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Show HN: Google Font preview images/thumbs
2 points by onassar on Nov 13, 2020 | hide | past | favorite
Hi all - We've been maintaining a (huge) collection of Google Font preview images/thumbs for a few years now.

It's open sourced here: https://github.com/getstencil/GoogleWebFonts-FontFamilyPreviewImages

The problem we ran into in our app, is that when someone wants to import a Google Font into our design tool, we wanted to show them an example of what that font looked like _before_ they imported it.

But we didn't want to load hundreds (or thousands) of Google Fonts directly into our app (for performance reasons). So we built a script that renders Google Fonts as images that we can then embed.

Hope this is useful to anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation whereby they want to show what a Google Font looks like, but not actually load it into memory.

For reference, our app is called Stencil (getstencil.com). Hope this is useful to someone else :)

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