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> I learned more in the first six months ... around the 3-year mark, my learning curve had flattened entirely ... I stayed that extra year due to loyalty to my colleagues ...

>companies do what's best for their business, and you should not feel bad for doing the same.

These two quotes struck me hard. After I left school, I was appreciated at work, I felt great about myself, and I was learned a lot in the first 3 months. I stayed 3 months more to give back, 6 more months because they could not find someone to replace me, and then a year longer because I got promoted (more learning now?). I stayed another 4 years in the industry with much higher pay than all of my classmates ... but now I was not learning anything, just working, just filling someone else's ineptitude.

The work was not worth it! My education was. And not realizing that cost me dearly.

Never think the work you are doing is worth more than your own education. And never think the pay you are getting makes it a better job than a chance to learn a whole lot more.

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