I’ve been working for the last while on a weird project idea, of a text adventure that you play by navigating folders in your file browser. I wanted to see how far I could push the concept without having any runtime code for tracking state. In the end, I managed to have two decent levels with a bunch of rooms, a door with a key, a basic inventory, and even a "combat encounter". State is stored by just having an absolutely massive number of folders created, one for every permutation of variables (final count is 41,514 folders). I’d really like to hear some feedback, and if people are interested in a weird thing like this. There's a more complete writeup of how it works here: https://github.com/wheybags/DungeonsAndDirectories/blob/mast...
Sounds quite scary assuming it could „interact“ with your actual files on the hard drive. But that fits well to the idea of a Dungeon and makes it more exiting.