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I'm having a blast and interpreting all the flak as a sign I must be doing something right...

Bingo. If you haven't pissed anyone off, it's because you're not doing anything important. There are people who invested DECADES of their life into a vanilla terminal ... and here you are, fucking with THAT.

the only thing that pisses me off is the guy posting how many years he was administering UNIX systems and how this monster was an "obvious" step in the field, web designers are quite arrogant

Absolutely! Don't lose that attitude. You won't win over everyone and the fact that anyone cares enough about something you made to share their opinion with you is awesome.

I'm so impressed with that. If I was getting that much criticism (for something so obviously excellent!) I'd be shaking in my boots. :-(

Well, a few years ago I made this Line Rider video, and then 10,000 people on YouTube told me to get a life.

Who cares what people on the internet say, they're the ones wasting their time posting it.

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