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Call me a lunatic, but I really enjoyed Johnny Mnemonic (the international version with the extra scenes from the extended Japanese version spliced in and sub'd). It was by no means a flawless movie (Keanu Reeves' acting was about as bad as bad Keanu Reeves acting can get, and they royally fucked up Molly Millions' character (apparently because they didn't have rights to use the actual Molly Millions character due to a Neuromancer movie attempt or somethig)), but all in all it really felt Gibson.

Stylistically, I think it was dead on.

EDIT: goes over the differences between the international version and the Japanese version: http://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=1523&In=Qu... basically, they removed nearly every supporting scene for the main Japanese character, and the explanation of the ending.

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