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That's the spirit! It doesn't really matter whether this will become the next (p)React, as ling as you learnt something from building it and you are enjoying using it.

And yes, I did create something like this but I wanted to include also a router (like Mithril) and a standardized way to handle state, both global and local... and I ended up with https://h3.js.org -- yep, probably not many people use it but I have been using it for months for personal projects and I keep tinkering to improve a little bit whenever I find I need to polish some rough edges or support additional use cases.

Like others said, I wonder how long it will take for bloat to creep in. For now though yes, I agree that you really don't need much code to build a fully functional SPA. And creating your own micro framework really helps you understand how things really work, without relying on someone else's abstraction.

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