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My daughter's art class has her using Sketchup to create 3-D buildings. She put together an entire town.

School-supplied Chromebook + Google Classroom, no paper at all!

Do you understand the benefits of drawing by hand on paper? I think you are smart and educated. Please, do your research properly, if not for you for the benefit of your kid. There are tons of research on this subject.

That's a really weird response to my statement.

I have a wall covered floor to ceiling with paper and canvas of her art: oil, acrylics, watercolor, pencil, and probably some I'm forgetting. Don't worry about my daughter, she gets ten hours a week of private art instruction.

That's unrelated to her fifth-grade art class, though. During a pandemic, it seems wise that her school is mostly eschewing requiring paper, and especially not counting on every student's home having a printer.

Sorry. I read you comment wrongly. My fault.

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