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Show HN: Find info about the developers who post projects on Show HN (showhn-dashboard.netlify.app)
99 points by scastiel on Nov 26, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 23 comments

I think Hacker News needs to do more to highlight Show HNs. Lots of them just disappear without trace and with no-one commenting on them. So I like what you have done. It brings some much-needed attention to Show HN.

I tend to browse https://news.ycombinator.com/shownew at least a couple of times a week and it's always full of spam. Some comes from green-colored accounts (newly created), some - from accounts created few weeks ago, but with no activity, some just keep posting the same thing over and over again and also without any other comments or posts. Lots and lots of it. I'd say at least 50% of non-dead posts are that way.

Just a pinch of reality. It's really quite discouraging.

This. So much this.

I've posted projects several times and they have gone unnoticed until I posted them the 2nd or 3rd (or even Nth via friends) time.

Forums like this for hackers really need to give some additional ranking weight to "I put hard work and hacked together this" vs. the piles and piles of just links to news articles.

Maybe Show HN should just be a separate section on the front page itself; few people click into the other tabs (I don't).

I have run a little experiment. Published a Show HN. In the last 30 minutes, I have had around 37 visits via your app. And zero via Hacker News' Show HN page.

That’s an interesting result :)

My guess would be that more people look at front page and follow the links than those who go to /show

I agree! Exactly the reason why I developed this tool; Show HN is my favorite HN section ;)

You guys know about https://news.ycombinator.com/show, right?

It's linked in the tagline of OP's tool, so I guess they are aware of it. The benefit seems to be that it's decorated with some additional information like Github and Twitter accounts.

I wonder if there's a substantial number of users that visit /shownew or if votes on new Show HN posts come purely from /newest before the post qualifies for /show. Maybe putting a /shownew link in /newest could be a good idea. I didn't even notice /shownew existed until recently.

I am sure /shownew gets substantially less visits than /show. And /show does not get many. I wouldn't be surprised if the main way that Show HNs end up on the home page is because lots of the developer's friends give them upvotes.

Giving greater profile to /shownew is a good idea that I would get behind.

I wonder if there is any purpose statement of "Show HNs"? It's known as very poor place for getting feedback/audience/marketing whatever except for just "Show HNs" literally. I visit this tab regularly. While Launch HN (YC) projects are mostly like we are going to the moon vibe. That's very sensible though in here.

Hi, Sebastien here, maker of this small webapp!

I created it to find information about people who posted projects here on Show HN, to find their Twitter and GitHub accounts, etc. I needed it for another project, so hopefully it will be useful to other people as well :)

Oh and it is open source, you can find the source code on GitHub: https://github.com/scastiel/showhn-projects

Just as you did here most people who submit a Show HN give a short description of what they did in a comment. I think it would be a good addition to include the posters top level comments in the detailed view.

Good idea!

Perhaps rearrange account tags so that the HN acc info comes last. Every entry on your list has it, so it will arrange itself into a column across all entries.

Edit #1 - in fact, I'd drop media/github account names and format the account info in a table. [icon count] [icon count] [icon count]. If there's no, say, Twitter account, then show [icon -], both in gray. This will make the info easier to scan and digest.

Edit #2 - in the Filters popup, if I understand it correctly, one is expected to click on the label to enable a filter. I'd add at least an ":hover" state to labels then, because right now they do not look actionable at all. Also the popup jerks left-right when toggling the first filter. It's a minor thing, but still a bit annoying.

Good point!

Good work, thanks. I feel bad saying "why don't you" when I'm not willing to PR it myself but ... it would be really good if each "Show" had a permalink so you could send a link to someone and be sure they would find it (within https://showhn-dashboard.netlify.app/). Thanks again.

My Show HN projects aren't there. I'm not sure they ever appeared on https://news.ycombinator.com/show either. The HN FAQ says that all you have to do is prefix the title with Show HN but I think there's a bug that prevents some Show HN stories from being detected.

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21037167 certainly would have.

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19559444 might not have. All Show HNs go to /shownew, but there's a small points threshold before they make it to /show. This is in the FAQ: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html.

Ah, I didn't know about the points threshold, thanks!

Like the concept. I would like to see

- github stars - Email me option. Say once a week top 50 projects, sorted by points / github stars

Great ideas.

I would sign up for the newsletter in a heartbeat. I subscribe to many newsletters by Cooperpress (Javascript Weekly etc) and the weekly "best of js" rankings, and this would be a great complement to them.

Consider applying for YC's Spring batch! Applications are open till Feb 11.

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