there for people to use already but it's half-baked because I want to improve the UI+UX, and I suppose this counts as DX too haha.
I decided to launch my macOS app even if it was only about "40% complete" as of my expectation. It turned out people still love it, and the launch gave me a huge confidence boost!
My app (offline toolbox for dev with a bunch of small utilities):
A search engine of all products selling on Shopify. In the same state as it was few months ago. There's obvious way forward but i need to get a job first.
I wanted to extend on the initial premise by allowing users to define and share arbitrary constraints for a soccer starting 11 and automate verification of a squad given the set of constraints.
It needs a little bit of polish but overall I really learned a lot working on it. Typescript + React is wonderful combination. It was my first time working with Django and it was a pleasant experience.
Do play around with it and any feedback is welcome. Thanks!
Thanks! At the moment I'm only focusing on soccer because that's what I know best : ) However, I can easily see this being extended to other team sports.
The main bottleneck is obtaining data around the teams that a player played for. Right now I'm depending on wikipedia because the soccer data is very rich and easy to parse. I'm not sure this is the case for other sports. The data could always be crowdsourced if there aren't any good data sources for other sports.
Over the last 9 months I've been learning Swift/SwiftUI and have been building a simple, well-designed (at least that's my goal) app for tracking your stock holdings. Ideal for casual investors that may use multiple brokers or already track their investments in a spreadsheet and want a better way to keep tabs on their holdings that's not some some clunky broker app/site.
I started this project many years ago, but I still consider it "half baked" because it not nearly what I think it should be. Turns out, building reliable and accurate finance tools is not easy.
The idea originally came from when my friends and I would exchange details on holding, returns, winners, losers, etc. If you're an active investor and have friends who are too, chances are you've asked the same questions.
Building an editor to create, view and edit vim color themes in your browser. Half-baked app architecture with a self-built redux and event emitter and code structure, gets the job done though.
Also building mani, a tool that helps you manage multiple repositories. It's helpful when you are working with microservices or multi-project system and libraries and want a central place for pulling all repositories and running commands over the different projects. You specify projects and commands in a yaml config and then run the commands over all or a subset of the projects.
Android app to keep track of things --
From the name (Every.ID), it aims to be the one app to keep track of everything you collect: domain names, postage stamps, games, etc.
I personally use it to keep track of my domain names, people I want to keep tabs of (sort of like mini CRM), software subscriptions, and lifetime deals purchased from AppSumo.
I don't have a link, because this is a Discord-based project, but it's a scheduler for D&D games.
A DM issues a command in a channel, which generates a link for them to use; the link takes them to my website, where they choose their available dates and times. Once they're done, a message is sent back to the Discord channel with the possible play dates, and potential players vote by reacting to the message with the emojis which represent the available dates.
The DM can "lock" the votes and choose the date by reacting with another emoji on a "summary" message.
It works, but the match-the-emoji-with-the-date interface is annoying, since you have to keep track of which emoji means what. I'm going to eventually rewrite it to send multiple messages, one per date, but I got stuck when trying to add React to the project (for no good fucking reason.)
I'm still a student and started programming the app with a friend because I wanted to learn physics with my classmates. But the other apps Anki, Brainscape and Quizlet have a pretty bad UX to create flashcards collaboratively, so I started working on it.
I'm forcing myself to work one hour a day on it (at least two Pomodoros) no matter what, which is a nice change of pace to my day job (in management), and really adds up over time. I gave up on starting games many times in the past, because it always felt so overwhelming to start from a blank page, and I'm already starting to build up the understanding to tackle on some actually more original game next :-)
It's a datatable written in Elm. I wrote it early on while I was learning, so I'm certain there is a lot I could update about it. Even still, it does its job pretty well. Sorting, filtering, editing, and reordering columns are all there. The way it's constructed allows new features to be built on top of it without any need to learn a table (or component) API. Just interact with the table state directly, the types make it pretty easy.
One major problem is that columns are obnoxious to define. It's just a giant record type. And in general I'm just not happy with the code. I'll likely revisit this project again soon and rewrite some key parts.
Ask.Moe is a European non-profit, free and open-source software, privacy-focused search engine. The initial plan is to build various categories, such as Podcast, Flight, Food, Shop, Math, etc. This approach will allow us to provide higher quality results compared to a general-purpose search engine, and it can hopefully allow us to slowly grow until we figure out how to handle the costs of Bing's API.
We just launched a Domain category (, which consist of a domain name finder that makes it easy to find great domains like FireFox, MailChimp, TaskRabbit, etc. by combining two words, searching through hundreds of domains in seconds.
Open source SVG/HTML/CSS/JavaScript (no frameworks) project for playing Tabletop RPGs (D&D et al) online.
It started out as just a dice-roller, but since it's so easy to nest whatever SVG thingamagic you like into it, it's been expanded to do card decks, tokens, and a thing I'm calling "Dynamic Trays".
Dynamic Trays do the gruntwork of RPG calculations. Sums, tabulations, even "exploding dice".
There's still a lot to do, every time I add a feature I think of two possible new ones. I've got to say, SVG is *really* nice. I think many developers would have the first instinct to do this in an HTML Canvas tag, but SVG does so much heavy lifting for you.
A Web Assembly interpreter written in Rust. That works but has bugs and has no mass testing. It has one really badass feature, the ability to stop at any point.
Zygote [1], started as bunch of ideas about programming languages, now it is in exploration/design phase, might end up becoming a new programming language.
Main goals: idiomatic translation (transpilation into readable code, with both imperative and functional targets possible, e.g. translating map-filter-reduce chain into a loop), restricted homoiconic syntax (with typed macros), advanced language concepts (dependent types, contracts, verification, effect systems) implemented as macros.
Target uses: GPU/heterogenous programming, neural networks model definitions, cryptography; everywhere where control is needed over how abstractions are translated into the low level code.
I’ve been working on a “virtual pub” - an internet message board where people can talk about what’s on their mind with strangers. It’s fully open source (code in golang). Works on web and Gemini:
The idea is to make creating & publishing content a bit simpler. The possibilities in the space are endless, but I started with an "automatic image finder". The way this works is that you just copy-paste your article/text or just provide an URL to already existing one and the tool will automatically recommend images that you can use in the article based on the context (currently from Unsplash).
I was tired of the limited/awkward search structure of trying to find parts for surface mount device (SMD) assembly for printed circuit boards (PCBs), a process generally referred to as PCBA.
Thus, I slapped together Google Apps Script utility which runs via a ~cron job~ time based trigger and keeps the _same URL_ updated with the daily updates to the JLCPCB inventory (a subset of LCSC). Check it out here via the "easy to remember" link:
*edit: that also reminds me, leave a comment if there are specific filter views which you think would be useful. I've been adding a few here and there so that everyone can benefit.
100% going to use this. Was trying to pick out SMD parts from the JLCPCB inventory just a couple weeks ago, and it was definitely a giant pain. This looks great!
The idea is a daily note/task management tool combined with the WorkFlowy concept of infinite lists. The real use case here is for heavy note taking and also tracking the todos within all the notes. I found that with WorkFlowy I had so many buried todos that I could never see them in one place and manage them throughout the day. It’s great for notes, but wasn’t working for tracking tasks.
It allows you to prioritize the tasks at every level. You can zoom in on certain nodes to see only the tasks relevant for that node and descendants. It actually works for me but would love to get some task rabbit testers.
Pretty much works for what we want at $workplace, I built it so that we can see if our platform services are up and running and healthy.
It uses scraping of a service status endpoint to collect service health and the health of the dependencies of that service.
Using that the app renders a graph with all services and dependencies which helps us quickly find services that are broken in prod.
Recently added inputs from our metrics back-end so that we can have auto-discovery of new services and to support services that don’t have a HTTP endpoint we can scrape
Rather than static types, primitive values have static dimensions and (in lieu of objects) complex values are built up into unordered vectors. The core idea being that if the language makes it easy to spin up descriptive purpose-built dimensions, vectors are the only data structure we need!
It started out as a straightforward attempt to program with units and conversions, but slowly generalized to this vector concept. The next steps are about building a static dimension language (like a type language) to slice-and-dice vectors with projections.
It's a productivity app I've been building for the last couple months that allows you to manage your focus, organize your projects, keep a daily journal, and work in timed sessions. There are a lot of additional features that I will be releasing soon as well :)
This is actually the first time I've told anyone about it, as I still have a lot of refinement to do, but I'm looking forward to early feedback!
I made a 20% off discount code for this thread - just enter HN20 at check out if you're interested! Also, if you can't afford it, just hit me up and I'll hook you up ;)
Are you learning guitar or ukulele and can never remember how to play a chord? Are you experienced with these instruments but looking to discover new chord shapes that you've never seen before?
It works with any custom tuning of a fretted string instrument. It also tells you what chord you're playing if you select your finger placement.
I built it entirely in Rust WASM using the Yew web framework as a way to see what it was like to do front-end web dev in Rust. I've enjoyed the experience much more than I ever have using js.
It's a little past half-baked at this point but it's fairly minimal and I wouldn't consider it done yet.
Basically what I have is a open office spreadsheet that I add Czech words to and specify things like noun/adj/etc., gender, english/czech spelling, and more and then I have a tiny bit of code to generate flashcards for the Anki program to import.
read the unified diff and apply to files that may have whitespace changes compared to original. The aim is to experiment with structured source control. The first immediate use is to be able to more easily cherry-pick code changes between branches in a big project.
an experiment in making an SFTP server that is not tied to openssh, to implement more flexibility like more granular access control, different storage backend etc.
I built a web to basically temporarily save information that I found on the Internet and avoid keeping the links open on my cell phone to remember them, and I thought that it could be valuable for others to find that information curated in the form of link lists ... surely there was already something it would help me but I decided to build it to release it as open source and that could be improved by the community.
My public bookmark:
Hey all! Built out a passion project app to help podcasters find new listeners.
Each podcaster is given a channel with a public facing website for their podcast. To give prospective listeners a taste of an episode, post an audio clip with a key moment (has to be less than 5 minutes long). We take these clips and serve them in a feed of posts for listeners.
I'm building a simulator for analyzing and designing software delivery/ops/devops systems. The idea is to have prebuilt models for tools like GitHub and Jenkins, as well as models for human processes like approvals. The user can then easily build no-code simulations of end-to-end software release processes, and get quantitative insights from running those simulations. The app will eventually use discrete event simulation and advanced analysis (graphical), but currently its just some basic placeholder "function modeling".
I’m looking to phase out my phone wherever possible, so when I’m out and about I would like to use my notebook to replace some phone functions (notes, non-urgent messages, adding to a list, setting a reminder, new contact, etc). The issue is, once I write in my notebook, I tend to never reread what I’ve written.
Enter Typoglyph. I assign blocks of text a glyph or symbol (#, <, ~, etc). I can then map these symbols to any command using the text as input.
At the end of each day I simply snap a picture of my notebook pages and all the queued actions in my notebook are executed.
Unfortunately I’m using Google Cloud OCR, as it’s the most accurate at detecting handwriting (that I’ve found). It also doesn’t allow for custom glyphs.
1) Do you have any examples of the kinds of "actions" you execute (and what you would write to execute them)? Is the text also in some kind of strict DSL (e.g. @ firstname lastname number to add a contact?)
2) How do reminders work? I'd assume only at-least-next-day ones work well if you only execute/set them at EOD. Do you use them more to remind you of daily things in the morning, or do you have your phone ping you throughout the day as specific-time reminders kick in?
3. Are you planning on releasing this as an app? Planning on adding any support for people adding their own glyphs/actions? (I ask because I've been tempted to do something similar, but moreso for worldbuilding -- where I jot down character/location ideas and OCR them into later or similar). Does it work on any notebook, or do you need a special one to anchor for OCR accuracy?
Edit: new line characters don’t seem to work on HN. So the commands might not make much sense.
1. A couple of examples I’ve been using for development:
# Joe Smith
314 395 112
% why is the sky blue?
$Joe Smith
Long time no talk
Hi Joe, it’s been a while. How are the kids?
# - create contact
% - research (will open browser with this search term when getting home)
+ - add to list
¥ - shopping
: - denotes length of list. The above will ignore spaghetti.
$ - send email
Regarding the separators, I’ve obviously been using new line for the different arguments, but could use anything. More so I was trying to make it so you could annotate any page from the past in glyphs. Just annotate a few glyphs on an existing page (or whiteboard) and it’d run operations.
I’ve tried lots of systems, but there’s always pros and cons. Open to suggestions!
2. More so I’d use them to remind me of dates or set wake up alarm. Reminders throughout the day doesn’t really help me (plus the phone isn’t with me). But there’s no reason you couldn’t do all of the options you mentioned.
3. I did a proof of concept as a desktop app. I’d just upload pictures I took to cloud, and pull down. Because desktop is much more powerful for the user, I could write custom scripts and run them from the notebook. But an app would be a good idea for those who don’t mind the hit in flexibility.
DEFINITELY have support for custom glyphs. Because I’m using Google OCR I don’t currently have support for custom glyphs (a little shape or squiggle), hence the glyphs are just symbol characters. But yes they can be created and assigned actions.
I’ve been using it on any old book. Just make sure the lighting is ok. Of course it’s not always perfect, but it’s close enough if you take effort to write clearly.
In grad school I made a browser-based app to integrate note-taking and reference management as seamlessly as possible, having been disappointed with existing software. Basically, it's kind of wiki-like, except links open in place by default so you don't lose your place jumping between pages.
I got it working well enough to use for the entirety of my PhD but don't really use it anymore just because it's still fairly clunky in certain ways.
I have zero time to continue working on it, but I do still kind of like the idea and would be thrilled if someone else picked it up!
A work in progress, Qrono is a persistent, time-ordered queue server providing at-least-once delivery. The time-ordering can be used to schedule values to be delivered in the future, implement exponential backoff within a consumer, etc.
In addition to HTTP and gRPC interfaces, Qrono supports a RESP ( interface allowing Redis tools (e.g. redis-cli) and clients to be used.
I wrote this because I felt a lot of the online content for studying security content doesnt have great assessment options or an okay UX. Often they are awesome lists or too far into a specific niche. So wanted make a more general one thats quick and easy.
The reason it is halfbaked is because I need to spend a lot more time on writing more questions AND refining/streamlining ones I have written already. My feedback I've receives so far has been that more focus should go into ensuring the questions are well written.
Happy to hear feedback and hope you like my little piece.
It's essentially Zettelkasten based note taking + flashcards + FOSS. More tchnically it's a PWA to make notes accessible anywhere, and the storage layer is currently Google Drive (although I want to make the storage layer easily swappable to eg. local hard drive).
It's a bit beyond half-baked but I'm currently trying to crush most annoying bugs for the alpha release and there's plenty of those, so it's not exactly baked either.
You're right there are other use cases besides microservices. For me, the other exciting application is to use Tuna in an analytics tool. The beauty would be that you don't have to use any query language to analyze large datasets.
With regards to orchestration, I hope to add primitives for events, batch processing, and things like that.
Make sure I understand your question correctly: You're asking how updates will work so:
-old deployments don't see the next version's types coming out of global state
-new deployments only see valid types.
I believe the compiler can do a lot of heavy lifting for updates while still remaining flexible. The compiler could take in two tuna files and type check across versions. For example, imagine two version of the same application. In v0 we store Foo. In v1 we store Bar.
A couple options open up:
- We can deploy v1 but a transformation from Foo to Bar must be executed across all stored data. This would need to be performed while v0 is down.
- We can deploy a type safe version of v0 and v1 that handle the union Foo or Bar. Then, we can teardown the type safe version of v0. v1 should be the only deployment that migrates foos to bars. The benefits of this approach is that you have non disruptive upgrades.
The idea came when I wanted to make a simple animated meme, but found it exceedingly frustrating to caption a simple animated gif with nice text options (like outlines). Over time, it's grown to have full keyframe animation for all text and image/video clip attributes, so it is actually pretty capable short of using a desktop video editing/fx package.
That said, the UX is bad and I should feel bad :) . I made the deliberate choice up front to focus on the underlying data model and internal APIs rather than polishing the UI - as such, it is very much an engineer interface. It would be more usable with some demo videos or call-to-action helpers for new users, but really the UX just needs reworked. Especially around animation/keyframing.
On the bright side, the clean data model and content addressable assets leave the path clear to add things like collaborative multi-user meme editing, git like meme-forking(and diffing?), and so forth.
Started it about 3 years ago when I had a period of mostly free time to play. It's been idle for a long time due to starting a family and getting consulting momentum, but I'm intending to make the time this year to polish the UX to the point of general usability and experiment with promotion/monetization. Failing that, I'll probably just open source it and write a couple of blog posts about the internals.
It is more or less a static web app, with no server side function short of some optional stats collection. It's written in Clojurescript/Clojure and uses as a React wrapper and to import most animation formats and export gifs/webm fully in browser (I don't want to pay real server costs to encode animation).
It's dead useful (for the kind of work I do) - but I'm stuck on whether it's worthwhile to finish it up with a proper raycaster to more accurately resolve depth order of the geometries. Currently I've managed to implement ~70% of pincam's features with Pytorch3D's camera and mesh library, and while it doesn't provide clean graphics like Pincam, it gets the job donE. A text-mode personal organizer with internal structure and plans to capture/manage/share/integrate arbitrary knowledge for & by humankind, something like AGPL + wikipedia or evernote + local control + structured/effective/efficient sharing + computability more than with just piles of words as the fundamental layer. Currently in scala+postgresql, aiming for rust and maybe sqlite.
Self-explanatory site I hope; I use it daily and am making very slow progress (health limits currently). But maybe it is just for my own benefit. Hard to say :)
Boilerplate generator tool. It’s a single binary (compared to most JS based solutions e.g. Yeoman), and also it supports scripting within template files, which allows to handle some edge cases (in my experience most common problem with such tools).
I didn’t want to separate scripts from templates, because of context switching, so I implemented custom markup language, to make code and template live together in single file. I am actually quite proud of the end result.
However, there’re still quite some features missing, and I am taking a break now to focus on other projects.
I made as an attempt to make a space for meaningful connection and conversation on the internet. Turns out the hard part is getting enough people in there!
I'm in the process of learning the MERN stack for full stack development. What I have here is a todo list app where you can perform CRUD actions on the todo list (add todos, delete them, update the done state).
The front end is in React and the back end is an Express API that talks to a Mongo instance.
Next actions include
- Making this a full fledged product by throwing in login functionality, authentication, ability to create multiple lists
- Honing my HTML/CSS skills to build components for the above purposes
- Deploying this to Heroku
This has some traction (a couple of thousand users per month) but needs a bit more work. A colour search engine and browser for lipsticks
A CI/CD with webinterface for Archlinux packages which optional AUR push support if builds succeed. It's based on Django and works with Docker/Podman. I originally made it for my own AUR packages (> 300), I needed accessible build logs if I want to collab, which the common builders didn't provide. I made the project public and it's crazy for me as an open source beginner to see how many people like this. The basic features are complete, but things like multiarch are getting added soon.
It's like AirTable/Lists/etc but for big organizations.
So the focus is on a more useful permission system, handling lots of data, dead simple data entry for tech-phobic employees, and getting the information you need quickly (as opposed to spending time fiddling around with how data is displayed, this isn't an "app builder").
The intent is to replace the hundreds of untracked, out of sync, insecure Excel files being used as a database in most large orgs.
Cool tech note - people learn to use a graph database with Cloudternal, even if they never know what a graph is.
My reasoning is that there's plenty of looking forward, but lots of rework from not observing history. The map is an ambitious attempt to capture everything. It's amazing how arcane some stuff gets in 40 short years!
I'm also rather discouraged about how much work it's taking given my present technical acumen, so anyone is free to hijack all my data and make something better than I can.
I started this Mac App project in early 2017 that uses AppleScript to export/archive mail messages from Microsoft Outlook for Mac. I was looking for beta users right as my family abruptly moved to a new city. I haven't made time to touch it since. It essentially went from close-to-baked to mothballed. I'll share it here with the caveat that it does not actually work at the moment due to an AppleScript-related error. If there's enough interest in the idea, I'll find time to look into that!
I just signed up for your beta. I receive about 500 emails a day in Outlook for Mac, and every few months I have to rebuild my entire inbox due to search/filter anomalies. Need a way to purge past months/years while maintaining accessibility.
Unless I'm missing something, the only way to do this is to move messages to a local mailbox, but it's still locked to Outlook.
This is about as half-baked of a project as I've made, being a designer and all. I'm not happy with the apps available today for playing and organizing music/audiobooks/podcasts/etc. because they all focus on streaming and not folks like me who prefer to manage their own files. I was inspired to design my dream apps, and that's exactly what I did. I call it half-baked because these are little more than screenshots, as I haven't learned how to code iOS apps.
Nice demo.
I noticed some small things you could improve for when you are going to do a real demo.
The shader of white houses the first link do not look right on my machine It looks a it like z-fighting and a bit like a shader error. the error is on both firefox and chromium, I only get some .drawMode has been removed. errors in the console.
The second link took 20 seconds to load and was downloading 10mb, mostly slow images. Maybe you can lazyload those.
DupVer is a deduplicating version control system for large binary files. It's designed to keep state in a repository on the local machine separate from the working directory so it plays nice with cloud synchronization software.
I started it after constant headaches involving Git LFS and the corporate proxy. It's based around the Restic chunker library, with inspiration from both the Duplicacy backup software and Boar, another binary version control system for large binary files.
I made this around March early in the pandemic to play with my family who live far away. It is absolutely unfinished and open sourced
Currently building a search engine that allows you to search within a select list of websites. The idea is to allow users to search for content in sites that may not have the best search on indexing features. I started this as there are few websites that I use that have ancient indexing. How am I meant to know which year/month the article that I'm trying to find was published in??
I am a big fan of cross-functional fitness, and I learned a lot through a PT, but I struggled to find an exercise logging application that embraced complex exercise groupings beyond supersets, and could track my progress too.
So I've been building an iOS app in my spare time.
It's a little rough around the edges, and the progress pages are undergoing much needed TLC, but you can put together pretty decent workouts with it.
The project itself is not that interesting for the majority of pepole. What was nice for me was this kind of thrill to push something for everyone to share.
I put more attention into the details, description, etc. A very fulfilling learning experience.
This is going to help me release the 10 or so other projects I was keeping private but was ashamed to publish. I just need to find some time to polish them.
News in the digital age updates constantly. No matter what, there is always some "breaking news". This causes news sites to become more of a slot machine than a substantive source of information.
A Brief History of Yesterday tries to be an antidote. It uses Wikipedia to show a summary of what happened yesterday. It's no news anymore, the content is already gradually becoming history.
I started working on it last weekend. It is still in a pre-alpha state, but please let me know what you think of it!
Kind of an interesting aggregation but Wikipedia is a lot of information to try and consume for a "brief history" I do like the tree view, but I don't like having to open up the different sections, I think I should be able to get what I'm looking for on the landing page. Also, and this is subjective but something about the UX makes it feel like an overwhelming amount of information, especially the health and environment section. I would want it to feel like something I could absorb in a few minutes.
Yes, the 'Health and environment' section is quite overwhelming, mostly due to COVID-19. That's why I close each section initially, this way you open only the sections that interest you.
I modify the tree from Wikipedia slightly to get a less cluttered overview.[1]
Do you miss zapping through channels like back in the day, and ending up on a random documentary about ants in the amazon rainforest, zap again, you're in the middle of a Spice Girls music video?
The channels are generated by aggregating lists of finely tuned youtube search results, and some randomness.
I haven't touched the code in a few months but it works well enough, let me know what you think and also let me know which channels you would like added. Thx!
The site works pretty well right now but I wanted to use this as a way to get better with front-end development and playing with stuff like Firebase.
To see it in all it's half-baked glory go here: I think once I got a bare minimum of stuff to load I stopped working on it.
The idea's to build a collaborative graph-based learning map to learn seamlessly and optimally whatever's your learning goal.
It's open source, non profit and I'm looking for contributors ! The tech stack is Neo4j/Node.js/TypeScript/GraphQl on the backend, React/Typescript/Chakra UI/Apollo client on the frontend. I would also need help on the design.
My Twitter: @olivier_ramier, email:
Hit me up if you're interested !
Some people like making games, I like making game engines. I don't have a specific goal/target in mind while making it. I've written several game engines since the nineties, and this is my most recent version.
I have abandoned many of my older engines at some point to develop a new one, but with this engine I'll try to keep developing it a lot further before making a new engine.
Also, I just saw someone else here is doing something similar for a water tank.
And your pipe cap housing reminded me that I had a similar project in mind but float switches would not be rugged enough. I'm going to revisit it using ultrasonics!!!
I like the idea, but I think the trust problem + shipping costs + challenge of finding overlapping swaps could be challenging. But this may be interesting for rare or expensive books With the "overlapping was" problem you may have to create a currency/credit system in which case you're almost a used book store.
Maybe have them take a photo of the specific page of the book? Like the one with the copyright and publishing info? At least then it’s some indication that they have the book.
You could scale up a bit using mTurk and the OCR to verify.
Maybe use a reputation score, because becoming rich stealing books is going to need a lot of books (especially as pocket books are very cheap), and so scammers would very quickly lose their stars.
Click on the button with the piano icon at the top to test out the piano roll. You can play notes with the typing keyboard.
I got much further than this previously but decided to throw a lot of the code away and start again. I spent a load of time building a custom UI library before starting with things like draggable windows, linked scroll containers, dropdown menus etc.
A python implementation of the circuit breaker pattern. Not a new concept, but I did innovate in how the breaker decides to open.
I realized that with a normal breaker, if you set the threshold to 5, but 4/5 requests failed (say due to a backend service being partially down) the breaker would never open. To solve this, you can set the breaker to use the net error count so that the breaker would behave as such:
I tried postman on my old machine (Hp 6715b) and it was slow. It took so much RAM and processing power that I couldn't run any other app simultaneously with postman, else it's BSOD :D. So I set out to build a stripped down postman with Quasar; a Vue Js UI framework, and Electron. It might be half baked, but it's usable.
The name is coined from Ingausa; a creole of Hausa and English language. "Yaro" means boy in Hausa language.
The idea is to spend less time tweaking your Google Slides - PowerPack makes positioning & alignment easier, finding licensed images & icons, and checking the consistency of the presentation. Inspired by similar add-ons for PowerPoint, like think-cell and empower slides.
Quite hard to find the time besides a demanding full-time job, but it’s slowly getting better and better... :)
The idea is that you can design parts and order prototypes all in one place. It's only working for 3D printing so far.
This version is using jsketcher as the drawing engine until we have finished the custom one.
The webapp is hosted on Firebase and the ordering backend/price estimation uses Rust and Rocket.
I built a quiz that loads when Google Analytics is loading (I've spent a lot of time waiting) Added a payment system to buy more trivia but no one used it and the Google Chrome payments system is about to be decommissioned. Plan on making all content free but barely bothered lol
I've got a couple in various stages (shiny item syndrom maybe ?) - basically enter in your name, optional email, start date, fitness level, cycling level, and miles / km, and it creates a riding schedule for you to build up to riding a century (100 miles) over the course of about 50 days (depending on riding and fitness levels). It was a quick throw away app that i built to keep myself accountable during the summer / fall to get out and ride my bike. I rode a lot but was not consistent nor did i hit my century...i did lose 20 pounds which i've subsequently gained back since october though :( - planned to be a site to showcase itineraries to allow users to plan trips to Europe (COVID obviously threw a wrench in this one), but it's been a goal of mine for over a decade to build something like this that helps people plan trips to Europe and build a community around European Travelers. I recently saw what Pieter Levels did with NomadList and figured it was finally time to get off my A$$ and build the thing...but COVID, life, 9-5, procrastination habit got in the way again - Test site for Soccer Skills Training App (its behind a login but free and i won't contact anyone who registers to check it out, i'll probably just delete you) - built this for a local soccer club when COVID first hit to allow coaches to upload training videos (self made or from Youtube/vimeo) and have players compete in app by practicing new skills - My personal reading list - i built this out this month and entered all the books i have in my ever growing 'want to read' pile / library. - blog site to discuss my journey to try to get out of the 9-5 and build an actual useful project i can monetize. The goal WAS to document my journey daily, but life and procrastination destroy me :/
Half-baked as in eating it can cause gastric problems, not as in 50% done? a graphical mouse driven text editor inspired by Plan 9's acme. It can open quite big files, you can WIMP around a bit, but README is just wishful thinking, it can't even save files. Written in C with cairo and fontconfig. Currently for a few years I'm in process of rewriting text buffer, I have something nice, but did not test it enough and did not integrate it. Now I'm thinking of a rewrite in Zig to learn it and also make it easier to test. But that's my wishful thinking again. a ChromeOS like Linux distribution based on Void Linux build system, AB partition scheme, building squashfs image without root privileges. Currently I did a nice and almost proper script to handle it and do not need to patch as match to build an image, that runs, but is not entirely useful. Need to clean-up the script and commit. Mostly bash, bunch of patches and config files and a bit of C. a search engine, that will not index pages with ads (all results would be uBlock-Origin clean), that is not yet even a proper pipeline to check whether a page does contain ads or not, no crawler yet at all. I want to go through Common Crawl archives first. I did something in Go first (, but now I'm rewriting it in Rust, because of awesome lol_html crate, that will make filtering fast and easy. Currently writing code to filter URLs with Rabin-Karp and a bit of loops. It created an e-mail thread years ago with people wanting to help, but I've been too slow.
I don't want much help to code things, I would appreciate however a bit of pointers on a couple of things regarding Rust and watchdogs (to recognize a partition as unbootable and reset the system to the previous partition).
I'm working on a free reminder/analytics service for keeping your resolutions this year:
The idea is to get a periodic email questionnaire that lets you easily record metrics about a resolution and see progress over time. I'm still in the process of adding charts and an analytics view to the service, so you can visually see your progress in each email.
I built the entire thing during my December holiday. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Actuflow - app that reminds you to be intentional with your phone usage.
Shows you pop up window after phone unlock with intention form on Android, after app opening(using shortcuts) on iOS.
Main features were implemented.
Redesign and a lot of additional features are arriving.
Offline, free, no-ads, considering to open source.
I'm building an unauthorized web interface for a car share service I use. They discontinued theirs in favour of their terrible mobile apps. I just finished the API client in TypeScript, now I'm on to the UI.
I RE'd the API calls using an android emulator and mitmproxy. It has been a ton of fun. If ur in Vancouver and use evo, you may be interested. If you work for vulog, look away!
I like e-mails, and I was pretty sad when YouTube removed the e-mail notifications for channel uploads, so I decided to build my own. It's pretty unpolished, but it has the MVP (sends e-mails, opt-in per channel and very basic billing management).
This is my first ever project that takes any payments and I have only one paying customer so far, but I don't really expect to make any money out of it. Feedback will be highly welcomed at contact@domainname. - An idea validation service using market research data, keywords, A/B landing pages with a fake checkout to help indie hackers validate their idea. Working on applying for Strip checkout.
I am currently working on my screenshot API SaaS. This project running on VM (like EC2) as opposed to most similar SaaS running in AWS lambda. I going to move to dedicated server for better performance. The project is working but I still need improve marketing site, multiple regions support, CDN caching, migrate to dedicated servers, billing, etc.
If you sign up now, you basically getting all features for free and without restrictions!
Slightly Better Hacker News (SBHN). It's an alternative HN web-client that I built and use as my default HN version nowadays. It features some layout improvements over the original and has a dark theme.
It is not yet feature complete (missing login, routing is broken in some rare cases) but I plan on improving it on my next "lazy" weekend and get a nice domain for it. I'm also going to publish the source code on GitHub.
I've been building a small relational database ( with the goal being fast, easy to read, and (eventually) Postgres protocol-compliant.
What I've built so far are the lowest level components of the disk manager and buffer manager, and I'm currently implementing the system catalog for table creation/updates. I start work in April, so I'll be focused on this for the next few months!
I made a serverless website that gathers and displays tweets with variants of the phrase "latest research" (in Polish). My goal was mostly to see how the phrase is used to add credibility to complete bull. I also tried to deploy an English version, but the volume of tweets was so large I gave up for now. I will probably continue working on it at some point, mainly because I want to try out Lambda Layers.
I'm fed up with the widespread adoption of subscription models by consumer companies - I think they tend to pray on people who don't track their usage or forget they signed up.
This was one idea for helping people understand exactly how much they're really spending on subscriptions. Unfortunately I think it's a little long-winded, but part of that is just because so many services now use a subscription model.
I work in robotics and have for a long time been frustrated with how hard it is to visualize data in C++. I created Toucan to try to solve that. The project is still in a very early stage but has already started to become a useful tool.
The API still needs work but it’s getting there. Toucan can be called from anywhere in your code, and runs in its own thread to always remain interactive and responsive.
This is so true but my biggest struggle. Everything I have just shipped before I thought it was ready did really well, yet I still struggle to do it. I built my own static site generator, which I use for my own blog:
I need to at least add documentation, and obviously there's a million other things I think I need before I tell anyone else about it.
The MyFitnessPal desktop application sucks big time. In my attempt to create a better alternative, I found that their value doesn't come in the form of good UX or performance, but their food database. And it's huge.
I didn't want to pay for PostgreSQL on Heroku, so I just dropped the database, but the application is still deployed.
Self driving toy car that uses deep learning and comes with a web app for data collection (driving with a PS3 controller), data cleaning, model training, and model deployment:
I’ve been working on this for 5 years, and it has hundreds of GitHub stars, but it will probably always be half baked. I also haven’t had a chance to commit code in awhile
I never get to code at work any more so I decided to write a static site generator in Python using Jinja2 templates and markdown. Front end is Bootstrap. Hosted on Netlify. It really fits in this thread since I have probably spent a day on it and have not even rendered all of the blogs I have written, or added images yet.
Its the core of my open source accounting system. Its slightly further along than half baked because it is pretty much feature complete for what i want core to do, but that just means you can do double entry bookkeeping on the command line. Currently building a web interface to interact with it which hopefully will attract non technical users
Hi! I have a public Trello board [0] with a list of projects I'm working on, or ideas I have, which from time to time people comment on!
Currently I'm doing a version of Conway's Game of Life in Solidity for the Ethereum network. Spoiler: it's not going to be affordable to actually use it on the network!
Probably doesn't even count as a project, but I mentioned this in the failed side projects thread recently and someone seemed to like the idea!
You can browse books curated by prizes their authors have won ie. books written by Turing Award winners or Fields Medal winners. Anyways, I got encouraged a bit last time and I'm thinking about trying to expand the website a bit, so far I didn't get very far.
https://eyp-calls.tk if anyone wants to look. Simple scraping + results presentation, utilizing Cloudflare workers + python Scrapy, actually pretty interesting imo. (It probably won't be useful to you, this is a tool just for members of a specific organization.
I wanted to build a location based discussion application. I thought during covid, people who were talking to others in the same area it could be really helpful for people feeling lonely so I built an app called Jest. It's still in beta, but I would love it if anyone could try it out and send feedback :)
I just launched an app to facilitate Chinese reading using pinyin. The concept is that you can simulate reading Chinese textbook passages, except with any text you choose, so it is more contextually relevant and interesting to learn.
Right now, it only offers pinyin as a phonetic guide -- I'm looking to add zhuyin next. Also, the front-end is pretty basic. Open to any suggestions and feedback on the project!
I had an idea for a library that follows log files and triggers some events that can be defined through python code. I used it for one task at work and gave up on figuring out how to structure it since.
The idea is that it allows you to verify and test logging, which is an odd concept but helps ensure that things are predictable and consistent.
“ミッチン“ - an “IoT”ish Christmas present built on a bunch of AWS services with cement, MongooseOS, ThreeJS, React and basically the kitchen sink. I’ve been working on and off (but mainly off) for the past few years. Even the blog post is half baked (also quite long) :(
Peer-to-peer networking works (without TLS for peer-to-peer yet), cache and tabs/history works, UI interaction works (since a couple weeks ago).
Beacons and Echoes don't work, Parsers still don't work for CSS and HTML, filtering doesn't work again; and worked before... lots of things that need fixing.
At the beginning of the Pandemic I wanted to get more familiar with React Native, so I made the motorcycle maintenance tracker app that I always wanted. I finished it in April and have been using it myself since then. I finally released it over the summer:
It's definitely half-baked because its missing a lot of features. But it works perfectly for my use case which is all I really wanted.
I want to support the creator community. The idea behind Crowdfunded is to provide data on past crowdfunding campaigns as a foundation for product research. You can use the data to understand customer demand, discover successful product categories, see what competitors are launching, and find promising product ideas. Or do some general research on crowdfunding.
Ten years ago I tried to bring encrypted comms to the masses and make an alternative to twitter and Facebook events using serveride and eventually browser based crypto. ( is a half baked project that‘s supposed to be the for podcasts helping you with discovery. You can automatically „scrobble“ (track) your podcasts and get statistics about your listening habits. You can also track things manually and put them into lists / follow friends and see what they are listening to and discover new shows.
Made this app after having tons of people ask me during lockdowns about a "good bike" to buy. Idea is that Chaynring is the community driven backend to sites like CL, FB Marketplace, Ebay, etc. that gives localized prices of bike sales.
Still trying to figure out the incentives to make users post, but I feel like there's some potential here.
I probably shouldn't show this because it's still kind of hot garbage but here is the Hacker News client I'm working on in the C# version of Godot[0]. Maybe the embarrassment of exposure will spur me on to actually finish it...
A few threads popped up on HN a while ago about using Godot for application development and I just wanted to see how feasible it was. I like the basic idea, game frameworks are basically application frameworks already in theory.
Version control for ipython notebooks, the goal is to be able to use a Jupyter notebook in a hacky, iterative way, but track your versions and the output they produced in a searchable way so that you can capture what you've learned.
Still a lot of work and research to do to make it something people can use. Monitoring background and async jobs from start to finish. Half of the infrastructure and coding is done but I didn't find a big audience so I'm in the process of just open sourcing it.
The Space War is a a card game I have been working on as a side project since summer 2018. Similar but in my opinion better than Hearthstone and Magic.
NullAwesome, an unfinished Android game I've been working on, off and on, in my spare time, since a while ago. Basically a "run, jump, and hack" puzzle platformer where you have to use the environment to evade or overcome enemies and expose the evil corporation in a 90s-esque cyberpunk setting. I started this in April and never finished it. I wanted to start a WebMD for people in Bangladesh as people there don't speak English. It's a country of 180m and there's more people throughout the world. I think it has potential but I need help with app development :L
I created an HTML app to help you learn Mandarin or German. It's flashcards for vocabulary and writing. I was very excited about it a couple of years ago but then I stopped and now I'm the only one using it.
It's written in go and postgresql and Vue, and right now its just running inside of a "screen" session in a terminal on Linode.
Hacn: It’s kind of like a React “monad” written in F#/Fable using computation expressions. Sort of like async, but control flow is a bit different, basically "Promises" can trigger re-execution of subsequent steps in the function. Right now its alpha quality and any feedback is welcome.
after realising how frustrating is to work with third party recruiters and companies that do no share clear salary ranges,
i built for myself. golang cafe is a golang job board with no recruiters and clear salary ranges.
i also don't like sites that use excessive javascripts, ads, and other crap and bloatware. golang cafe will try to remain analytics free and bloat free.
project: (, its a simple way to send a postcard to any address of your liking with fully customizable front and back of the postcard itself.
A long time on my todo list to make more out of it. It works as-is but I'm not happy with the current editor and some other things. Still, it gets some use on occasion which is nice :)
Hey HN, this is a project started abut 2 months ago as an assignment to myself so that I can finally learn Go. Its an implementation of Kademlia DHT protocol in form of a Go lib. I eventually want to make it useful for the community but right now its largely untested.
A friend of mine she is a professional beach volley ball player. She said there is not enough information on the internet about Women Beach Volleyball. No leagues or players information, so I have started working on for Women Beach Volleyball data, players, games, tours, etc'. I never finished though.
The result is pretty nice. However, the only problem is the slow inference speed. I'm now refactoring the project structure and changing the model to a much faster YOLO model.
For parsing ISC Bind9 DNS (named.conf) configuration file in Python3, I have built using PyParsing for this. It is 99% code completed. MIT license. Designed for Bind9 version 9.0 to 9.17.2.
I’ve been working now and then on a turn-based text RPG that is played in Discord (but really it’s API-driven so other clients are certainly possible). Passion project of mine from my childhood love of MUD’s and JRPG’s, up through early MMO’s like Everquest. Needs a lot of work and better docs but the first area is playable.
An Internet Radio app with local playlist (.xspf) support.
I still need to make a feasible .exe for Windows (preferably pyinstaller with --onefile but apparently assets are missing unless I place them right next to the .exe - in which case, it won't just be one .exe I will ship to users =( )
I started posting a weekly review series of my notes as I try to progress my skills based on CircleCI's engineering competency matrix. Would love to get any feedback/ideas on how I can improve this
Created a shell utility in Go, called go-live. The idea is that you start it in a directory, and then those files are immediately hosted on the network.
The core idea is to be as lightweight and performant as possible, and to do one thing only and well - Unix style.
It's an app that texts you reminders to reach out to friends/family/contacts you create on a regular basis. You set up the frequency of the reminders. There are a few API's that send along idea that to talk to them about as well.
It doesnt really work in production right now because it uses ruby cronish jobs that don't work correctly on heroku servers. Just need more time to spend on it.
Alternative approach to yaml templating for k8s manifests.
It includes a structural 3-way merge algorithm that allows you to temporarily "fork" the manifests by just exiting some fields in-place, knowing that synchronizing upstream is way more predictable than what you could achieve with a general purpose textual merge like git.
Browser Routr helps me keep most of my browsing in my daily driver yet still test and use the company intranet on another browser. Unlike similar tools it's relatively transparent, not requiring right clicking or copy past ing.
Half baked stuff here, web scrapping the details of spotify playlist from a given link and downloading it from youtube using youtube-dl. No API keys involved for the user.
Issue I'm being lazy to debug is it's just extracting top 30 songs.
I'd call it 2/3rds baked; but doing nba + tech questions w/ friends via 30 second takes. Would love a couple of thoughts / feedback on playing around with it. A lot of features, but still refining core experience dramatically: (check out on mobile)
I've been working on a minimal calendar app on my spare time. I only use Calendar for everything note, so having an app for me is both satisfying and something I wanting to build for a long time. I will release the app on the app store soon.
Hrmm the landing page doesn't have a lot of screenshots. What would tappydays give me that google calendar wouldn't? Do you have integrations to pull days from facebook/etc?
Hacn: It’s kind of like a React “monad” in F#/Fable using computation expressions. Control flow is a bit different, basically operations/effects can trigger re-execution of subsequent steps. Right now its alpha quality and any feedback is welcome.
The idea is to have a free Splunk alternative which you can set up with just one binary. I use Splunk at work and love it, but it just doesn't seem like a product for solo developers (I can't even find a pricing page on, and the primary free alternative, the ELK stack, seems a bit complicated to set up.
I am sure that I'll never be competitive with Splunk or Elastic in terms of features or scalability but I'm trying to build something that is at least useful for my own projects.
I built it in Go and use SQLite with the FTS ( extension to store the log events in a way where they can be searched quickly.