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Thank you for coming back and clarifying. Do you happen to have links to any public testing results of other tools, or guidance to this specificity - would love to use them to build a case internally

Most of what we've seen online are nowhere near this level of detail (X-ms for Y-%ile for Z-type of load)

(edit: clarified request)

I'm afraid I'm no expert on project management tools!

On what users experience as effectively "instantaneous", that's from experience on UX engineering and industry standards - https://www.nngroup.com/articles/response-times-3-important-...

On the other noted times, they're just a general range of what can be expected from a reasonably well-built tool of this nature. Obviously much simpler systems should be drastically faster, but project management tools do tend to be processing quite a bit of data and so do involve _some_ amount of inherent "weight", but that isn't an excuse for very poor perf.

That said, I imagine if your PMs do some research and go ahead and try using some of the common project management tools, you should get a good idea. ;) Keep in mind speeds to Australia (assuming Atlassian is operated mostly there?) will likely show them in a much worse light than typical perf experienced in the US/UK/EU areas.

The time to first load is derived from the fact that you're running essentially the equivalent of many "transition" type interactions, but they should be run almost entirely in parallel, so roughly 2x between "transition" and "new load" is a reasonable allowance.

Thanks for the link! Yes this is the general guidance we're using too (0.1/1/10s), and one that we're reinforcing at every level of the company. This link does have more detail than I've seen in other places though, so it's an interesting read.

However I've not seen guidance on whether these should be P90 or P95 or P99 measures for example though. We've selected something internally, but obviously selecting amongst three 'measurement points' could drastically change general user's experience.

(HN is throttling my replies so apologies for delay)

The percentiles are a bit of a combination.

A big part is simply how far you are in your journey of getting good at performance - if your p50 is still garbage, there's not much point in focussing on your p99 measurements. You should be targeting the p99 long term, but focus on the p50/p90 for now.

It's super important to target and make long term decisions around the p99 though, because, e.g., making a 100x improvement is not possible through little iterative changes over 2-3 years. You need a base to work from where that 100x is fundamentally achievable, which requires thinking from first principles and slightly getting out of the typical product mindset.

I also find the typical product mindset tends to result in focussing a lot on the "this quarter/next quarter" goals, but neglecting the "8/12 quarters from now" as a result.

Beyond short term/long term goals, the choice is largely just down to what the product is/does. Even ignoring all current architectural choices, there are some fundamentals where certain things must always be faster/slower - e.g. sync writes will typically be a fair bit slower than reads, and typically occur much less often, complex dynamic queries which can't be pre-optimised require DB scanning but are much less common.

For these kinds of tools, where most of the interaction is reads, mostly on predefined or predefined + small extra filtering, and reading/writing on individual resources (ie tickets), you can get p99 numbers trending towards the 100ms mark eventually - there's very little which truly can't get to that level with clever enough engineering.


Of course I imagine Google tends to be looking more at their p99.9/p99.99/pmax/etc(!), at least for their absolute highest volume systems.

None of us are going to be getting to that point, but it's often worth thinking about engineering principles against a super high bar - it often helps people to open their minds a bit more and think more outside the box when given a really dramatic goal magnitudes beyond their existing mindset.

Of course you're not expecting to really get to that level, but anchoring that way can achieve amazing things. I've done that with a lot of success at my company and we actually did manage to achieve a few originally thought to be totally unrealistic.

Not to be a jerk, but you guys don’t allow others to take your performance metrics, but you’re publicly soliciting performance data from other products at the same time? I’m assuming you’re taking it for granted they don’t have a ToS that bans you from doing this.

Sorry if that’s pointed, but it’s sort of meant to be incredulous (but hopefully not offensive).

Not offended - as an employee I have no specific insight into the actual headline term in the ToS - honestly I'm planning on tracking down someone in legal to help clarify this, since it seems like it currently as written (and currently as interpreted in worst case) unecessarily impedes me from doing my job.

I would never encourage anyone to violate a ToS of another product and apologize for anyone that was considering doing it due to my ask.

I think these are other possibilities: 1) (as stated) other products don't have such ToS 2) other products may have published their own metrics and made them available for consumption 3) from a more legal in depth standpoint, maybe other companies have such ToS terms but have clarified them to some point that makes them more clear about when they apply and when they don't

Sorry you have to work on this thread on vacation dude (or girl). This thread has been an absolute beat down and you’ve treated it with utmost professionalism when it’s pretty clear you’re new to the team. It is Saturday night after all.

I appreciate the well wishes, honestly it means a lot - good guess too, I am in the US (maybe you knew, but most of Confluence Cloud is based out of the West Coast offices).

I don't know what the overlap is between Atlassian users and IT admins though - my previous job was on the vSphere UI and if you happen to know about the death of the Flash based client, this is not too far off.

Hopefully users stay willing to engage with us so we can improve the product as fast as possible.

Do you guys use synthetic monitoring tools?

I don't think I know what that might exactly mean - I know we have synthetic traffic generation tools (and thus, measurements generated from the synthetic traffic), but I think those exhibit the same variance as production -> the backend for them are the same cloud IaaS systems and SW, so there's no 'sandboxed from all outside variance'.

If it means something else then I'm not aware if we do it or not.

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