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Looks like you've never tried to submit a ticket to Google. They just don't answer, let alone apply any ethics to your case. You need a significant Twitter following to force even the simplest response out of them. There are countless horror stories floating around HN about not just individials', but entire companies' Google accounts disappearing overnight because of a mistake and at best being partially recovered only after literally thousands of people on Twitter made some noise and called up their Google connections.

Not sure it'll apply to all the cases, but I actually did submitted a ticket to Google Pay on support.google.com back in early 2019 and somebody in Google did replied and tried to fix the issue (So I can pay them, hehe).

But as I understand it, it is really risky if you host all your online assets in one company. So if you go back around on the topic, yeah, that 30% fee is probably really too much for company might not want to serve you.

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