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> if you implement something for me, you pay a hefty cost in time while my cost remains 0. So all the value produced goes to me, and you get very close to nothing.

I think this is the core of our disagreement. If someone makes a feature request, and I think it makes the project better overall and decide to implement it, I have benefited. I wrote the software because I wanted it to be good and useful, and they have helped me make it better and more useful.

If someone asks for a feature that only would benefit them, that's different, but I'm also not likely to implement it. Similarly, if I were getting a large number of unpleasant entitled requests, I might get grumpy, but having those requests come with payments attached wouldn't help my feelings much. I do this for fun in my spare time; I don't want it to be a job.

> If they are profiting off of the response and all you get is the work of answering, then no.

I disagree there as well. I'll answer if I feel like answering, and if they ask an interesting question then I'm happy to do that. It doesn't matter to me whether or not they make a profit from my response. I have several blog posts [1][2][3] where I would love it if someone would make a successful commercial product out of, since that would let more people use the tech, and if someone was working in this direction I would be happy to answer questions.

[1] https://www.jefftk.com/p/footboard-v3

[2] https://www.jefftk.com/bass-whistle

[3] https://www.jefftk.com/p/bucket-brigade-singing

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