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Miles ahead? This is problem with hackernews? Where is proof? How is Swift miles ahead than Rust? Before claiming anything please give us proof? Putting Arc everywhere doesn't make lang miles ahead.

Arc is a technical feature, not ergonomics.

Ergonomics is things like the optional handling syntax in Swift, or named arguments.

So just for three thing you claimed "Swift is miles ahead of Rust in terms of language usability and ergonomics." Wow. Now let me tell you Why Rust is miles ahead than Swift.

1. Swift abstract away lot of memory management by defaulting to thread safe reference counting. In Rust you are free to use stack, heap and wide range of other option. Rust has a freedom here. ARC is basically a garbage collection whatever apple say.

2. Rust pattern matching is novel. You can see match on csharp, php because its so good.

3. Rust is far better in concurrency world.

4. Cross Platform support is Meh in Swift. Its starting but its too far. If you are writing ios app or anything for mac yes swift is ahead.

But in other field Rust is far ahead. See the link for fair comparison. I have used various PL in my life time from c, c++ , java, swift , rust etc. And I am not biased towards rust. But simply saying swift is miles ahead is totally unfair to me.


He/She was talking about developer ergonomics. And in that particular sense, while i have programmed in Swift and Rust, i completely agree with him/her.

In your disagreement you are pointing out how you think Rust is more _advanced_ than Swift. But this goes into a tangential topic, that was not what the parent was pointing out.

In developer productivity and ergonomics Rust is not far away from C++, and Swift is more akin to Kotlin, C# and Java, but it feels a little better like Typescript or Dart.

I wonder, why, so many times, Rust folks (Why to get tied to a tech, i also don't get it) gets so hostile and arrogant about the language, and to be fair this is some of the reasons i keep a certain distance from it, and i can imagine that im not the only one.

> Rust folks (Why to get tied to a tech, i also don't get it) gets so hostile and arrogant about the language

It's honestly crossed over from being a meme (rewrite it in Rust) into becoming obnoxious. Obviously a small, vocal minority as always.

Or it might have something to do with academic appealing programming languages as Haskell also comes to mind where this was some sort of a ritual within its followers.

Arc is not garbage collection. They have completely different implementations and performance profiles.

They are both forms of automatic memory management but that is about it.

There is nothing novel about pattern matching in rust, swift has pattern matching too, and both languages inherited it from Ocaml, and the ml family of languages in general.

The only one there that is a usability or ergonomics feature I can see is possibly pattern matching. I'm not familiar with it in Rust, what does Rust offer in pattern matching that Swift doesn't?

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