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Is there any proof that they actually placed the Utah monolith and are not only trying to make money from it?

No, and conveniently they say they can't confirm or deny it was them because the original monolith was installed illegally.

But it seems like the site is more of a community. Not really a team doing these stunts. So anyone can do a stunt, join the community and then claim it was this community which did it.

I'm sceptical though, because the other stunts on that site are very in your face stunts. That monolith was very much not that since it was installed in 2016 based on satellite imagery, and discovered in 2020. Perhaps the artist joined this community recently so they can imply responsibility under this group. Or perhaps they are just trying to make a quick buck.

> But it seems like the site is more of a community.

The site looks like it's just Matty Mo, who looks to be trying to build a "community". Though not a community as in your usual art collective, but more as in $99/year subscription for behind the scenes content (à la Patreon).

I wonder why can't they confirm the fact. Even if it is illegal, noone will go in jail for that, some fine and thats it. Plus given that it is a tourist atttraction now, the fine would likely not be that high. Bad excuse, I guess.

> Plus given that it is a tourist atttraction now, the fine would likely not be that high.

It _was_ a tourist attraction, as it has already been removed by now. Given that it was an unwanted tourist attraction, causing people to litter there and disturb the local wildlife, I think the responsible agency would want to enforce a fine as much as they can.

I'm just wondering how an undeniable proof would look like. For example, I could drive to that place in Utah now, make a video while I'm setting up the monolith and date it back to 2016 right?

Some random guy on reddit or 4chan will do some magic with how the sun casts shadows, visible patterns in the soil and cloud and bird formations and will probably have the exact date (and your phone number and address) within a matter of two hours. :^)

Just mention that you've never even heard about the coronavirus in the video and you'll be good.

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