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Your comments are getting more and more abusive towards those who are disagreeing with you. You doing OK?

You may find that comment disagreeable, but it is hardly abusive. The neutered tone sung by most Hacker News castrati seems to have made folks forget what passion reads like.

It's not just this comment, but his attitude in responses in general. And personally, I find referring to someone as a drug lord counting blood money is pretty abusive.

The comment has been couched in weasel words to pretend like it's just talking about the parent comment, but the content of the message is aimed directly at the person behind the screen.

I agree that it’s not abusive but “blood money” and “drug lord” is pretty absurd language to use. I’m sure it’s the result of passion but it undermines the point rather than aids it.

That doesn't particularly matter if it violates the HN guidelines.

I am only claiming that the comment is not abusive. If it violates the snark guideline or similar, then sure, lock it up and throw away the key.

I don't know about abusive, but it's definitely exaggerated. Exaggeration for effect is a very common style and, if you read history, it pretty much always has been (in American history at least). But it's still not accurate.

("Abusive" seems like another example of exaggeration for effect.)

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