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If I am reading the fields of this implementation of BSL correctly, it will be open-source software in 10 years, when it converts to Apache 2.0, but not today. Until then, the license does not comply with the open source definition due to field of use restrictions.

" Our intention is to deter cloud providers from offering our work as a service. For 99.999% of you, restrictions will not apply - welcome to our community!"

"For 99.999% of you, restrictions will not apply"

This is simply not true. The restriction applies to 100% of everyone using the software under the license.

If an alternative service provider can't legally host the service for me, I am restricted from selecting an alternative vendor if my needs converge from the available vendors offerings.

Further, it still isn't open source.

Yes, all of us are bound by the terms alike but I think everyone understands it was meant as commercial and non-commercial use for 99.999% of you will not trigger the respective clauses in the license. And the post title literally says "Redpanda is now Free & Source Available".

But there was at least one ancestor comment that said it was open source, and that is what I was replying to.

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