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When I was a small child my parents took me to a petting zoo inside an amusement park. While an employee watched, the goat I had just fed started eating the shirt I was wearing. I was terrified. My parents, not wanting to hurt the goat looked to the employee for help. The employee said, "Yeah, they'll do that" and turned around, not concerned for me or for the goat. My parents eventually extricated my shirt and all was well. I have no idea why I was never afraid of goats (especially since I was afraid of trees for a period of about six months).

Yeah, goats will eat everything.

  Two goats chew film tape. One says:
  - This film is nice.
  - The book was better.

Are you a Scandinavian or is this joke international? (Haven't heard it in 20 years though :)

I'm from Poland. I've also heard it over 20 years ago.

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