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Accessibility would probably be the biggest difficulty that might be legally required through poorly interacting laws.

(Not to say that things shouldn't be accessible, but we've already seen good-will gestures ruined because of this case. Some university posts lectures online to be nice, forced to take them down because they aren't accessible.)

The federal government has a requirement by law (called Section 508) that requires agencies to provide people with disabilities equal access to electronic information and data. Agencies have teams whose sole job is to evaluate any software that is built or deployed meets accessibility standards.

If they're giving you money, you have the space and ability to do it. I don't see the problem here.

I think you're drastically overestimating how much money would be available per project and underestimating the cost of accessibility.

In theory, such a mandate can be adequately resourced and the institution providing the funding clearly has such funds.

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